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Battlefront PC Patch 1.01 Thread (second official patch)


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From: http://support.lucasarts.com/patches/Battlefront.htm


English version: Download Now!


For PC: 1.01 Update


Patch Name: Battlefront1_01.exe


Platform: PC


Format: CD-ROM


Size: 2.72MB


Min. Requirements: N/A


Posted: 10/04


Installation: After downloading the update, double click on Battlefront1_01.exe to install. The installer will automatically search for the folder where you originally installed Star Wars Battlefront and install the update. If the update does not locate Star Wars Battlefront on your system, you may need to reinstall the game and then run the Battlefront1_01.exe.


This update for the game has been modified to correct the following:



Improves NAT negotiation for online games which may help improve multiplayer performance.



Minor fix to server browser screen.



Corrects an issue with connecting via GameSpy Arcade.



Corrects an issue with losing connection to the host after Task-Switching.



Added planet names at Planet Loading Screen.

File: Battlefront1_01.exe - English version (LucasArts FTP Site)


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Jeez, I'd wish they'd say what the fixed "issue" is, so you'd know whether it's worth installing it. (I'm thinking about points 2 and 3). It's not like there's only one issue they could possibly be talking about.


Not that I'm ungrateful... :-)

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(grumble) Yet I am, I've been kinda hoping they would add a Spec mode to the game, and fix that damn FPS cap. Why can't they code and release a big patch instead of these puny ones.


Who gives a #%$@ about NAT negotiation.


(hisssss) its just that the MP part of the game has been unplayable for me, and after plunking down 55 bucks, thats just painful :confused:

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Patch is limited to connectivity

I guess the figure they need to fix peoples ability to get into and stay in games before they start working on the gameplay issues.


I cant see the dif with the ingame browser, but you can use 3rd party browsers now (GSA, xfire, ASE)



Kind of a stark comparison though to the EA's release today of the 200MB BFV 1.2 Patch with new maps, vehicles, weapons, spectator mode, etc, etc,

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exactly, they had a spec mode (its how they took those planet vids for the site) yet they took it out. Its annoying cause my film is almost done, but im hung out at Battlefronts part. Pardon me while I let off a little steam now....







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Fixing 3rd pary connectivity is HUGE. This is great, though I agree the patch is meager. I still disconnected after a game. The "minor fix" to the server browser is in reference to the 1.00a fix.


It fixes 2 issues that most people didn't have trouble with and a third issue that was an outcry from the community that wasn't really needed after the first week or so. But nice to know they are listening to us.


Fixing 3rd party connectivity is huge. I will test that now... yep, I was able to connect to one of my favorite servers. Unfortunately, it was empty because no one joins servers that are low on the list.

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1.01 Patch released. Few minor fixes. Provides hope for fixes. Fixes 3rd party connectivity issue.




This update for the game has been modified to correct the following:


  • Fixes 3rd Party Connectivity - HUGE. Can now connect via ASE, XFire, etc.
  • Corrects an issue with connecting via GameSpy Arcade.
  • Corrects an issue with losing connection to the host after Task-Switching.
  • Added planet names at Planet Loading Screen.

Things that are still not fixed: balance issues, disc from server with map switch, FPS lock in MP, improved server browser, minor bugs.

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Ok folks, we've gotten two, albeit small, but two patches nonetheless, and we're not even a month past the release.


The dev team is not intending to leave this game stranded, and is letting us know this by releasing these minor patches. The major patch will come sooner or later...but many of you are taking the stance that these patches to fix the little stuff should just be thrown back in Pandemic's face - FOR SHAME. If they DIDN'T, you guys would griping that they haven't fixed ANYTHING.


I consider these patches to be somewhat of a down payment here, just a reassurance that the issues are being addressed...that's all we can ask for at this point. There's no way they can get all the major issues patched out in so little time, and those ARE being worked on. Why can't they release patches for the lesser issues in the meantime?

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for shame to the appologists who seem to think its acceptable to sell people a defective product based on the hope it will work as advertised 'eventually'


they are still fixing **** that should never be in a modern game...and there are still many things left in the game that dont belong in a modern vid game

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I love this game however i feel that if the devs don't provide updates on a weekly basis or post some sort of confirmation on what the next patch will fix, this game will lose popularity very soon. I don't think they want that to happen so soon after release when they are going to release editing tools and fix all the game's problems. I know that they are working to appease all the PC gamers out there and working on releasing tools so that we can add our own stuff as well but those who aren't as patient and can switch back to 1942 and vietnam will if they don't get something to sustain them. That's the truth here guys, straight up. The boards are filled with server admins who are either threatening to shut down or have already shut down their dedicated servers, and in most cases they don't come back.

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Straight up i've haven't played the PC version, so i don't have much say, but the xbox version is good.


Give this game another couple months, they'll work out a lot more of the bugs and and have full installion patch, instead of these minor 2mg ones.

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for shame to the appologists who seem to think its acceptable to sell people a defective product based on the hope it will work as advertised 'eventually'


they are still fixing **** that should never be in a modern game...and there are still many things left in the game that dont belong in a modern vid game

I largely agree but the only major bug still left in the game is losing connectivity during server switching. The server browser still needs fixing but it was workable in its first iteration. I hope they come up with something soon.


As for admin controls, not sure what they're doing with that but something is coming.


This game is really in version 1.00b and a realistic 1.01 is just around the corner. I give it another 2 weeks. By then server browser and connectivity should be fixed or improved to a large extent.


That all said, I don't play the game much and don't really expect to till the server browser and connection issues get fixed. Just too frustrating to get on a server and stay there and keep the fun going for hours, unlike games like CounterStrike.

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my point was beyond the fact that there are still bugs in the game, that is bad enough. But the multiplayer graphics, ingame browser lack of RCon and other fundamental designs of this game are just unaccaptable for a game released in 2004. Then you have the balance issues, the mod issues and all the other things that you would come to expect from a game that is trying to be like Battlefield.


Lets face it...they talked this game up in pregame interviews and gave us the impression it was going to be a real PC game on par with Battlefield, UT2004, COD and other PC games and it is not (and may never be). I really wanted to love this game, some day I might, but I dont excuse Pandemic and LEC for putting out a game that is far from finished.

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My best advide, Tyrant, uninstall BF, then move onto another game for the time being. I mean really there's no point in going on further about the issues the game already has, they know what the problems are and hopefully are in fact working on them. The question is, when are we going to see those fixes, if they even get fixed?


I felt the same way about JA except they never gave a hoot as to what i had to say about certain things i hated, a first person view, above everything else, which was never properly implemented with the single player game. They released i think 2 patches within the span of a year or so. Pandemic has released 2 patches within 3 weeks which is unheard of in any Luca$art$ game to date. So in those regards i am happy that Pandemic is at least trying to address issues with the game. I just wish they could give us a clue as to what they are currently fixing and give us updates once a week or so as to keep people from totally abandoning the game which, unfortunately is happening as we speak.


Truly the only way to really be heard is to email the devs or go onto a board in which they actually visit and respond. I know that some have perused this board and have responded generously to questions about the game before release. It does seem that the overly negative tone of these forums has scared them off.

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My point is that I excuse Pandemic. They're making their best effort to get this game in the polished state that it should be in. I will concede the point and I have made the point in the past that this game was released unfinished. I don't think it's entirely Pandemic's fault. I really think that the fact that we have a buggy, unfinished game on our hands is the fact that Lucas's marketing department wanted this game to be on the shelves at the same time that the trilogy hit. This obviously didn't give them enough time to even do a small private internet beta.


I think we have a right to be a bit angry because we shelled out good money for a beta...they're going to patch it, so that pretty much absolves Pandemic in my mind. If you really need someone to blame, blame Darth Lucas.

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Originally posted by [RNGD]Tyrant

my point was beyond the fact that there are still bugs in the game, that is bad enough. But the multiplayer graphics, ingame browser lack of RCon and other fundamental designs of this game are just unaccaptable for a game released in 2004. Then you have the balance issues, the mod issues and all the other things that you would come to expect from a game that is trying to be like Battlefield.


Lets face it...they talked this game up in pregame interviews and gave us the impression it was going to be a real PC game on par with Battlefield, UT2004, COD and other PC games and it is not (and may never be). I really wanted to love this game, some day I might, but I dont excuse Pandemic and LEC for putting out a game that is far from finished.


Stop your whining These nice people have given us a game we've waited for for a long ass time and you're not even grateful? Makes me sick.

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