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Assorted Unused Stuff [SPOILERS]


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I've noticed that a lot of things were left out of the game, that have since been exploited. So far we have:


(Oh fine, I'll get rid of it :p)

Sith War Sword (was that what it was called?)

Masassi Battle Staff

Bat-ish little dude

Deadeye Duncan on Manaan

Alternate DS End

Asthetic Item (I'm not sure if this was in game or not, but I never found it)

Glow Rod (see above)

Bith Instruments (see above the above)

Teta's Royal Band Original Model

Bastila on Korriban

Hidden Modual

Swoop Racing on Dantooine and Korriban


If they're is anyone who can shed light on these things, or add to list, it would be greatly apreciated.:)


Edit: Thanks for reminding me of Bastila on Korriban, JediMasterDude:)

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Originally posted by CaptainSkye

True, but it was an item unused just the same.

That's what Mono is saying, the Revan Mask is actually used by the game proper, just for that one revelation cutscene, so it really hasn't been left out of the game. Like the other features you listed.


Just my 2 cents! :D

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Originally posted by CaptainSkye

I've noticed that a lot of things were left out of the game, that have since been exploited. So far we have:


Revan's Mask

Sith War Sword (was that what it was called?)

Masassi Battle Staff

Bat-ish little dude

Deadeye Duncan on Manaan

Alternate DS End

Asthetic Item (I'm not sure if this was in game or not, but I never found it)

Glow Rod (see above)

Bith Instruments (see above the above)

Teta's Royal Band Original Model


If they're is anyone who can shed light on these things, or add to list, it would be greatly apreciated.:)


the asthetic item is the sonic upgrade device for the wetsuit on manaan that is the firaxan shark insta kill.

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Originally posted by JediMasterDude

You forgot Bastilla getting to go on Korriban;)


Actually I also wonder the same as you


Bastilla on Korriban is not a unused item. That is a partymember not allowed there.(called a plot point) However there is a mod out there to allow Bastilla on Korriban.

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Originally posted by darkkender

Bastilla on Korriban is not a unused item. That is a partymember not allowed there.(called a plot point) However there is a mod out there to allow Bastilla on Korriban.


Taking Bastila out was kind of a last-minute thing, if you download that mod, you'll see that the devs had put her in many conversations, such as with Lashowe and Yuthura.

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Originally posted by darkkender

It also looks like the devs have swoop tracks for kashykk and koriban and I was going to start pursuing those in the future as a mod to build.


I'm hoping maybe the devs already built the track just maybe no dialogues or places to start it up at.


That would be pretty nifty, though I personally havn't seen any signs (I'm pretty blind to that sort of thing, though;) ) of a swoop track on either. I hope your search is a success!:)

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Originally posted by darkkender

I keep seeing reference to scripts and globals here and there for swoop on korriban and kashyykk.

There is nothing about a swoop track on those planets. The only thing I found were some scripts checking if the player is a swoop champion so that some npcs make comments here and there about it and they are in the game.


There are some .utt (triggers) and scripts that use the word swoop too on those planets but they are related to the messenger plot and have nothing to see with swoop racing. They can use the word they want, it is not important. They could have name those triggers dfpgudg.utt and the result would have been the same.


However, there are some dialogues with a Hutt on Dantoine and there are some Sleheyron textures and a big arena model planned for that planet:



And screenshot of the arena in t7nowhere's post in this thread:



I tried to put it in the game but pic is very dark: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/KotOR0002.jpg


and...oh yes, an Iriaz: (initially planned for Dantoine - not Tatoine :D )


and there is more too...

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I hadn't actually red through the scripts themselves Darth, I just keep seeing them and was starting to think it was left out material. However that will not deter me from pursuing building a swoop track mod for those planets. But I apreciate the heads up. This might make it a much bigger mod than I was originally thinking oh well.:D

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Wasn't there an extra movie for the pod races that involved an exploding pod?



*Edit* Yep it's there, I'm guessing on Taris. I just don't know if it was ever used being I've never lost that many races straight there.

In fact it is used: I have read somewhere that you can actually get that movie on Taris if you "loose " more than 3 times. So I tried it and it worked! I exploded :D


BTW, you have to be very very slow to loose on Taris so I just waited to press the start button after the beginning of the race :D



P.S. I edited the thread to add [spoilerS] in the title ;)

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Originally posted by Darth333

In fact it is used: I have read somewhere that you can actually get that movie on Taris if you "loose " more than 3 times. So I tried it and it worked! I exploded :D


BTW, you have to be very very slow to loose on Taris so I just waited to press the start button after the beginning of the race :D



P.S. I edited the thread to add [spoilerS] in the title ;)


Hhmmm I think I'm going to have to do that for the heck of it tonight.:D

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Originally posted by Darth333

if you "loose " more than 3 times. So I tried it and it worked! I exploded

Cool. Gonna go try that now. Thanx for the infos.


& while digging around with KSE I found something I'm guessing is a droid item called 'Oil Slick'. Is that another unused item or something I've just never found? If it's the later, where's it located?

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

& while digging around with KSE I found something I'm guessing is a droid item called 'Oil Slick'. Is that another unused item or something I've just never found? If it's the later, where's it located?

Yeah... the Droid Oil Projector with the Oil Slick power wasn't implemented fully into the game. I tried making Droid weapons, like the Flame Thrower, Shield Disruptor, Stun Ray, Carbonite Projector, and Gravity Generator out of that Oil Slick power but it never did anything, I'm guessing parts of it was left in the game unfinished.

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