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New Storyline Mod For TSL


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Okay, I finished the choreography for the scene, It wont be that long but it will be action PACKED! Just as soon as Ellderon gets me those models I will be able to start production. In the meantime I have decided to add a hood to the Padawan robes for my Dark jedi Darth Trennon. It is still very much a WIP needs a lot of work but here it is so far




Its on the right track:D

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Ok, I need EVERYONE who is till on the team and who wants to be on the team to PM me asap, I will give you directions on how to get into the devforum at my forum for the mod. THIS is where we will be talking to eachother about the mod and where we are and what to do, If you are at all associated with the mod, send me a pm so i can give you directions, I will assume all who dont pm me in the next 3 days are no longer part of the mod or are on vacation. Thank you.

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Originally posted by Shadow Blaze

Wow you are really making a lot of it custom huh? Way to go I can't wait for this. I think this will be in the top ten mods along with the USM!


In fact I don't think it I know it!

I'd have to agree with you there, although what these guys/gals are doing looks extraordinary! :eek:


Wow guys/gals, you've really done some quality stuff just from the sneek peeks you've posted. This is going to be one heckuva mod (and a must download) :thumbsup:

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Those of you who have recently visited the forums have already seen this, but this Kay was kind enough to post my newest render test, in this test i tested to see if I could make a big explosion and make it high quality, now in this test nothing happens to the ship as we are just looking at the explosion. But later I plan to have the ship break in half and a lot of other fancy stuff like that, anyway, here it is.



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Hokiay, so we can render now and that is great, only i think we are getting a little side tracked with it. I think we should leave that scene alone untill we get there, though I do have it all mapped out on notecards for when we eventually get to it. Anywyas, I took something LOB said into recognition, I think the beta should have been an Alpha, I want to create a version of the Beta to make it an Actual Beta and release it again. So I am going to be working on that for a while, those of you who are are helping, I will be posting waht is going on in the Dev Forum, so look there.


GSCCC [infinite Empire]

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Thats kool, but i didnt mind it being called beta, and i think neither did alot of people :)


"Alot of people dont Use ALPHA"


"Beta now mostely means Prerelease WITH BUGS"


but its still good to play a less buggy Version :p

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