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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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It was this picture.

Wow! I'll take the body model in pic #4 and #3! That one looks so cool! I really like Kreias too, but that other one is perfect for a DS Exile! :D


When you are finished with them of course! ;)


Very nice oldflash! You never cease to astound me with your work! :thumbsup:


Oh yeah... and good luck with this Mod ChAiNz I so do want Kreia to have some new looks! :)

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It was this picture. Also I have started to work on Talia model to remove face and make adjustments for kreya's head.

ahhh... ok, that's what I thought but I wanted to be sure ;)


I've got some .2da and scripting I've got to test out.. so once I have that working it shouldn't be too long for some results :D I'll look over the model you sent and start working in all the details..


The skinning is coming along, but man there's alot of them and Kreia's "real estate" sucks :xp: Still, it's getting there ;) hehehe..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yeah... I guess you'd like updates eh? ;)


Well, I just finished up all the Robe Skins (minus the uniform.. it's sorta coming along). I've added the appearance.2da settings, the globalcat.2da, the models (containg the proper skin).. blah blah...


Now, the scripting part... DUM DUM DUM! yah.. as expected (the usual case) I'm still clueless ;)


I've updated the script that stoffe graciously provided with my settings (for testing):

void ST_UpdateKreiaRobe() {
   if (!IsObjectPartyMember(OBJECT_SELF))

   object oRobe = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY);

   if (GetIsObjectValid(oRobe)) {
       int nType = GetBaseItemType(oRobe);

       if ((nType == 35) || (nType == 36) || (nType == 37) || (nType == 103)) {
           // Don't forget to add new global to globalcat.2da...
           string sLast = GetGlobalString("ST_KREIA_ROBE");
           string sCurr = GetTag(oRobe);

           if (sLast != sCurr) {
               SetGlobalString("ST_KREIA_ROBE", sCurr);

               // Standard appearance if no special should be used.
               nType = 627;

               // List of robes that should use special appearance.
                    if (sCurr == "a_robe_02")  nType = 701; /* Padawan Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_03")  nType = 702; /* Dark Padawan Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_04")  nType = 703; /* Baran Do Novice Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_05")  nType = 704; /* Matukai Apprentice Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_08")  nType = 705; /* Jedi Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_09")  nType = 706; /* Dark Jedi Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_10")  nType = 707; /* Norris Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_12")  nType = 708; /* Grey Jedi Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_13")  nType = 709; /* Jedi Knight Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_14")  nType = 710; /* Dark Jedi Knight Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_15")  nType = 711; /* Matukai Adept Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_17")  nType = 712; /* Jedi Master Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_18")  nType = 713; /* Dark Jedi Master Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_19")  nType = 714; /* Baran Do Sage Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_21")  nType = 715; /* Ossus Keeper Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_27")  nType = 716; /* Jolee Robe */
               else if (sCurr == "mineruniform")  [color=lime]nType = 627; // this value will change once I get the skin done [/color]

               // If should use standard appearance, keep hand on Peragus & Harbinger 
               if (nType == 627) {
                   int iMod = StringToInt(GetStringLeft(GetModuleFileName(), 3));
                   if ((iMod > 7) && (iMod < 200))
                       nType = 455;

               ChangeObjectAppearance(OBJECT_SELF, nType);


However though I know I need to attach this to the heartbeat script.. I never got around to asking "How" to attach it :o


Yah, I searched the forums, opened up several .nss sources on what "looked" like I'd need.. and well, what's left of my mind pretty much said "see'ya"... :xp:






Plus all the include files I've seen mentioned in different threads. Needless to say, I can't make heads or tails on what I'm supposed to be looking for... :(


So... any of you scriptiong gurus got some advice/direction (doesn't have to be a step-by-step deal) Just need to few helpful nudges (or shoves) in the right direction ;)


Trust me, I'm not beyond begging if I don't wind up figuring this out.. hehehe..



I'd like to test this trick out first before providing screenshots.. otherwise I have to do the "longway" version of baseitem and .uti creations (or model swapping) just for a couple of shots.. and I'd rather be spending my time on the actual mod parts itself rather than unnecessary stuff just for show & tell ;)


Doing this I can kill 2 birds with one stone.. a) test the script b) provide screenies of these robes...


Once I know everything works.. I'll then be dissecting the mod once more to get it ready for the TSL Patcher installation (and re-writing the script for the Patcher's new function)... but that's later down the road.. I need to see if this works first.




Also, since I now have a working Master Kreia UV.. I can skin these things pretty quick. SO... how many of you are interested in a 2nd version using svösh's color scheme for his robe/collar fix?


Right now my skins are using the game's original color schemes for Kreia's robe types.. but making a 2nd version using svösh's colors wouldn't be that much of a chore (assuming I can get this one to work.. hehehe)...


Anywhoo... heartbeat help pleeeeaase.. I "r" script-tard® :nut:


EDIT: fixed the script I accidentally goofed on. Details later in the thread ;)

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However though I know I need to attach this to the heartbeat script.. I never got around to asking "How" to attach it :o


Yah, I searched the forums, opened up several .nss sources on what "looked" like I'd need.. and well, what's left of my mind pretty much said "see'ya"... :xp:


The easiest way is probably to add it to Kreia's user-defined heartbeat in the k_oei_hench_inc.nss include file. You'll need to activate her custom heartbeats in the DoKreiaSpawnIn() function, and then add a call to the function in the DoKreiaUserDef() function.


I have uploaded an example k_oei_hench_inc.nss file here that you can have a look at. Search for your forum name and you should find the relevant parts.


Since k_oei_hench_inc.nss is an include file you won't compile it directly though. Instead, you have to recompile the scripts k_oei_spawn.nss and k_oei_userdef.nss and place the resulting NCS files in override.


In order to compile you will need to extract the include files that are included in the k_oei_hench_inc.nss file: k_inc_utility.nss (some utility functions) and k_inc_generic.nss (main creature AI) and it's includes k_inc_gensupport.nss, k_inc_walkways.nss and k_inc_drop.nss. You should find them all in scripts.bif (or, if you use any mods that modify any of those files you can use the source files that came with those mods).

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oh wow... Thank You very much stoffe! (again.. hehehe) Don't be surprised to see your name co-opped with the mod ;) Hell, you've pretty much created half of it :xp:


I looked over your source and I definitely have to say that I would've never figured out where to put all those entries.. you're a lifesaver :)


Another question (no, not a I need a script one.. hehehe) since it requires compiling a Kreia DoKreiaSpawnIn()... is it safe to assume that this mod will need to be used on a new game? Or since it's in her heartbeat, would it take "effect" in the next game round? Or am I just confusing the DoKreiaSpawnIn() function with something entirely different (more likely the case). Basically, I saw the word "spawn" so was just wanting to make sure if it was referring to the overall game, or just spawning within a module to module transition/ join party/ etc. type thing ;)


I'm assuming a "new" game would be in order just so that the spawn script initiates the proper heartbeat.. but we all know I'm pretty much lost when it comes to the finer details of scripting.


I have no problem with this whatsoever (having to start a new game), but it'd probably be a good thing to know for the readme.txt file.


Again, Thank You so much for all the time you've invested in my dilemmas.. I really appreciate it :)

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Another question (no, not a I need a script one.. hehehe) since it requires compiling a Kreia DoKreiaSpawnIn()... is it safe to assume that this mod will need to be used on a new game? Or since it's in her heartbeat, would it take "effect" in the next game round? Or am I just confusing the DoKreiaSpawnIn() function with something entirely different (more likely the case). Basically, I saw the word "spawn" so was just wanting to make sure if it was referring to the overall game, or just spawning within a module to module transition/ join party/ etc. type thing ;)


DoKreiaSpawnIn() is a function defined in the k_oei_hench_inc.nss include file, but it is called in the k_oei_spawn script. So, it should be enough to recompile k_oei_spawn.nss with the modfied k_oei_hench_inc.nss include file, and put the resulting k_oei_spawn.ncs file in override.


Kreia's template should already have k_oei_spawn assigned in her OnSpawn event script slot by default, so it should be set in the Kreia object in your savegame already. And since scripts themselves are static resources that aren't saved in the savegame, this should mean that they should take effect immediately in your current save game. (If the script wasn't already set in her event script slot though, you'd either have to start over or spawn a new instance from the template, or edit the savegame.)


Or, rather, it should take effect as soon as you remove Kreia from the active (3 person) party and then re-add her. Unless I remember incorrectly the spawn script is run when a NPC is spawned into the world from the party table.

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Houston, we have a ......









Success! :D


When I first started testing.. Kreia's robes we're all screwed up.. and I was about to give up hope of trying to figure this out.. however, after reviewing the script and messing around with things.. I realized that in my haste.. I had submitted an error in my "revised" version :o


else if (sCurr == "a_robe_10") nType = 707;

else if (sCurr == "a_robe_10") nType = 708;


I had mistakenly entered "a_robe10" twice which caused a chain reaction of mis-associated appearances in my appearance.2da... (since the numbering of the robes afterwards were off by 1 number up until the Ossus Keeper Robe (a_robe21)...


So thanks to stoffe's instructions posted earlier today.. I was able to go back, change the necessary lines, recompiled the scripts.. and you'll be happy to know stoffe that your script works like a charm! And you were right.. there is NO need to start a new game for the effects to work! w00t! :thumbsup:


Also, since usually when you're switching robes on a character, it's done outside of combat... the longest I ever had to wait for the robe appearance to change was maybe 1 second :emodanc:


I'll post screenies here in the next few day(s).. as it seems Kreia has an odd lighting, shader or something... everything has a yellowish tint added to it, so my whites are turning out yellow in the game.. and my blacks look more like a dark forest green :fist:


If anyone can think of an "easier" way than me playing the colors game with 16 different skins (such as a different shader or envmap texture to assign) I'd really appreciate it.. but in any case I should have some results for you to see very soon :)

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I'll post screenies here in the next few day(s).. as it seems Kreia has an odd lighting, shader or something... everything has a yellowish tint added to it, so my whites are turning out yellow in the game.. and my blacks look more like a dark forest green :fist:


I'm not sure what you could do about the whites turning out yellow, but an easier way to handle the Dark Jedi Master Robe would be to take Kreia's default DS model without the grey skin.


Having just begun learning to mod myself, I feel your frustration, only what you're doing is ten times more complex than my problems. I appreciate your efforts more than ever now. @_@

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You may want to check out this thread for more info on Kreia's shader effects, including a way of fixing the model so it displays the skin correctly.
Well... duh... :headbump


I even participated in that thread :fist: DOH!


Thanks for the reminder Joff1981..(and T7nowhere ;) ).. I can't believe I totally forgot about that model shader problem. Figures... I even have the "fixed" model version but assigned the skins to the wrong model(s) :rolleyes: Guess it's back to MDLops Renamer for me.. woooo...


I really need to stop eating paint chips... :nut: hehehe...

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I have the reshaded model laying around if you need it. I keep meaning to put it up on PCGM's but I've been pretty wrapped up in another project :(
That's kewl man.. I have a model I reshaded (after reading that thread.. then obviously forgetting about it again.. hehehe)..


But yours might be better ;) If you want bro, any assistance is greatly appreciated. Far be it from me to turn down a model, and as always, you'll be fully credited :D

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Progress! :D


First off, everyone (including myself) should give Achilles a big Thank You! Thank you bro!


Thanks to his fixed-shader Kreia model (his was better than mine.. hehehe) we now have proper colored robes & skin tone :emodanc:


I'd also like to Thank Master svösh for telling us how to fix the darn thing in the first place.. hehehe You are truly a Master and a Mentor...


I still have a bit of tweaking to do... Plus I need to get the Miner Uniform version done.. AND a few bonus Robe(s) & items (oooo secret stuff) ;)... but I thought you'd like to actually see some of them rather than thinking I'm making all of this up :xp:



Again, a few touch-ups need to be done.. but this is very close to what they will be like in the game...


Thanks to stoffe, these robes will automatically switch when you equip Kreia with any of the in-game robes (depending on which style)... there is about a 1 second "transition" before the appearance takes affect.. but it's a small price to pay for "auto" equipping ;)


Stay tuned for more to come.. (afterall, I did say there was some "other" secret stuff).. hehehe


And as always, feedback & suggestions are welcome :)



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Whoa~! Those look really great ChAiNz.2da! I'm really excited to see the final product now, this has turned out even better than I hoped. Thank you for all your time and effort on this project, and just like T7 said this mod will get a permanent spot in my override folder, and I'll be starting a brand new game to enjoy it. =)


The Matukeia Master robe looks especially slick, green just suits her I think. And I can't wait to see what kind of bonuses you have in store...barring some kind of hideous Kreia in a dancers outfit easter egg...x_x

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