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RJWs Episode III Anakin coming soon *spoilers*


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I know some of you may have thought this project was dead. But its in the final stages , it should be released sooner then you think.




Episode III Anakin : unrobed, robed, hooded


Darth vader/anakin : Sith eyes , unrobed robed, hooded.


Jedi Anakin, inspired by the jedi trials novel: More episode 2 themed clouthing, unrobed, robed, and hooded.


This skin has come along ways , ive made sure that rjw keeps it true to whats been released to the public. The attention to detail is astounding. I will post more pictures, when this skin comes closer to being uploaded on pcgamemods.com



if your impressed with the after pic. thats just a taste of whats to come.


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please tell me what would make the face more proportioned. what aspects of the face irritate you? please give any suggestions you may have, cause im sure rj can fix these swiftly before a release.



Update: heres the most updated pic of what he looks like. are you satisfied or no? heres a comparison shot with the skin and a promo photo.





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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Needs more work, the head is much too thick at the jaw line. It looks like a mix of the guy from "The Princess Bride" and Dolph Lundgren.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, other than that it looks pretty darn good! Mars out!

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