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Good News Concerning the Forum Closure!

Boba Rhett

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Judging by your post, Xcom, I can tell you must be a lot smarter than all of us here and I bet we'd all appreciate it if you would enlighten us with your infinite pranking wisdom as to the proper execution of a good April fools joke, Mr. Pranky McPrankpranks of the April Fools Brigade.



All thing considered? What did you consider? :confused:

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

<Sarcasm>Well I for one would have found it more convincing if actual LA lawyers came to my doorstep. :sign2: </Sarcasm>

That would have give everything away...lawyers never go to people's doorsteps: we send bailiffs :devburn:someone's got to get the ****

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I cannot believe it.

She is like all the rest.

And to think I thought she was better than that.

Poor poor me, will I ever trust again?


(Good prank gang, but a prank that really upset alot of people. As much as I had a hard time believing it to be true, I was already off visiting all my old Guilds and allies from 10+ years of MMORPG gaming and rallying support for a LA boycott. Now to remember where I went and put out the fires.)

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Meh, I suppose it was a bit much for a joke, but I guess when I saw it I had just figured, well maybe they wil make another one somewhere else. I wasnt going to delete my wip thread because of this, I was going to delete it because my computer officially fried and all my files where there;)

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Originally posted by Darth333

Everyone is entitled to lie on April 1st :D


Yes but Lawyers do it for a living.:D They should be made to tell only the Truth on April Fools.:p


Kidding Darth333 we all know lawyers bend the truth to there will. Albeit sometimes an out right lie might be better though.:cool:

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Frankly it was extremely easy to tell this was an april fools joke. I wasn't here to read the original post unfortunately but judging from the letter posted above the wording is extremely unprofessional and i seriously doubt any1 with legal knowledge wrote that (my parents are lawyers so i see a bunch of those kinds of notices) and frankly i think it was in general a bad idea. That question of legality is on many ppl's minds and causes uneccessary panic (as stated above, deletion of WIP threads and other such evidence). In the spirit of april fools i must say you fooled quite a few more ppl than i expected (first rule of pranking, always asume the other person is smarter than you are). IMHO a better joke in terms of not causing mass emotional breakdown would be a kind of "fake release" in which you would show a new and promising tool and/or program that could get ppl really excited then crush their dreams in one fell swoop!

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Darth333 i have to ask what is it with you and your new found obsession with fish?


Same here. I was just looking at the signature and she posts that link to another animated fish.


Although I must say a picture is better than a famous scene from K1.(FISHY FISHY FISHY!) *shudders*

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Awww c'mon, a few lost WIP threads are acceptable casualties of April Fools. :D




Glamador, Darth333, our resident lawyer, wrote it. I think it was plenty good, better than I could have done, and I'm quite happy she didn't use words like "any1" in it. :D:xp:

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Very Nicely done, When I saw the notice earlier this morning I was beginning to wonder how to find all the great resources that were going to be lost. Good work................. Bravo troops and to quote an old movie (Johnny Dangerously) "You Fargin Iceholes"





Very nicely played, I concede defeat........

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