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Best Video Game Ending?


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Out of all the games you people have played, which had the best ending? Just tell why you liked it, and try to refrain from using spiolers.


Personally, my favorite game ending was with Monkey Island 2. It was just so...ugh...-ish. Its sorta hard to explain...anyone who's played it will know what I mean. It really gives you a feeling of "thats the end? how awful! I'm depressed. lets play more!"

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well, there's a couple of games that just left me speechless at the end because you just went through so much only to have something happen. most people would probably agree with me when i cite the ending for halo.


but my favorite ending is from half-life.

The predator campagin ending in AVP2

now that one was pretty good too. ;)

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Originally posted by DarthTDe

mine would be Halo 2


:eek: u liked the ending to halo 2 al that happend was

This is sparting 117 does anyone here me..... Master Cheif what are you doing on that battle ship? Ending this War sir.

then the game ends i was Like ARRRRRRR DAMN u game maker people that dosnt let me finish the war ARRRrrrrr then it also had a clip with Cortona and the Wicked cool flood thing


but in halo one U blow up the whole damn Halo :cool: and kill every one and if ur smart and figured out the clues from both halo 1 and 2 u already know whats going to hapen in Halo 3 and u would know what "The Ark" is (only place uneffected by the Rings allblowing up)


But i like hmmmmmmmm mabey Zelda or KOTOR good or evil the second one was like Halo 2 too "thats it???"

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