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lack of strong female Jedi?

Leper Messiah

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Originally posted by darth_nemisis

Well, Barris Offee and Luminara Unduli are great femal Jedi. But they haven't got many screen time.


as far as the EU goes anyway, the lady jedi get a great run :)


Barris and Luminara have a duology of books that focuses on them :) There is of course Mara Jade, and jaina Solo has become quite an able pilot and strong jedi as well.


A really cool character that we didnt see much of, apart form the clone wars cartoons and in the pre- ep3 books is Asajj Ventress, the female sith apprentice wannabee.




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Originally posted by Leper Messiah

something that suprises me, more about the prequels than the OT is that we have seen no particularly strong or prominent female Jedi. Is there a reason for this? in the EU there are quite a few kicking about at various points. so it would appear that theres not much reason for having none in the movies (unless the EU authors havnt researched their topic properly) despite there being plenty of oppertunity in these prequels to introduce one. The character of Mace Windu for instance could have worked as a woman (allthough dont get me wrong i love having Samuel L. in Star Wars :D)


any thoughts?


Probably for the same reason you don't see a lot of powerful female Knights in medieval romances. The time periods that most of the "old stories" came from were fairly patriarchal, or at least didn't see leadership positions that involved heavy combat to be a "woman's place."


Lucas gets around that by making other female characteres prominent, and giving them tomboyish characteristics so they can run along with the cowboys (Leia and Padme).


We've got the stately leaders like Mon Mothma and we've got the "traditional" leadership roles of Queen and Princess. But then, a female Senator is a fairly recent thing in human history if I'm not mistaken. And we do see female Jedi and on the Jedi Council as well, just not main characters.


I guess Lucas feels he can only handle one female main character at a time. Call her a "leading Lady."

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I always felt the same about that. He was such a wuss.

Ooh...I don't know about that. Qui Gonn was the only Jedi Master who was willing to accept that the Sith might exist. The rest of the Jedi Council (Inluding Bad @$$ Mace Windu) wanted to sit on their thumbs and philosiphise all day. He was such a bad mofo that the council kept rejecting him as a member.


When Darth Maul appeared on Naboo in the hangar, he was greatly outnumbered. Qui Gonn and Kenobi could have taken the easy route and distracted him, while the 10+ royal Naboo soldiers and Amidala could have filled his Sith Zabrak butt with blaster bolts. However Qui Gonn steps up the plate and says "we'll handle this." Obi Wan falls off the catwalk, and does Qui Gonn regroup? Nope, he keeps hacking away at the Sith lord. He proves he's got huge solid steel b@ll5 until the very end when Maul beats him.


If anything, Qui Gon was the only Jedi that wasn't a wuss.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by jebbers

me thinks he means Aayla Secura...but me thinks he spelled it wrong...


I don't see any evidence that she's anymore powerful than any other female Jedi (just because she survived the Geonosis battle?), but there's probably some big EU stories that make her into some amazing character...


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Originally posted by Kurgan

I don't see any evidence that she's anymore powerful than any other female Jedi (just because she survived the Geonosis battle?), but there's probably some big EU stories that make her into some amazing character...



Aayla does do some asskickery in EU(comics)


but there a quite a few female jedi that make it into ep3 :)



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yeah, I dont know how GL wouldve approached it if he had ever written post ROTJ material, but I see dont see Leia as a jedi either.... I like the way they handled it in EU nicely. She was far too busy dealling with day to day problems of government and diplomacy to be fluffing around being a jedi :p



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I would say that she's a strong female force-attuned character. However I doubt we'd ever see her join the NJO. She eventually becomes the president/chancellor of the New Republic (of course in EU). Governing thousands of systems would mean she couldn't get involved in the Force. (I've never read anything after the jedi academy trilogy, so I don't know much of what happens after that.)


I imagine the NJO requires full time, that's why Luke never got into politics.

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Twin powers. Sounds like Wonder Twin Powers.


I can only imagine seeing Leia use her force powers for diplomacy as she performs her duties as New Republic Chancellor. She would carry a lightsaber just for appearances, much like the Jedi librarian (can't remember the name now) in AOTC. Nah. Mara Jade Skywalker is the true strong female Jedi.

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Well this is in the Star Wars universe and THANK GOD is something that George hasn't spiced up with "comic book" acting..


The movie Star Wars Revelations when done will be AWESOME and it has two leading ladies. The light jedi is a great actress and fits the part to a "T" :) I only hope that we'll be able to get this movie when done. It looks TONS better than the current prequel films.

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Hmm yes, Mara Jade is real powerful and also from the EU, but on screen there is a few from the order, but now you think of it they dont really see much action...

I guess in SW the powerful female jedi that we actually see fight would have to be Shaak Ti, Luminara <someone> (and her apprentice Bariss), Bultar Swan kinda sees some action and so does Aayla Secura...thats about it

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

The movie Star Wars Revelations when done will be AWESOME and it has two leading ladies. The light jedi is a great actress and fits the part to a "T" :) I only hope that we'll be able to get this movie when done. It looks TONS better than the current prequel films.

Yeah, I did a google search and saw the trailer.

Less than stellar. *edit* upon re-watching and soberness, it sucked out loud.


But better quality than the PT, it is not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mara Jade's hair is too red. - So let's just end that there :p


Aayla Seccura is awesome, Leia - I'm sure would have looked pretty good as a Jedi back when she acted in the first three movies - she's probably too old now :(, and wasn't one of the Solo children a Jedi - like Jiana or something?

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