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Where can I find mods?


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I've been trying to find a mod that was at least loosely based on the D20 system, according to the author, that altered the featgain.2da and forcepowergain.2da files, which made the different Jedi classes much more unique from each other. I can't seem to find it anywhere else, I know it was up at pcgamemods.


If you mean Paragon's d20 Adaptation mod you should be able to download it from here. No idea if that's the most current version though.

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Hey all,


I have been looking into creating my own website, which would basically be a mod website for KOTOR (to replace pcgamemods). I have found this; http://www.0moola.com/index.php (scroll down) which looks like a pretty good deal, however I may well just pay for my own website as dont like the limmited ammount of bandwidth. Anyways I was just wondering what people would think of this? I would probably arrange it so people can upload there own mods onto the site database. Would mod creators be willing to do this? As i wont upload any mods I have as i dont have the relevant permissions from the creators to do such a thing. What do people think?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is curious about the Pc Game Mod website, there seems to be a problem with the server. I know it is on their end, and not on ours. I just had a good friend of mine confirm that. If anyone knows the author of the website, please let them know what is going on, and thank you.


Sorry SS but we no longer allow posts about PCGameMods.com status. We have no control over that site, or contact with the owner/operator. That site is sadly a sinking ship. -RH


Edit: Thanks RH for that. I ksee that we can access the files themselves, in another thread. I also think it would be good to perhaps copy the links to something like a yahoo or google group, where they can be updated everyday.


EDIT: Also note I did not say anything about the files, just links to files at the website that is no longer working, regularly.

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Here's a list of sites where you can find Kotor mods over the internet.


Contrary to some common beliefs, modding KotOR is accessible to everyone and no prior experience is required. We welcome everyone to try :) Just start checking the General tutorials forum to get started and then don't hesitate to post your questions at Holwan Labs.


*** Learn how to install mods here ***



Main sites


Please let us know if you find any dead links.



I don't mean to be rude, but Update your info! http://www.pcgamemods.com is gone! its not coming back so please people drop the pcgamemods links, they don't work. they never will. as far as i have heard the owner of Pcgamemods gave up on the site. http://www.pcgamemods.com is toast, off the grid, destroyed, dead. If any one has their mods posted only on pcgamemods then i strongly suggest u post them on another site and give the link otherwise, your mods will not be used and they will be forgotten as will you. Lucasforums will probobly ban me for saying "your mods will be forgotten as will you" but I need to get my point across. Please take note of this.

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I don't mean to be rude, but Update your info! http://www.pcgamemods.com is gone! its not coming back so please people drop the pcgamemods links, they don't work. they never will. http://www.pcgamemods.com is toast, off the grid, destroyed, dead. If any one has their mods posted only on pcgamemods then i strongly suggest u post them on another site and give the link otherwise, your mods will not be used and they will be forgotten as will you. Lucasforums will probobly ban me for saying "your mods will be forgotten as will you" but I need to get my point across. Please take note of this.

Mods can still be found at pcgm, despite the site's problems so the link stays there for the time being (look at the mod request forum: links can still be retrieved).


As for what happens to the PCGM site, LucasForums has no link whatsoever with PCGM. (and personally I couldn't care less if my mods or I are forgotten :p I did this for fun and that was my only goal. I uploaded the ones I wanted to keep at LucasFiles)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got a PM that the link to Talchia's mods is not working anymore. It seems that after merging (or moving) sternenschmiede.de with the KotOR section of rpguides.de the mods section was dropped. However, I could find Talchia's mods here, in case someone else is looking for them.

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  • 1 month later...

Ahem, sorry if this is bumping, but...


Mjpb3's (http://gamemods.mjpb3.net/ ) website isn't working.


As this is the last post in this thread I wish to repeat. Just an FYI to everyone, this thread isn't the place to ask for links to mods. This thread is... Please use that thread for asking for any further mod links. We will delete any more posted in this thread. Thanks. ;) -RH

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  • 2 months later...

You may know me as DarkLordXana on kotorfiles.com as thats where I have been posting the majority of my mods...however after all thats happened to pcgm I decided to privately host my mods as well..on the off chance something happens to kotorfiles...would you mind adding my site to the list...




it does occasionally have a redirect page that comes up first for like 15 secs unless you click...just so you know.


thanks in advance..



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We all remeber http://www.pcgamemods.com and sadly they keep on going down! Kotorfiles on filefront is great too but how about a little more publicity?





Prime EDIT: Advertisement removed


From the forum rules:


7. Advertisement


Do not advertise other websites. Please do not make posts or threads about other websites or forums in an effort to direct traffic to them. This generally is not acceptable on any of the forums here. You may include links in your signature but you may not advertise in your posts.





Once you do all of that, then you can just sit back and wait for other members to comment on it, rate it on a scale of 1 - 10 and see how many members viewed/downloaded your submission!


I encourage everyone to register and submit your mods on this website! Please upload and do the same for existing mods as well!


-You can also upload ingame screenshots to show off to other people with descriptions!

-KotOR II will be added

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