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Character level - How high is yours?


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With the glitch, I stopped at 45.....I probably just grew tired or saw no point in continuing onto 50.


But without doing that cheat/glitch, I'd reach anywhere between 30-35.


-EDIT- Upon further review, i found that my first game profile never reached past 30 after all. :o

He reached level 28.

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I haven't played all the classes yet, but unless some of them level faster (such as in Neverwinter Nights), I'd say something between 25-30 should be the average for someone who does all the quests he can find.


I got to level 26 and 27 during my 2 times through.

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There's only XP for 27 levels. You can go higher but you need cheats/glitches to do so.


There isn't much point in leveling beyond level 35 though. Weapon Masters/Mauraders start getting stuck with Underwater Basket Weaving feats and Jedi Masters have to start selecting DS powers at level up :(

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The Infinite Hssiss Spawn, or the Infinite XP Glitch:


What you'll need:

  • Force Storm or Force Wave (Storm works best)
  • Death Field or Master Heal
  • Master Drain Force (CRITICAL if you're Lightside)
  • Access to Korriban - Secret Tomb

This glitch is simple: In the secret cave, you'll find the body of a dead Jedi.


After the second vision with the bridge, you'll come across a fork in the path; the one to the left leads to Kreia, and the one to the right leads to the dead Jedi, Nebelish.


The thing is with this corpse, everytime you "examine" it, it spawns two Hssiss. So, if you repeatedly keep examining the body, it'll spawn an army of Hssiss. This is where Force Storm(or Force Wave) comes in. :dev11: Just keep spamming that power until they're all dead. Each kill will get you around 400 XP, so mulitply that by the lot you kill, and voila!


A word of warning: Lightsiders have a disadvantage in the caves because their Force Points regenerate REALLY SLOWLY; it'll seem that it's not regenerating at all. That's why you'll need Master Drain Force. But a trade-off to this is that Lightsiders can't die in the caves whereas Darksiders can. :halo2:

Must be a glitch within a glitch. :animelol:

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You do get minimal experience points fortalking with people, buying things, opening locks or using stealth or any kills like that... I earnt an easy legitemate level up on dxun in the mandolorian cache where if you bash one of the bots they all attack you and trust me there is loads of them...

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highest level i attained without the Korriban glitch was level 30, and i literally had to kill everything (including every enemy in the Trayus academy) to reach it, infact, it came down to the last dark jedi in the academy when i hit level 30. I used Kreia in the party whenever possible to achieve the highest amount of exp from her mentor boost.

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