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How to become a Jedi

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

FINNALY! More people...


Well because of the Stinking School I didn't have much time (and this is a bit hard). I posted a site for buliding a fancy flashlight that is like a lightsaber...

Just a comment...

Though my comments about the "fancy flashlight" may have seemed critical.. they are very nice instructions for making a saber hilt replica... much better than the plain 'bland' hilt replicas you see alot of (this one has lit up led's and "emitter" beam)..


so Kudos for you for posting it :D


Just didn't want you to think I was slamming ya' man :)

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No, it's about all of us, of all life.

Of the force!!

It penetrates us, surrounds us, i...



Meesa likie fancy lighty-lightsaberiess-flashligtseys!


And i'm still trying the empathy thing.


..But how do i know it's someone elses feelings, and not my own?

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Originally posted by Sabretooth

The power you speak of is within everyone, but people do not wish to use it. A man can understand a lot easily about another by using the process of deduction. I personally don't think that this is anything unique, but is a mere scientific method some minds are easier to catch up. (weird grammar)


Not that I'm against you, just some opinion and possible knowledge.


Can you try that thing on me?


I tend to do that automatially I guess thats why I'm good at explaining things to people even when I can't see them. but yeah the force exists <forcepersuade> you will remember this</forcepersuade>


as for the starter it doesn't mean that you are anything special cuz all it takes is a keen obervation skill which few people posess but it is something you can practice

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Someone replied...

I thougth this thread was done for. Anyway to be sure that you have forgotten your own feelings, you have to focus more on somone else's emotions, reactions, behaviour and commpassion to the same, once you stop having doubts or any holding grudges, then and only then will you be able to master empathy.

One day you might even know how someone feels even if some emotions are still inside you.



If you focus on other people's emotions more than your own, one day you will be able to feel other's emotions, but you won't be able to feel your own.


P.S. Where's Prime or Devon or the Hidden One? Looks like that this thread is done for.:(

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

I thougth this thread was done for. Anyway to be sure that you have forgotten your own feelings, you have to focus more on somone else's emotions, reactions, behaviour and commpassion to the same, once you stop having doubts or any holding grudges, then and only then will you be able to master empathy.

One day you might even know how someone feels even if some emotions are still inside you.


I'll never master empathy... :lol:


Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

Where's Devon?



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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada


If you focus on other people's emotions more than your own, one day you will be able to feel other's emotions, but you won't be able to feel your own.


P.S. Where's Prime or Devon or the Hidden One? Looks like that this thread is done for.:( [/b]


dude there is not to feeling other people emotions cuz all you have to do is be in touch with your surondings and be observant cuz I've been doing that for a long time before I discovered this thread and to those tech suport people out there you should try it sometime cuz it help explain thing so other can understand

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Oh, yes, I forgot...

I am sorry about your grand mother Devon.


It surely is painful for you.:(


I know that you wouldn't like to mention it anymore, but I want to make it easy for you, but what can I, a 14 year old idiot on the other side of the world do?



Still I am sorry...:(


P.S. Oh, and Devon, you will master emapthy, it's not that hard. You can do it!

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

Oh, yes, I forgot...

I am sorry about your grand mother Devon.




Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

But what can I, a 14 year old idiot on the other side of the world do?


You can stop calling yourself an idiot. :p Humility is good, but up to a point...


I doubt there's really anything anyone can do... Thanks for offering, though.

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon





You can stop calling yourself an idiot. :p Humility is good, but up to a point...


I doubt there's really anything anyone can do... Thanks for offering, though.


dude to bad this aint nwn cuz you could always use a scroll of reserection but I dout that brings any comfort but yeah sorry about your grandma

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i think that what Vladimir-Vlada is trying to say about becoming a Jedi, isn't so far away from reality and i'll clear my ideas in 2 points of view:



1st : if we take it from the science point of view, Inestine (i dont know how to spell it) says that if a man cold use 100% of his mind, he will no longer need his body and will turn into a pure energy (Obi wan Kenobi for example?). this words tell us how strong is the mind of the human and that's all about the Jedi, but i think that we will need a very long time to do so especially if we knew that we are using less that 3% of our minds power...still, i agree with Vladimir-Vlada.


2nd: if we take it from the religion and philosophy point of view, they tell us that the upper force which called God have the all force and he gave humans a little bit of it which allow him to walk, eat, think......etc.

but during history there were some men who could do abnormal things such as the prophets, and religion explane this by saying that God aid his dicples by giving them alot more force than normal humans, thus if we tried to understand God we can have this force and use it for common good for the God keep give it to us.


anyway this is my thoughts and i agree with Vladimir-Vlada,but i think that we are too far away( by time i mean) from the 2 ways of having the force.


PS: dont forget me if you once built an Order....and no, i'll not be a Sith Lord even they are cooler than the Jedi

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Originally posted by Korfredonn

i think that what Vladimir-Vlada is trying to say about becoming a Jedi, isn't so far away from reality and i'll clear my ideas in 2 points of view:



1st : if we take it from the science point of view, Inestine (i dont know how to spell it) says that if a man cold use 100% of his mind, he will no longer need his body and will turn into a pure energy (Obi wan Kenobi for example?). this words tell us how strong is the mind of the human and that's all about the Jedi, but i think that we will need a very long time to do so especially if we knew that we are using less that 3% of our minds power...still, i agree with Vladimir-Vlada.



dude I have used that arguement over and over again when explaining the powers of the human mind


I haven't dissagreed with him I just pointed out alteratives cuz every thing says he is doing I do automatially

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada


If you focus on other people's emotions more than your own, one day you will be able to feel other's emotions, but you won't be able to feel your own.


NOW you're telling me this, why not before this happened:D

J/K, I couldn't resist.


Anyway I'd go for Korf's first point of view, as I don't think any real gods exist.

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if be coming a jedi is possible consider this there are stroies of ancient monks that could focus all their chi into a single very powerful burst of lightning and others recount monks meditating so long that lightning bolts went from palm to palm


for those who don't know what Chi is it is you life force accourding to many asian culturs

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dude to bad this aint nwn cuz you could always use a scroll of reserection

Whatever is the reason you said it, it isn't funny:mad: .


1st : if we take it from the science point of view, Inestine (i dont know how to spell it) says that if a man cold use 100% of his mind, he will no longer need his body and will turn into a pure energy (Obi wan Kenobi for example?). this words tell us how strong is the mind of the human and that's all about the Jedi, but i think that we will need a very long time to do so especially if we knew that we are using less that 3% of our minds power...still, i agree with Vladimir-Vlada.

People cannot turn into energy when they use 100% of their minds, because objects (and people) can turn into energy only when they reach the speed of light (Basic Laws of Phycics).


2nd: if we take it from the religion and philosophy point of view, they tell us that the upper force which called God have the all force and he gave humans a little bit of it which allow him to walk, eat, think......etc.

The Force represents our undeveloped and hidden abilities, also represents our connection to each other (phsycological).


anyway this is my thoughts and i agree with Vladimir-Vlada,but i think that we are too far away( by time i mean) from the 2 ways of having the force.

We're not that far, but thanks for your support and oppinion.:)


PS: dont forget me if you once built an Order....and no, i'll not be a Sith Lord even they are cooler than the Jedi

If all goes well, and we prove and find out that the Force exists, also that others wish to be Jedi (guardians of peace, law and goodness) we will create a Jedi Order.


Anyway I'd go for Korf's first point of view, as I don't think any real gods exist.

Of course, there is no God. But this thread is not about some Gods existence, it's about the Force...


if be coming a jedi is possible consider this there are stroies of ancient monks that could focus all their chi into a single very powerful burst of lightning and others recount monks meditating so long that lightning bolts went from palm to palm

It can be done, if one learns to channel electro-magnetic brain waves through other things.


so how do you do that then?

To do this, you would have to first start worrying and thinking how someone else feels, and stop worrying or thinking how do you feel.

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