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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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That would be Dewlanna. She was an old Wookiee cook living on the Trader's Luck. How that works out, I don't know. I know I wouldn't want a wookiee preparing my meals. She dies saving Han's life.


Sivy can ask the next question since he seems anxious to do it.

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Originally posted by Revan Solo

My question:


Who is Kyle Katarn?

When did he live? Was he important? On what site was he?


SORRY REVAN....Please read the rules....




and you didnt even *try* to answer Sivys question...



Originally posted by Sivy



next question...


what did qui-gon give obi-wan for his 13th birthday?



Pick your fave, all are correct :D


For his 13th Birthday - Obi Wan received from Qui Gonn Jinn -


1. Freedom from the AgriCorps!

2. A Rock

3. His tenure as Padawan


from the first 2 jedi apprentice books, kids books, which Sivy seems to be very fond of :D Next, he'll be buyin a gamecube :p


* * *


Q. The Star Wars Holiday Special ....remember ? Name Chewie's wife and kids.... :D


BONUS for a pic :D




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A: Malla and Lumpy (or Mallatobuck and Lumpawarump). And I didn't get the answer from the HS. I remember it from the books :p


If I had my scanner, I could have gotten a good Malla pic from the Chewbacca comic.


Q: What name does Anakin give the ARC trooper that is along for missions in the Clone Wars [Dark Horse] comics?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

A: Malla and Lumpy (or Mallatobuck and Lumpawarump). And I didn't get the answer from the HS. I remember it from the books :p


If I had my scanner, I could have gotten a good Malla pic from the Chewbacca comic.


Q: What name does Anakin give the ARC trooper that is along for missions in the Clone Wars [Dark Horse] comics?


hmph ! no bonus for you !


Mallatobuck - "malla"



Lumpawarump - "Lumpy" - aka "waroo" in Tyrants Test



also check out this site - dedicated entirely to the infamous SW Holiday Special :D



* * *


Phreaks questions stands


Q: What name does Anakin give the ARC trooper that is along for missions in the Clone Wars [Dark Horse] comics?


* * *



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OK. Sorry to interrupt ! But Im here tp post the tallies and awards for Round 2 of the quiz, which covers posts 51-105 or so....





nb. i have included a running total which includes the round 1 score...


CONGRATULATIONS to StarWarsPhreak and CapNColostomy.... the winner is j00 !


It was definitely the BONUS points that made the difference....


to reward you both for your vast and superior skillz, here is a unusable gift :D



* * *


Now, back to the questions !!


Phreak's questions stands


Q: What name does Anakin give the ARC trooper that is along for missions in the Clone Wars [Dark Horse] comics?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak



I demand a cooler card. Make it a holocorn card or something.


*stabs Astroy with amphistaff*


And Yes, that's who I was thinking of.


pfft ! phreaky is as phreaky does. Maybe if you win next round you will get a cooler card :p how's your Ewok gf "Bitchita" btw ?? :p


*point awarded to sithy....*


here's some more info for those interested about trooper A-17, dubbed "alpha" by Anakin Skywalker



* * *


let's keep it movin along now....


Q. What did Corran Horn use as the main body of his lightsaber, how did he learn to assemble it, and what colour is his blade ?




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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

a. He made it out of a speeder bike's throttle assembly, following the instructions he gleaned from the information stored into plants by his adopted grandfather Rostek Horn. The blade was silver.


korek te arimasen...!!!!


now ask a question lilttle girl :D



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Well, the Ryll Spice/Bacta combination was used to cure nonhumans on Coruscant after the Krytos Plague.


Are you referring to the Bacta that the native Thyferrians aliens made? I can't remember what Bacta substitute there is...


Is it in one of your games?

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Aye, it's ryll. Not exactly the sources I was looking for, but it works.


OK. now that drama is over,

1 point = phreak

1 point = astro

Niner = pwned by EU diversity/Phreak skillz


* * *


Back to business :


Q. OK...another "movie tie-in" ... Apart from Wedge Antilles, which member of Rogue Squadron(from the XW novels) flew in the Battle of Endor ? What ship did he fly ? What was his role in the battle ?


2 BONUS POINTS !! Get out your ROTJ DVD, take a screenie that shows this pilot's ship :D


*WOW ! a 3 Point Play!* :p



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Tycho chelcu (sp?)

he flew an A-wing and he also flew inside the deathstar. he was one of the pilots who led a couple of the tie fighters out of the death star so that lando and wedge could destroy it.


..... take a screen?? hmmm ok hang on :)


edit: BAH! i tried 40 times... i cant take a good screen. somehow the screen is just empty when i take it. oh well... but its the A-wing that enters right behind wedge and in front of lando.


Q: explain how Han got in possession of the Millenium Falcon. try to explain everything that went down with it.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

Tycho chelcu (sp?)

..... take a screen?? hmmm ok hang on :)


edit: BAH! i tried 40 times... i cant take a good screen. somehow the screen is just empty when i take it. oh well... but its the A-wing that enters right behind wedge and in front of lando.


LMAO...lemme guess..you're pressing the PrintScreen key :p


thats NOT how it works !


to take nice screenies you can do two things :


1. open the dvd in Windows Media Player. when you get to the bit you want, press CTRL and i...

2. get windvd 5 or 6. can take screenies frame by frame :D


So, Wraith - I will give you a chance to claim those bonus points, seeing you have had "technical difficulties" :D


* * *

The question stands :


Q: explain how Han got in possession of the Millenium Falcon. try to explain everything that went down with it.


* * *



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A: Han Solo won the Falcon in a Sabbac match against Lando in a tournament on Bespin.


Here's some more info: Han lost the Falcon to Lando, and then Han won it back again. I can't remember how many times, but in the end, Lando let Han win the last time, and they now have a rule where they can't bet the Falcon anymore :p

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Bah those screens aint working :( forget the bonus poinst /cry.

and uhm yeah its how it went down. was hoping for one small detail :) when lando told him he could pick out a spaceship he hoped he would pick one out of the forward line. not the one in the back that he was preparing as a personal yacht. and han picked that one ofcourse :) but thats ok :)


Wraith 8

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