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Planet ORD Mandell Released (New Areas)


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Funny that because despite making sure numerous times that the files were in the modules section they weren't. Thanks Redhawke, and awesome mod. I was considering downloading it but Warren the Quarren really swung my decision to download it.

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I like the mod but why did the lost one's robe have too look like Revan's robe, tbh I would have preferred a robe like the Qel Droma robes, because K1 has a tendency of making the long robes move and look like a dress and makes Revan look ridiculous.

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I like the mod but why did the lost one's robe have too look like Revan's robe, tbh I would have preferred a robe like the Qel Droma robes, because K1 has a tendency of making the long robes move and look like a dress and makes Revan look ridiculous.

I don't agree, but everyone having a differing opinion is what makes life interesting. ;)


FYI I used pre-existing appearances for the NPC's and items so as to make the mod use as few 2da files as possible, many things in the mod were dulled down because I wanted the mod to be as compatible as possible with other mods (obviously some things couldn't be avoided however).


Edit: GarfieldJL I have had to delete your below post, further discussion on your likes and dislikes of Revan's Robes looks will take this thread off-topic, this thread is about the ORD Mandell mod. Thanks.

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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for another awesome mod, Redhawke!!! I just played through on Medium difficulty with Talchia's Hardcore mod as well. OUCH. For the fights in this mod I actually had to use tactics and bait and run, a lot. :D Outstanding. Thank you:shades2:


I have a small problem compared to some of the others I've read on this thread.

The Bargwain (sp) Blades that I've picked up throughout the planet, for a total of 30 blades, say they are upgradeable. They also have the white blocks in the title. This seems to be a reocuring problem for me. The crystals from your Jawa store mod did the same thing. I can't access the blades on my workbench in the Ebon Hawk either. :confused:


Sorry for the spelling. :D:xp:

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Is it just me that is too stupid to find the correct link, or is the link to download version 1.2 dead?

The only link in RedHawke's first post working for me is the alternative link for v1.0 :(.

Anybody has a working link to download the newest version? I'd love to try out this mod!

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With all the "Your site is down!" PM's etc. it makes me wonder if people other than myself can actually see my sig?







I keed! ;)


But seriously... Yup, I know its gone folks.


With my move my site went bye-bye, my new ISP doesn't have any free web space associated with my account. I can complain to them that they suck and are slow/crappy, but that profits me nothing as high speed internet is pretty much a 'you have only one choice' thing where I am.


What does this mean? I don't know, I'll think of something when I get some free time.

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Is it just me that is too stupid to find the correct link, or is the link to download version 1.2 dead?

The only link in RedHawke's first post working for me is the alternative link for v1.0 :(.

Anybody has a working link to download the newest version? I'd love to try out this mod!


^Nope, I can't access it either. Looks like RedHawke's website is down. He normally swoops by every so often, and I'm sure he'll take note of this thread if/when he does.


If you can't wait, though, Bob, it's a very popular mod, so I'm sure someone will be able to set you up with v1.2. :)


Doh.. I keep forgetting that the alternate link is very specific... here ya go gang. I'll fix the original post as well and add the link. ;)


Ord Mandell v1.2 Download


RedHawke all of your mods that I've alt-hosted are still up.. but if there are any others that got left out, just let me know. It's not a problem for me to host them. I have unlimited space and bandwidth ;)

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RedHawke all of your mods that I've alt-hosted are still up.. but if there are any others that got left out, just let me know. It's not a problem for me to host them. I have unlimited space and bandwidth ;)


wait...you mean we can still get Redhawke's mods??!

do tell, I haven't been able to locate them on your site...

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