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Worst Game Ever


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Originally posted by ZBomber

Yeh, that's true, but I really do think the Sims sucks. Like I said, I like the concept, but I think they did an awful job on it. :X

If they did an awful job on it, how did it become the best selling game of all time? Marketing isn't the only factor in that, you also need a good game.

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Originally posted by GothiX

If they did an awful job on it, how did it become the best selling game of all time? Marketing isn't the only factor in that, you also need a good game.


Because it was a unique idea? Good idea = bad gameplay.


Also, in case you didn't notice, that's a big faovrite with the teeny boppers. ;)

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Saying something sucks should only be reserved for when you have rational reasons, not just because it isn't your type of game. :p

Saying something is the worst game ever just because it isn't your type is foolish, that's like going to a chick flick (and chick flicks don't happen to be your "thing") and you say it sucks. Just because it isn't your type of movie doesn't make it suck, same with games. [/stupid ass rant that he felt he should say because he thinks odd things]


Superman 64 and Aquaman for example. The gameplay is horrible, the plot is horrible, the graphics are horrible, just about everything in the games, were done wrong.


And I agree, Diablo 2 and Yoda's Stories were awesome.


Would you listen to you :lol::xp:




Soldner sucked the big one recently


Panty Raiders, not even me being obsessed with breasts made this game any good :(



Other than that, I've never played any of the other crappy games you've all stated...


Except The Phantom Menace game, But that's because I enjoyed it for what it was worth ($10 :p)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Because it was a unique idea? Good idea = bad gameplay.

Anyone else thinking Zed is just saying this because his characters died all the time because he was crap at it? :p


Originally posted by ZBomber

Also, in case you didn't notice, that's a big faovrite with the teeny boppers. ;)

Actually it's more popular with 20+ crowd, get your facts right. :)
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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Actually it's more popular with 20+ crowd, get your facts right. :)


It's not a fact that it's popular with the 20+ crowd.


I have yet to hear anyone from the 20+ crowd that liked the game.


The only people I (knew) that liked it were 13 year old girls, about 2-3 years ago.

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Never played it, but it doesn't look like a bad game to me, just not my kind of thing.


YOu don't actually get many really bad games anymore, its part of the games industry becoming more commercialised and more like hollywood.


They take lest risks and are less innovative. So you get less disasters, but also less unexpected masterpieces. imho.


Though a number of games have been dearly ruined by bad cameras.


At the moment i'd vote for single player halo... god it's awful... did all te reviewers skip the SP and go straight to blasting other reviewers in multiplayer or something?


About 5 weapons. About 5 enemies, but some of them are in different colours cos they are tougher. Possibly they worst indoor level design i have ever seen in a game. Makes the notoriously bland stuff in Oni look thrilling. And a save system that will autosave you with 1 bar of health and an incoming blast so that you die within seconds of restarting.... Good grief. I thought the "coloured monsters = different creatures" thing went out with the spectrum...


Just thought of another. Living Daylights ont he spectrum. The first level was a training paintball game on gibraltar where you had to shoot other spies that popped up in the rocks. Problem was there were only 2 colours, the rocks were black and the spies were black. YOu couldn't even see tehm until they shot you... god i hated that game...

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