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Fantastic Four Trailer

Boba Rhett

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Kinda, but I don't know. I can't help wondering how exactly did that guy flip the car like that? It's impossible with realworld physics, and it takes away from the immersion (at least for me) especially as it looks like they're trying to make it seem as real as possible... Or maybe I just need to stop thinking about it. :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

George Clooney?


Like in every other one of his movies, he'd be George Clooney, playing George Clooney. :¬:

Exactly, screw that.



And what he was doing is what we call a hip-flip, not impossible. You just don't see someone doing that to a semi because noone in reality has that kind of strength. Basically what it does is balances the weight of the oncoming object (usually a person but in this case a vehicle) and uses it's velocity against it (the object) and propels said object in the air with the movement of the hip. [/lecture]

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Yea its looking really good...any one see the first movie which never made it out to the public, but got leaked on the internet awhile back. Ive seen it and its really crappy effects but is ok. The Things costume looked like a Ninja Turtle costume from the movies.

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Very amateurish trailer.


"on on july july fourth fourth, 5 lives will be changed. forever. 1 will be bad. 4 will be. fantastic."




I almost expected them to break into 1337.


I will admit it looks cool, especially Torchy over there, and Thing.


But Jessica Alba looks far too young to be Fantastic woman. >_>


*thinks of Venture Bros.*



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