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Guest DarthMaulUK

Like ive posted elsewhere.


Lucasarts will probably annouce this beauty either end of Jan, early Feb with a release around November. Although its a very complex game compared to Galactic Battlegrounds, the timeline is the same.(Feb announcement and november release for SWGB - UK)


This game has been in development for some time, creating the engine etc so it will be this year. There would have to be something serious to make this slip.



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Originally posted by Com Raven

Well, devs are getting more and more aware of the fact that revealing games early and then pushing them back all the time leads to frustration. For example AoD III was announced this week, release is second half of 2005.


Ya I saw that...it'll be REALLY interesting if both games are released about the same time...because I figure AoD will get a bigger draw than SW...but then again, who knows really. I know which one I'll be buying anyway...at least...I think I do. DANG IT! Musket firing lines are cool too...darn. Well...I'd by them both if AoD was Civil War...but somehow I think i'll end up skipping it in favor of SW. Skipped AoM painlessly, I figure I can do the same for its next of kin.


BTW, since there are like 4000 darths on this board, just go for Fergie or Ferg :)

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dont say wow.... i hate that game :p *shakes fist at blizzard*


but i must say that the graphics look nice. hope it doesnt turn into

another age of empire 2 clone like the other SW rts game. wich i btw enjoyed.... but not as much as i hoped i would..


we will see :)


P.S. congrats jan. didnt know you got another promotion.


Wraith 8

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If they both come out at the same time, it will definitely be a strain on my finances. AoK/AoM and SWGB are my favorite RTS games of all time, so it'll be close, but I know I'll be getting AoE3 (ES confirmed that there would strangely not be a subtitle, so its not AoD) the day it comes out, but I may wait on E@W. I was kinda hoping for a larger scope and some semblance of an economy. This game seems too much like force commander for me.


And all you guys who are excited about these screenies, go look at AoE3. Not to start trouble, but they blow these out of the water.

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I've seen the screens for AOE3 they are not that great, it looks like they have just built up on that same old engine again. If EaW can pull off the space and ground battles with minor hitches I think we have a clear winner.


Sithmaster- You are really looking to much into this you are setting these standads for EaW but not AOE3 I have not heard any resources or economy things bought up from them either. If it is exactly the same as its previous title with better graphics I'm sure it will push people away.


SW>Old english times noone cares about :p

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AoEIII looks great...scary great...

I'll probably wait to hear the review before I touch it though...

but really SW:RTS looks like it's going to be a different type of game anyway. It looks like it has no base building in battle (well...I hope anyway) where as AoEIII sticks to its roots, so it has base building. Then again, I've probably played that time era about a million times right now in RTSs. It's predictable.

SW has yet to come out with an RTS that has captured it fully. Heck they've only had 3 major tries (including this one...unless you want to include Rebellion) where there have been virtually hundreds of RTS shots at the medievil/new world settings.

I know which one I'll look to more.


And I seriously doubt that LA will move back a release date to 2006 in "fear" of AoEIII. While I don't expect them to come out in the same month, I wouldn't be suprised if they came out one month a part.

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AoEIII will have to face another RTS called Imperial Glory(I think that's the name) which is about napoleonic wars(IMO much more exciting then New world wars).


Also, there won't be as much diversity in AoEIII then in EaW. They have 8 civs but they'll probably be generic, seperated into the natives group and the europeans(strictly speculating from the screenshots). There's only so many variations of archers and dragoons you can get.

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Just to correct something Luke, you cant play as the natives, you just ally with them and gain access to their troops. And theres probably going to be more diversity with 8 civs rather than just 2.


Back on topic though, I'm really looking forward to seeing how petro does the space/ground interaction. They already said that ground based turrets can hit spaceships, but does it work the other way? Can we call in some space bombardment from a Star Destroyer if we are blockading the planet? Will ground and space battles happen simultaneously, with an option to alternate between them? I think, in terms of the RTS gerne as a whole, this represents the most fertile ground for Petro, and I hope they push it to the max.

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Yes but in the context, all of the euros fought the same style of warfare. The diversity might not be much more then a few slight variations on certain units.

Like I said, dragoons, grenadiers, fusilliers are roughly the same, from one country to another.



I hope they don't make both ground and space happen simultaneously or the AI better be really great.

The problem is such. You've beaten the enemies fleet orbiting planet x and you've begun ground assault. Now, your attention should be at the ground assault part. If the enemy sends another fleet to destroy your blockade, you'll need to go back there to take care of the new situation thus leaving the AI in charge of the ground assault or leave the AI take care of your fleet. If they AI is bad, you'll lose your ground assault troops or your fleet while you attend to other matters. That's a bit of a problem.

We'll see how this will turn out to be.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Air strikes have happened before in games. So there's no reason why you can't do the same sort of thing here. Maybe as a special tactical thing, that has a timed wait before you can call it again.


Having just two sides makes for a better game in my view. Having 8 civs in Galactic Battlegrounds did mean that it was very samey - although some of the Civ related bonuses were cool - like the Clone Troopers producing in mass.


It's a big risk from Lucasarts using such a small dev team but I think it will pay off and produce not only one of the best RTS titles of all time but also one of the best Star Wars games.


Considering the last few/upcoming have been decent (Battlefront,KOTOR,KOTOR2,Republic Commando ) shows that quality is finaling leading the charge!



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I think maybe you should have the option to flick between ground and space after all, you could delegate command to a variety of generals each with their own tactics and weaknessess, it would force you to be more tactical.


It would be really good if you could do a massive simeoultaneous assault on 5 planets.

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I think the feasiblility of the flicking between space and ground would rely heavily on how it was implemented, and, like Luke said, on the AI. I think that I would be near impossible to deal with two large scale battles at once, but, if, for exampleone battlefield were quite, you could dedcate a turret/ship to help in the other battle. Or you could move fighters between ground duty and space duty.

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