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Hardcore Tsl


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Ive run into a small bug...


I'm using the insane file from version 2.0 and I've encountered a problem on a planet. There was an enemy that was supposed to die but didn't and now I cant leave that place. Read the spoiler for specifics.



On Dxun, Fredo Nadd's temple (or whatever), when they break the ritual, one of the sith masters was supposed to die but he just lost over 50% of health and turned friendly so I can't attack him. I also can't leave the area cause "i can't leave the battle". The Mandalorian guy doesn't show up either....


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Wow... I've been waiting to try the hardcore mod (wanted to finish at normal first to judge the game on its own). I finished a while ago, and finaly had time to play some more - so I just installed the mod and loaded a random save.

Next thing I know

Kreia is kicking my a**!

WOOHOO... I never knew dying could be this satisfying!!!


Now its time for some unarmed DS ninja sweetness!

(I'm gonna die soooo much this time round :D )

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  • 9 months later...

Drat! Beat me to it ChAiNz! :D


I moved the thread but answered Mossa's other post first. ;)

Well, it's about time I beated someone to the post :xp:Darth333 has an uncanny knack of posting before me hehehe...


Yah, and the moved thread completely blew my already aching head :lol: I was like.. where the hell did I go.. wasn't I just in Holowan? ;) Happy '06! :D




Back on topic:

Hope you enjoy this mod Mossa, it's been one of my favorites ever since it was released, and it hasn't left my override since I first installed it...


beancounter's hard work helped me to play this game over & over cuz' let's face it.. vanilla TSL is just waaay too easy. Also, if you like this mod, might I suggest a great companion/addition as well to really help balance out the game:


Achilles' Game Balance Mod:



Look in the miscellaneous section. :)

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  • 4 months later...

First off, this is an awesome, very essential mod (the very first one I DL'd for either game). It dovetails very well with all the other cool mods out there; Redhawke's Prestige Items & Bonus Packs, Achilles' Game Balance Mod, Stoffe's High Level Force Powers, Prime's Dark Jedi Conversion, Shem's Sith Assassins With Lightsabers (I thought I'd never get off the Harbinger-terrific!), just to name a few, but now I'm stuck.


I'm pretty sure it's the same one mrdefender mentioned over a year ago (Can you tell I'm a newbe?), so I know I'm not the first to do so. Since that was more than a year ago, I'm sure someone's found a solution to it, and I would love to know what it is.


I've played the game dozens of times from every angle, so you won't have to worry about plot spoilers with me. I have a feeling that everyone has hit this same snag-you can't fight him, therefore you can't kill him, therefore you can't finish the level. Any help would be greatly appreciated, please and thank you!


Also: I was wondering if a version of this mod could be made for KotOR1. I already use Talchia's (a true classic), but I've outgrown it (as I'm sure most have), because I want to use the cool new item mods for that game as well and still have it be a challenge. Thanks to all of you for keeping these two great games interesting and fun (especially K2, which needed a lot of help from the get-go!). I'm off to read more threads!

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The issue in Freedon Nadd's Tomb and the Sith that isn't killed with the lightning bolt is because you are using Achilles Rebalance Mod and Beancounter's Hardcore Mod together and the NPC in question has so many hit points that the ritual game script fails to kill him. So it breaks your game.


I believe stoffe -mkb- made a fix for that game script to accomodate these 2 mods but I cannot find it at the moment. :( You could try to PM stoffe -mkb- and see if she still has the fix, or simply remove the Hardcore Mod's file before you enter Freedon Nadd's Tomb in the game. ;)


Also this mod is basically a re-make of Talchias for KotOR so they are basically the same. There is no way to make Achilles Rebalance mod for KotOR as I do believe it uses files that are not present in KotOR.

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That's what I figured-that the mod had pumped his stats to the point where the game couldn't kill him.


As for my KotOR1 HCM question: It would be possible to change the settings in that mod in the same manner as Beancounter describes doing the same to his at the beginning of this thread, would it not?


I must admit that doing that is more than a bit beyond me. I just learned how to edit 2da and GFF files (thanks to you all!), but this recompiling of scripts (even after reading the tutorial) is Greek to me.


Thanks for the info on the fix, RH. Hey-are those Cylon smilies I see?

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  • 3 months later...
Just one question, what exactly are the effects of using the hardcore mod with achilles rebalanced mod?


The fights in the game will become insanely hard since the difficulty enhancing methods used by the two mods are different and thus stack with eachother. :) You will get the full effect of both mods at the same time.


Enemies will do lots of damage, will have good defense and saving throws making it harder to hurt them, and will have good enough attack bonus that wearing armor is mostly pointless since they'll rarely ever miss anyway. And they'll be immune to most disabling force powers.

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Stoffe's Not the creator beancounter is. However Stoffe is a avid player and modder and is very handy when it comes to some sort of scripting need.


As to character Builds on Insane Difficulty it all depends on what you are after and what other mods you have installed. Due you want the difficulty to seem less difficult or to continue being difficult.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



KOTOR 2 is fun in concept but it was getting dull to the point of being unplayable as my character progressed in levels and gathered better equipment.


I played using Beancounter's insane setting for several minutes and already noticed that mundane creatures are not dying with one hit, which is a good thing. Thanks for developing this mod.


I was wondering if there are any known conflicts to using this mod in conjunction with Stoffe's higher force power mod and improved AI mods? What do the respective modders think about that? Hope I can still get a reply to this as most recent posts to this thread are months old.


As to the above post, it seems that Achilles' mod is nowhere to be found, unless someone has an old link or something. Certainly is not accessible from simple searches.


Edit: I see Both the Hardcore Mod and the Improved Combat AI mod are based around the k_ai_master.ncs script in the override folder, so that answers part of the question -- it's one or the other.


I also saw a post on another forum where someone was praising the use of the Force Powers Mod in conjunction with the Hardcore Mod, so I assume that at least those two would work together.


The thing is, Beancounter's Hardcore Mod seems to add some much-needed overall difficulty to help improve the balance, whereas Stoffe's Combat AI mod adds some interesting and helpful improvements to specific AI and NPC behaviors to make them act more intelligently. If there was a way to merge these two, that might be real swell. And nifty.


Not being a script compiling maniac, I will leave such endeavors to people who are.


Edit 2: I found this thread on this forum:




Very intriguing! I hope it works!

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I was about to direct you to that thread, but I see that you already found it! :)


And yeah, it works like a charm. I also would suggest using Achilles' Game Balance Mod along with the Hardcore and Improved AI mods. The Game Balance Mod works alongside the other two with no conflicts whatsoever and makes a big difference in the game.

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Thanks for the quick reply! Very helpful people on this board.


I am getting ready to integrate the HC mod into the AI mod right now. Unfortunately, Achilles website is closed to to exceeding the allotted bandwidth, and that mod is nowhere else to be found.


Edit: Hi again,


Being as the Achilles site states that he has "used up his monthly bandwidth" and it being only January 5, it seems unlikely that I will be downloading from that site anytime soon. I was wondering if anyone could upload this to a common site (can't imagine Achilles would mind if someone posted it at a game mods hosting site, since he intended the script for public distribution anyway), or if someone could email me the mod.


Edit 2: Got everything up and running. Thanks for your extensive help, Qliveur. Thanks also to Stoffe, Beancounter, and Achilles for all their diligence and hard work.


Have all three mods running simultaneously and I am getting my tail handed to me on a platter. May need to adjust either: a) my strategy, or b) which beancounter HC mod difficulty level to insert. In my swaggering arrogance I started with insane, but the addition of Achilles' file has made my elite-level Jedi a sniveling incompetent, his companions fragile and buttery soft. Heehee.


Slightly off-topic curiosity question about Achilles mod: readme says it cuts off at level 35. Does that mean that my characters cannot level up beyond that point or what? Because I see nothing on the autobalance.2da file relating to level capping (that I can discern), and all the other files are advertised either as conflict fixes or Darth so-and-so tweaks.

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Slightly off-topic curiosity question about Achilles mod: readme says it cuts off at level 35. Does that mean that my characters cannot level up beyond that point or what? Because I see nothing on the autobalance.2da file relating to level capping (that I can discern), and all the other files are advertised either as conflict fixes or Darth so-and-so tweaks.

IIRC, (it's been a while), you couldn't get much higher than level 25 in a normal game without cheats or exploits. My hope was to allow the player to be able to up this to about level 35 (for reasons that I believe I covered in the readme, but I might not have). This isn't a "cap" per se, but rather an adjusted expectation for normal gameplay. I hope this helps to clarify.
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Have all three mods running simultaneously and I am getting my tail handed to me on a platter. In my swaggering arrogance I started with insane, but the addition of Achilles' file has made my elite-level Jedi a sniveling incompetent, his companions fragile and buttery soft.

I'd suggest starting off with the moderate setting. :)


Ahhh, superhardcore TSL. It's the forizzle-shizzle, thanks to those three wonderful mods and the three wonderful people who created them.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...

I've fixed this problem myself, sadly the only way is to cheat.


This only happens if you have the tSL hardcore mo installed. apparently soem of the mark II minign droids somehow get killblasters from it...


On peragus, on the dormatory level, some Mining droid mark IIs will insta-kill you no matter how much life/armor/etc you have, so you have to turn on invulnerability or else you'll die.


Why did i post this? because it would be nice to have a fix since being forced to cheat ruins gameplay for me and soem other people when they want a challenging game, but not to challenging.

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