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How to become a Jedi

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you have a brother or sister who is older than you. your parents are very proud of him/ her and often heap praise on them. sometimes you feel left out and you deal with this by spending a lot of time in your room alone.


Your Life at the moment isn’t fulfilling, so you often look to the future. Your school work suffers because of this. you already know what you want to do with your life, so you are not interested in stuff that isn’t useful to you.

:drop2::confused: MAN 7/10 things that you predicted about me were TRUE:eek: . You only were a bit wrong about the brother/sister thing: I have a younger brother who is jelous at me (It's because he thinks that our parents love me more just because they talk about more serious subjects with me). But tell me seriously where did you get the lap dancer thing:lol: ?


I tried doing it, and it didn't work. The force does not exist.


Devon didn't I say in one of my posts that you should NOT EXPECT QUICK RESAULTS? You try it once, it dosen't work and you automaticly give up:confused: ? What is wrong with you or maybe you just didn't read my posts well (if you haven't read my empathy post correctly than read it again:) ) Or maybe you are not trying enough or you don't believe in it. Try some of these things than post me:D .


you can infer a lot by just simply looking at someone's personality and how they react to things. calling it the Force??


I am not saying that just empathy is the Force, I am saying that were missing something, and we all probably have telekenisis (we'll talk about the telekenisis thing later, for now let's just stick to empathy and the Force:D ), so if we do have something like the Force, we could exchange information to train ourselves.:cool:


Oh and by the way Kariudo, I am basing conclusions on ALL the posts. And there is something amiss with you, unbeliveable things have started to happen to you, some good, some bad. Some professors have started to like you, your brother is becoming smarter and you are reaching new resaults. As far as I can 'see' someone has made peace with you, a cusin perhaps:D .

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Here's some proof the force does not exist.


Lucas came up with the force. If it existed, wouldn't he have predicted how a lot of people dislike Jar Jar and the Anakin in Episode II, and excluded them from the films? (or found a better actor for Anakin.) If he'd done those two things, he'd probably have made more money. But he didn't. Even the guy who came up with the force doesn't acknowledge its existence.

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Right i still didn`t tried it.

But you said earlier that if someone isn`t trying enough or don't believe in it, it wont work. ;)


Lucas didn't invented the "Force" because thats only a name , so he did nothing but creating a nice story ;)The idea about all that stuff already existed for many centuries by the time Lucas made his Story! So thats no proof sorry :p


If i believe my bro of course ;)

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Originally posted by Kariudo

Right i still didn`t tried it.

But you said earlier that if someone isn`t trying enough or don't believe in it, it wont work. ;)


Lucas didn't invented the "Force" because thats only a name , so he did nothing but creating a nice story ;)The idea about all that stuff already existed for many centuries by the time Lucas made his Story! So thats no proof sorry :p


If i believe my bro of course ;)


What is it you mean, exactly? :confused:

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

dosen't mean that there is on such thing as a Force.


I haven't seen any proof that the Force exists. Maybe mankind is too immateur to use it just yet. But I still believe in the force, but not in the way depicted in Star Wars.

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I haven't seen any proof that the Force exists. Maybe mankind is too immateur to use it just yet.

Oh, don't be such a pessimist! Mankind just isn't aware of it. But to stop further confusion here's my theory (actuely half-theory) about the Force:


The Force actuely represents our hidden abilities (powers like empathy and telekenisis-[later discused]) which we you to connect with other people and make our life easier, I for one think that the most important of these powers is empathy, because it can allow people to get along, understand each other, connect with each other, help each other and that's because I focus most of my energy on empathy, to help other people: to be a Philosopher and Phsycologist. But we study this to become Jedi, to be better people (don't we:confused: ).


Ah, guys what do you say?:D


P.S. And people this conversation is not just between Emperor Devon, Kariudo and me, it's between all of us and it's about ALL of us, so don't be shy and join in.:D

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You misunderstood me or i' m just too bad :(


What i wanted to say was that the Force is only a NAME, we could call it any name we want :p


And people who believed in it existed long time before something like television or cinema was invented or even the USA created :p


So if Lucas cant use the "Force" that is a proof for absolut nothing ;)


I hope you now understand what i wanted to say... :ewok:


Btw whats about telekenisis? I cant believe such a thing because, like someone said before, why wouldn't they just visit Las Vegas? :p


And if this works, someone could study it to become a "jedi" but he also could wish to become something other then a "jedi" maybe a Gungan :p

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What an... interesting thread this is. I didn't want to get invovled at first, but what the hey...


I can kinda see where Vlad's coming from. I wouldn't close myself off to the possibility that feelings of empathy, what people would call their 'gut feeling', good fortune, accurate predictions, etc. are the tip of an iceberg which makind will someday realise to include a wide range of extra-sensory perceptions we never knew existed before. It's been said there are areas of our brain for which no use has yet been determined - perhaps they, if harnessed properly, dictate powers of telekenesis, telepathy, etc.


But to call that the Force and say people who can use it are Jedi... nah. That's just a story. Get over it.

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Originally posted by Prime

All that stuff is just hocus pocus made up by storytellers of all sorts. It has no basis in reality. You are looking for something that isn't there.


My point exactly!


Originally posted by nas77

But to call that the Force and say people who can use it are Jedi... nah. That's just a story. Get over it.


Took the words right outta my mouth! :)


The force does not exist. It is part of a very good story, but like many stories, it isn't real, and simply does not exist. Is there a reason why you're coming up with these ludicrous theories?

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Originally posted by LukeKatarn

Attempting to read peoples minds sucesfulyl with empathy does not make you a jedi, you still don't have a ligthsaber, can't use telekenisis, can't run uber fast, so even if you COULD read peoples minds, that does NOT make you a Jedi.


Being a Jedi is not at all about slicing people up with a lightsaber, or running really fast. It's about holding to certain ideals, and developing a greater understanding of the Universe.

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What i wanted to say was that the Force is only a NAME, we could call it any name we want :p


Btw whats about telekenisis? I cant believe such a thing because, like someone said before, why wouldn't they just visit Las Vegas? :p

I'll explain the telekenisis thing: that subject is a bit touchy and unstable and not complete so we'll discuss it later.

And if this works, someone could study it to become a "jedi"

This will surely work, and I don't just mean someone, I mean EVERYONE, get it .

It has no basis in reality. You are looking for something that isn't there.

Man, no wonder some people don't like you, you wnat to fool yourself and others that no one has it. But that is not true what you say, because everyone has it, even YOU!

I can kinda see where Vlad's coming from. I wouldn't close myself off to the possibility that feelings of empathy, what people would call their 'gut feeling', good fortune, accurate predictions, etc. are the tip of an iceberg which makind will someday realise to include a wide range of extra-sensory perceptions we never knew existed before. It's been said there are areas of our brain for which no use has yet been determined - perhaps they, if harnessed properly, dictate powers of telekenesis, telepathy, etc.

Now there's a person who knows what I am talking about!

But to call that the Force and say people who can use it are Jedi... nah. That's just a story. Get over it.

UUUUmmmmm, .... It is obvious that you don't understand what I am trying to say, I am trying to say that everyone has it!

but he also could wish to become something other then a "jedi" maybe a Gungan :p

*Because of the funniness of the thing Kariudo said Vlada spits all of the food and drinks on the floor *

Sorry for quoting half of my reply people, I notceid (thanks to Hannibal) that I posted in the wrong thread.


The force does not exist. It is part of a very good story, but like many stories, it isn't real, and simply does not exist. Is there a reason why you're coming up with these ludicrous theories?


You seriously sound like a bureaucrat (just kidding:p ) why don't you try more for instance (seriously) I mean don't you want to be a guardian of peace, tolerance and justice?:confused:

Maybe in your 50-ies you may have stories to tell to your grandchildren:) .


once again, :wstupid:

It seems like that stingerhs is one of the few people that support and believe me. Why dosen't anyone want to be a Hero?:confused:


Attempting to read peoples minds sucesfulyl with empathy does not make you a jedi, you still don't have a ligthsaber, can't use telekenisis, can't run uber fast, so even if you COULD read peoples minds, that does NOT make you a Jedi.


Don't you want to be a Jedi?




Being a Jedi is not at all about slicing people up with a lightsaber, or running really fast. It's about holding to certain ideals, and developing a greater understanding of the Universe.


With this what just Shok_Tinoktin is made one of the most genuine people on this thread.:D



Being a Jedi is about what Shok_Tinoktin, nas77 and I said, if anyone has more theories post them.

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

Being a Jedi is about what Shok_Tinoktin, nas77 and I said.

Hey, whoa, I don't wanna to be quoted in that context. What I said had nothing to do with being a Jedi; I was talking about ESP. I was coming from a more, sorta X-Files perspective than SW...

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What do you think? Does the Force exist? Maybe it does? But what is it really? Is it according to Lucas' eplenation something that controls everything? Or is it a our hidden abilites?


Hey Vladimir-Vlada,


There are people of certain religions that belive in the force.


If you watched the original documentaries by GL, he specifically stated that he created the Jedi order from Buddhism. Buddhists believe in the same principals as Jedi. They believe in controling their emotions, and in meditation. GL also said that Yoda was created to mirror 'Buddha' and all jedi were his followers.


Also, if you watched CNN during the time of Episode I, you would have seen a broadcast in which they talked about how 250,000 people wanted the census board to add 'Jedi' as a religion. (I found this very amusing).



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Originally posted by Emperor Devon



Are you having any serious problems at home? That could explain your idea about the force...


I'd want to be some Dark Jedi, but that was only if we were in the same galaxy as where it was based..

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