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Possible KOTOR2 Boxart


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Originally posted by LukeKatarn

I liked Malak. They did make him to srong though... I HAD TROUBLE BEATING HIM ON EASY MODE!


?? First time i played trough the game i had easy mode on.

When i came to malak, i hit im once, he ran over to get healed, and when he was healed kinda 5 five times i couldnt kill him in one hit anymore...and so on.

He was way to easy, especially the way you can

Destroy the captured jedis with the force.


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Originally posted by LukeKatarn

He doesn't look like Gollumn exept for the fact that he is Grey. Does Gollumn have patches all over him? No.




Let's see. Very crappy grey skin, freaky eyes, baldness(almost), odd voice, pink tutu... oh wait. :p


Never mind. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Emperor Devon

Who's the sith fighting Atris?


One of Darth Sion's sith assassins. They resemble ninjas, and are in most of the outgoing screenshots from KotOR 2 these days. I believe they are the new "Dark Jedi" (replacing the reborn-ish model), but I may be wrong.






Edit: Either that or its a Cultist from JA. :p

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Originally posted by RedHawke


I hope they have less Reborn's in KOTOR:TSL than they did in KOTOR. Way too many Sith in jammies for me! :D


They're not called reborns, they're dark jedi. I thought they did a good job on them.


Originally posted by CaptainSkye


One of Darth Sion's sith assassins. They resemble ninjas, and are in most of the outgoing screenshots from KotOR 2 these days. I believe they are the new "Dark Jedi" (replacing the reborn-ish model), but I may be wrong.


It's not the new dark jedi. In the trailer, you see one of the original ones.

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

They're not called reborns, they're dark jedi. I thought they did a good job on them.

If you've ever played Jedi Outcast, you'd know what RedHawke was alluding to.


If you haven't the "dark jedi" are almost identical, save the mask.


Way too many Sith in jammies for me!


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