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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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Sweet, a thread of my own. To quote Stimpy....Joooooyyy....


OKie guys and gals, for my first post to this (there will be many more to come) I guess I'll catch everyone up on one of my projects in progress.


Some of you may know I've been working on some re- 'sKiNz' of svösh's Bastila Robes and Juhani's Sanctuary Threads (with permission of course).


Juhani's progress is slow, I've run into some snags that will take me a pixel to pixel fix...so I'm holding off on screenies for a bit...but


Bastila is mostly done! I've been re-touching her all day today ...err... her PIC all day ;) , taking breaks in between the little costumed beggars. My first attempts were rather 'revealing' so I've toned it down a bit (bit being the keyword)...I've also re-toned some of the flesh tones, fiddled with alpha channels, re-textured parts of her back shirt and added a "stirrup"? down the leg joing the boots to her hips.


Unfortunately because her envmap has to be changed to CM_Baremetal (transparency probs, another thread in itself) her skin has a slight 'sheen'. Not too disturbing, but you can tell. She wears hose OK?!? :rolleyes:


Check'em out! and please feel free to give feedback, critiques, suggestions...even a "these rub" (but I'm not going to take it seriously unless you suggest something to "un-rub" them)...


Each pic is apx 80kb. I tried to keep the size down without too much sacrificing of quality (the 1024x768's are amazing if I do say so myself, of course they're 2.25megs each :eek: )...


::EDIT:: (removed screenshot links) 1-16-05


p.s. the "re-sKiNz" term was ALL svösh...I'm blatantly 'stealing' the term ;)


Also, without using svösh's original skins for a base...these wouldn't have been half as good. Thanks svösh!

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Very nice ChAiNz, i like what you’ve done with them ;)


For the alpha on Bastila , I used path’s stroked at 2 or 3 pixels on it’s own layer then I ctrl clicked the target layer thumbnail, and it was a matter of painting in the selection with paint bucket fill on a new alpha.


Juhani’s model is a bit tougher, because the way the uv map was laid out, there are fingers and other bits all over the texture map I suggest you check out this thread http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=134510


Scroll down to this post

This is both 3dmodeling and Photoshop related and it is very very handy ;)


Not only will it prevent having to load the game 50 times to see your work, progress but you can rotate around any angle and see what is not playing fair ;) on the skin.

With the unwrapped uv map set to overlay on your texture in ps you work just on the outer edge [ bufferzone ] of the lines of the uv’s for the model, I guaranty it will cut your skinning time in half if not more.


Keep up the great work :)



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Originally posted by svösh

Very nice ChAiNz, i like what you’ve done with them ;)


For the alpha on Bastila , I used path’s stroked at 2 or 3 pixels on it’s own layer then I ctrl clicked the target layer thumbnail, and it was a matter of painting in the selection with paint bucket fill on a new alpha.

Yeah, I noticed ;) Most of the 'hard lines' in my alpha were anywhere from 1-3pixels. I'm amazed at how much this game stretches pixels! A 5 pixel stroke is almost a good enough size for an armband...eegadz! Had to be very careful what fell in and out of boundaries... Gotta love the pen tool and anchor points..custom selection boundaries save the day. I can be as messy as I want with them..

Juhani’s model is a bit tougher, because the way the uv map was laid out, there are fingers and other bits all over the texture map I suggest you check out this thread http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=134510

Scroll down to this post

This is both 3dmodeling and Photoshop related and it is very very handy ;)[/color

Not only will it prevent having to load the game 50 times to see your work, progress but you can rotate around any angle and see what is not playing fair ;) on the skin.

With the unwrapped uv map set to overlay on your texture in ps you work just on the outer edge [ bufferzone ] of the lines of the uv’s for the model, I guaranty it will cut your skinning time in half if not more.


Keep up the great work :)




I was actually reading that same tid-bit this morning! I'm definitely going to try it out for Juhani. My last attemp with the reflective patterns looked like chicken scratch. I couldn't find heads or tails what wrapped to where?!? That article will definitely help :) Bastila's I could almost 'see' what was what, no biggie...but Juhani (or dark jedi rather) is a pain....


Glad you like them so far...the FINALS (once done) will be PM'ed to you before I post in here...unless you'd rather it be here out of convenience... just let me know. I'll probably send you the master PSD's so you can see what was done and you can fiddle with them too (again, once done). What version of PS do you have? I've got CS but I think I can save it in compatible mode (just in case)...

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No need to send the masters to me, it’s cool. :D Do what you will to them. Just post them here when there done, I have CS as well.

About the stroke width I know ,it’s crazy when making Jolee’s gloves my first test, I made the straps and buckles but in the game they where huge and looked ridiculous. I had to scale the straps down to more then half of their size. Then remake my buckles.



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Originally posted by Darth333

Good work! :D You have talent! Keep it up, :)

That, and I can walk and chew gum at the same time... ;)...that's pretty much it though (baby steps...baby steps)

I'm glad to finally get a female's point of view :) even the :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: , kind of expeced that, hehehe ;)

Originally posted by Dr. Jekyll

Dude, I requested this (well, Bastila's default clothing, but same idea) months ago in the old requests sticky and nobody would do it.

Leia Slave Outfit, right? This is probably as close as I personally will get to skinning that. Just getting the flesh tones for this skin was enough of a pain (NOT a hue/saturation adjustment). Not to mention having to 'design' Leia's outfit. Maybe one day, but I've other projects I want to do. BUT, I hope you'll enjoy this one! :)


Thanks for the input so far everyone! Glad you like'em!


Another question, would anyone be interested in this being released as PC playable armor/robes (female of course). I'd have to ask svösh because it turns into something entirely different than a re-skin, but if there's interest I can work on the 3 types of skin tones...(which IS a hue/saturation thing)...just to clarify from what I said earlier...


Scratch that idea, or you'll never get them...it'd take me forever and a day to reskin all the different clothes variations...bleh. I can, however, make these robes a little buffed up (just as svösh had done). The ones in the pics are actually upgradeable ;)

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

Probably not, lol. But some stingy old Jedi master would. :p


I never knew that jedi's name was ayla


:gree:eyepop <--- chAiNz


actually I believe it's Aayla, but in my rush to post it on my FTP server, I (as usual) mistyped the name... oh well...back to my goggling ;)



::: EDIT :::

Bastila's Revelation Robes are available for download! :D

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