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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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The addtional line (something like "You did not kill me") was hard to hear, I do not know if it was the volume of the sound, or if the previous line was overlapping it but I had a hard time hearing what she said :/

Yeah, the low volume is intentional ;) The statement "I did not wish to kill you, so they cast me down" was what I'm wanting to get across.. then she goes into her 'normal' "They cast me down.." blah blah..


I'm surprised that OE didn't use this line.. it seems to give Kreia a bit of "tenderness or humanity" so to speak.. but anywho...


Here's an update (3.5mb):



It's bigger, but my conversion to .wmv (ugghh) seems to have buggered it a little.. it may play better at 50% view rather than the full view.. but in any case.. enjoy!

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Also I noticed Nihilus' shadow seemed off like it wasn't a full shadow for his model.
Yah.. the shadow they used for Nihilus I believe is actually Malak's.. short of doing some 3-D plane editing, or cloning footage from the original .bik movie (if it's a different shadow)... it'll probably remain that way since it's only up there for a couple of seconds...

is kreia a reskin or a whole new model
a whole new model & skin thanks to oldflash :D

one question: that script will be public?
Which script? Not sure.. but if I used it in the mod, the source(s) will definitely be available for anyone :) The final "release" version will be a pre-compiled .bik movie since it's alot easier to overwrite one in-game movie file rather than have to worry if scripts will be compatible, if utps load correctly, or if module files will play nice ;)


If you mean the sources I used to make the movie.. I can indeed make them available for those who want it.. though it's really all thanks to stoffe for showing us how to load the 907mal cutscene movie. Using those files, I was able to manipulate (temporarily) certain .utc, models, etc to get the results I wanted. Captured the scene using Fraps, then went into my editing software and started messing.

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...If you mean the sources I used to make the movie.. I can indeed make them available for those who want it.. though it's really all thanks to stoffe for showing us how to load the 907mal cutscene movie. Using those files, I was able to manipulate (temporarily) certain .utc, models, etc to get the results I wanted. Captured the scene using Fraps, then went into my editing software and started messing.

Yep, that script. I will take a look on this and if I have problems I will ask for help. Thanks. Is good to know that is possible to make a HQ movie with this scene.

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Hmmmmm... this looks fun, but some of the robes (IIRC the Norris ones) are supposed to have patterns...

Oh, and wasn't Kreia supposed to once be a historian like Atris? It would be a nice thing to add another item, something like her old robes that have Ansatu patterns... and if you believe Kreia is Arren Kae you can theme them after the Handmaiden robes.

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Hmmmmm... this looks fun, but some of the robes (IIRC the Norris ones) are supposed to have patterns...
The only robes that have a pattern by default (meaning the game's true skins) are the Matukai Robes which have the light green pin stripes. By general consensus reading the forums, it seems very few people actually like that pattern so I left them out of Kreia's version (which looked even more ghastly on her).. ;)

I will however release my templates for her skins as a seperate download once I'm done with the mod so users can tweak the skins to their own liking :)

Oh, and wasn't Kreia supposed to once be a historian like Atris? It would be a nice thing to add another item, something like her old robes that have Ansatu patterns...
I had thought about that.. but seeing as I'm about 85% done with this mod, in the "incorportaing it into the game" phase.. I'm really not keen on going back and having to create a new robe model. A re-skin of Kreia's robe wouldn't do it justice as the Historian's robe is definitely a unique look and if I were to make it part of the mod, I would want to keep it consistent with what we've been introduced to in the game (and the movies). The Dark Shroud is the last garment of Kreia's that I think holds a closer bond with what she has become now, having fallen (or exiled rather) from Sith Lord status. Seeing as Kreia still has remnants of that past (as we find out later in the game)... this route was the one I stuck with.


Don't get me wrong though, I think it would be a great idea, especially for a seperate mod if someone feels inclined to go about making it ;) If anyone can get it made before I release the mod, I can even make mine compatible with it, incorporate it inot this mod or help out with the "how to make it" part of this mod :)

and if you believe Kreia is Arren Kae you can theme them after the Handmaiden robes.
I'm not going to support "theories".. while the entire Arren Kae conspiracy theory is in debate.. it's one I personally don't support. Until LA proves me wrong, I'm sticking to my guns (so to say).. hehehe... :devsmoke:


These are all great ideas though Meatbag and Thank You for posting them. If I don't follow up on them, they would make great mods on their own behalf. I would be inclined to help out as well, to the best of my ability, if anyone decided to pursue them (once my mod is done that is.. hehehe.. Master Kavar is probably getting impatient with me as it is ;) )...

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Damn straight, get back to work you! :stick:


I for one actually am in support of the entire Kreia being Arren Kae theory and had considered making Handmaiden's robes as part of the mod request, but eventually decided against it. My original "vision" of this mod was just a little something extra to make Kreia more playable without changing the game too much.


Not to say I would mind having white robes for Kreia, and like Chainz said if somebody wanted to contribute one I'd like to see it in the mod too. Won't be me though, I already gave editing Kreia's texture a try, the whole thing is a horrible confusing mess. :headblast

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Damn straight, get back to work you!

LOL! :lol:


err.. I mean "Yes Sir!.. Right Away Sir!" :D




As a follow up, I'm almost done (85%) of getting these items in game for the Dark Shroud, however without it taking even longer, it has become somewhat of a scavenger hunt for "components" rather than a boneified side quest with missions, NPC's (well not hordes of them anyways) and what-not.


Since the robe's stats won't be "all that" I decided against making players run through hoops then finally getting the robe and have you curse me as to going through all that trouble 'just for this' ;) hehehe..


There is enough however to keep you busy with a few new things to look at and interact with, plus I will say you'll need to visit more than one planet in order to get this particular robe :devsmoke:


After I get that done, I want to re-touch the .bik movie to make sure everything runs fine then all should be well. I'm "guessing" perhaps 1-2 weeks and I'll have a finished product for everyone... (cross your fingers) :)

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Dangerously close to being done peepz! :D


So here's another little tidbit to keep you tided over ;)


A NEW place to "play"


I won't go into details.. you'll have to play the mod to see what it has to do with anything, but it's something I thought would add a little extra to the game. Plus there's a little more to it than just what the pics show :devsmoke:

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Dangerously close to being done peepz! :D


So here's another little tidbit to keep you tided over ;)


A NEW place to "play"


I won't go into details.. you'll have to play the mod to see what it has to do with anything, but it's something I thought would add a little extra to the game. Plus there's a little more to it than just what the pics show :devsmoke:

Without getting into details, that was that section you inquired about? You didn't touch that other room right? :)


I love what you have done with the place. A splach of paint and color. :)

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:drop2: Is that really a new area to explore? When I first suggested this mod idea I never expected all this. Good show Chaniz, I knew you were holding something back. I'm all ready to start a brand new game when the mod is done. :)


I know by now I've said this a dozen times, but once again I thank you for turning my idea into a mod. I'm grateful for the long hours of scripting, texturing, and hair pulling you must've gone through, and it was well worth the wait.

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Without getting into details, that was that section you inquired about? You didn't touch that other room right? :)


I love what you have done with the place. A splach of paint and color. :)


You are correct sir :) Check your PM's for more detail ;)


@Master Kavar, I should be the one thanking you. I was in a "rut" and this is exactly what I needed in order to get back into the scheme of things :D


It's not a whole lot of area, but it is new and contains some nice little quirks for the players (I hope).. but I'm glad you're liking the progress.


As I said, I'm really close to being done with this... plus I'm on vacation, so I got's lots of time to be working on this :emodanc: Just a little longer and I promise you'll be able to start that new game .. hehehe


Also, just as a FYI, for those that don't want to start a new game, I've worked hard on this mod so that it will interact seamlessly with a game that is already in progress... no need to worry if you've "already been there and triggered that". The only thing that It might cause you to do is travel back to a planet you may have already been to. Kreia's robes (color swapping) will take immediate effect.. so for those not wanting the Dark Shroud.. then you shouldn't be affected in any way :)

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K Gals -n- Pals,


We're tip-toeing on the edge of the diving board and taking a deep breath before the final ker-splash :D


I just now finished up on:

  • all the minor/major scripts necessary for the mod (except for the TSLPatcher portion)
  • I've completed an entirely new dialogue exchange between Kreia & the PC. Complete with a mini-cutscene intro :D
  • Did some finishing touches on the new area in Citadel 082 West Residential (204TEL)
  • Did a "creative" object(s) placement for Korriban (minor, but I like it) ;)
  • Finished up the stats for the Dark Shroud
  • Went through and implemented in-game backstories for the mech hand elements to explain how Kreia gets this newfound ability to fight dual handed wearing the Shroud.
  • NEW: With permission, I incorporated tk102's "Remote Tells Your Influence" Mod. The Remote plays a key part to the Dark Shroud, so as an added bonus.. you get tk's uber-kewl mod as well ;)
  • and finally, did finishing touches on all of Kreia's robes (all 17 of them)


the last "obstacle" I need to deal with is producing a good quality .bik movie without going overboard on the download figures. While it's going to be an optional download, I want to release the 2 in tandem and my current movie approaches the same file size as the high-res "patch" version of TSL. Though mine looks better.. neener neener ;) hehehe... Still, I gotta cut it down.


After I finalize the .bik (my to-do thing tomorrow).. I'll be gathering up all the elements for the final TSLPatcher Installer program. Cross your fingers cause I've never implemented the compiling feature, and well.. we all know my history with scripting or anything near relating to it :xp: heheheh...


Anywho.. uncompressed and without the .bik movie runs at about 45.3mb :eek: I know .rar'ing it though will knock that down substantially.. but I wanted to give you a heads up.


No promises, but I'm aiming for a weekend release if the rendering goes well tomorrow (today.. actually, yikes!)

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May I recomend Chainz.2da when you "RAR" the archive. Instead of right-clicking and choosing the archive as myrar.rar choose the option that is just create an archive. It should give you a gui interface letting you select different archiving methods. The default winrar setting for compression is "Normal" on the drop down menu. If you change that to best and checkmark the solid archive checkbox. You will be able to get the archive at almost one half the size of default archiving. I know because I got the Holowan Plugin from a 280MB rar down to that 160MB rar that is currently available for download.

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I can't wait for this mod to be released. This should be a great one. :)

Well far be it from me to keep ya' waiting bro ;)


^^^ DONE! Grab it here:



I tested it with your mod and everything seems to be working out great.. (and nice changes BTW :thumbsup: ) You'll be amazed at how well they blend together :D




Well, everyone as you may have guessed, it's out! Go grab a copy and tell me how bad it sucks :lol:


As for the cutscene, I was going to wait until later today, but since I'm here I might as well go for it ;)


I've rain into a snag :fist: Apparently the reason why I'm getting such sucky results is that these movies are rendered out in 1600x1200 baseline.


While my monitors can handle it, the capture doesn't (using Fraps). I could try it the way I do my normal editing and output it to my DVCPro Deck.. record.. then re-capture back into my system. Tweak the editing .. blah blah But that's just overkill for a cutscene that really doesn't change that much. Plus, it means starting back at square one :headbump


However, I have been messing with the existing high-res dialogue driven version and have come up with a pretty decent rendition of it. I tweaked some of the source scripts that stoffe had provided and I've gotten the movie to run pretty smoothly. I've also managed to create an FX track to mimick the sounds that the .bik movie had... The only downfall is that it loses that "dreamy" feeling and applying the clairovoyance effect to the scenes made the system stall just at the moment that Sion is about to introduce Kreia to his fist & knee :confused:


If that doesn't bother people, I can go ahead and pursue that route as I've gotten about 85% of it done already. One major benefit is that it is tremendously smaller in file size (since the rendered scenes are already on your system).


Let me know, but until then, I hope you enjoy the primary mod :D

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  • 4 months later...

eegadz, I thought I had posted something and my mind went blank :xp:


Not really :( My comp got a "memory wipe" a few weeks ago and I just now re-installed the original KotOR... (I'm a slacker)


I *think* I still have a working in-game cutscene/dlg version made, but the .bik version just didn't want to play right. The dlg/cutscene worked great, but I'll have to double-check to see if I can find my audio mix I made for it...


I can dig around my files to see if I can find it.. though I'll have to test it, which means re-installing TSL.. blah blah.. so I can't really give a timeline for it...

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