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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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I have a few problems while trying to register in TSLRP's forum, I don't know if I'm the only one...


First the picture of the validation code doesn't appear, you know the image with numbers and letters you have to copy out...

This thing.


And secondly, I can't send any mail to tslrp@team-gizka.org because this adress doesn't work...


I know that's not the appropriate place for this but since forum and mail don't work :s ...


... OK, since I'm posting, I'll copy my mail so you can answer me.


There isn't any picture of confirmation code to enter, it doesn't appear...


Well, since I' writing this mail, I'll ask my questions right now :


1°) I play the French version of the game. I guess that I won't be able to install the final version of TSLRP and just play to TSL ? I saw on the forum that you plan to make TSLRP in foreign versions. If you need help for the French one, know that I'm here... However as you sayed you already have all the people you need...


2°) There are many mods already downloadable on your site. Will they be in the TSLRP or will we have to download them separately ?


3°) I saw the screen with Visas' duel in the Ebon Hawk. That makes me remember that I've never seen the "Force Sight" in action (it doesn't work with me). I heard that's because of the screen resolution (however, i'm in 1024*768 with 85 Hz, so I doubt that's that...). What do you think of this ?



Thanks for this amazing work you make with TSLRP. I can't wait to be "when it's done" ^^ !

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No, I took care of clicking on the adult account. I just tried the child one, but there is no picture too.


And now I can't try anything because I "have exceeded the number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later." :p



Though, during less than a second, there is a little picture that appears, meaning that the image is loading, but then nothing.

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Though, during less than a second, there is a little picture that appears, meaning that the image is loading, but then nothing.


I took a quick look at their registration page and get the same thing with all three browsers I tested with. Seems like their CAPTCHA generator is broken or something. It will probably get fixed eventually if you are patient. Seems like members of Team Gizka check this thread every now and then. :)


* * *


The teaser video looked very nice. It'll be good to see all these pieces put together.

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I took a quick look at their registration page and get the same thing with all three browsers I tested with. Seems like their CAPTCHA generator is broken or something. It will probably get fixed eventually if you are patient. Seems like members of Team Gizka check this thread every now and then. :)


* * *


The teaser video looked very nice. It'll be good to see all these pieces put together.


The CAPTCHA was supposed to be turned off... They're basically useless anyway, since phpbb's CAPTCHA was compromised over a year ago.


Anyway, I've turned it off again. Sorry about that, try the registration again. I'm going to have to talk to Dash about the inability to send e-mails, though. Seems that the DNS has forgotten where the mail server is. Sendmail is still set up on that box to receive mail for team-gizka.org.


Sorry about that.


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Yes, it's working ! Thanks a lot !



Concerning the viedo, yeah it rocks. You are doing an amazing job with the cut content. I just had a look in the game's sound files, even the cut content has been translated, I feared you wouldn't make TSLRP in other languages, but there shouldn't be any problem.


By the way, since it's New Year, I wish you success for this project ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I've been away (and will continue to be as such after tonight) but I would like to comment that I have watched your "trailer" ten times in a row now and I am flabbergasted. I knew you were doing alot, but the stuff in the trailer was alot more than I was expecting. Cool, that's just what I came to say.

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I have a question about the Restoration Project mod. And I'm kinda in a strange situation here.


We have 2 computers in my house. One is in my parents room, and the other is in my room. Mine does not have internet access on it, but it has all of my games on it. When the Restoration Project mod comes out, will I be able to download it to my parents computer, and then transfer the files to my computer via, say, a USB device?

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I have a question about the Restoration Project mod. And I'm kinda in a strange situation here.


We have 2 computers in my house. One is in my parents room, and the other is in my room. Mine does not have internet access on it, but it has all of my games on it. When the Restoration Project mod comes out, will I be able to download it to my parents computer, and then transfer the files to my computer via, say, a USB device?

Considering the size of this mod you woul have to have a pretty big flash drive (and some time) to pull that off. So the answer to your question is most likely yes if you own I would say... at least 2GB flash drive or card. The thing I would suggest though if it were at all possible is to get internet connectivity on your own computer so that you could DL it directly instead of having to go through all of that trouble. Anyway I hope this answer your quesition.;)

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Considering the size of this mod you woul have to have a pretty big flash drive (and some time) to pull that off. So the answer to your question is most likely yes if you own I would say... at least 2GB flash drive or card.


It's only ~ 15 MB in size to download. The installer uses 7zip to compress the files. The only issue with not having a proper internet connection is that if patches are produced and released as the beta builds are at the moment (via the auto-updater resting neatly in my KotOR II directory) you will not be able to update to the latest version.

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Considering the size of this mod you woul have to have a pretty big flash drive (and some time) to pull that off. So the answer to your question is most likely yes if you own I would say... at least 2GB flash drive or card. The thing I would suggest though if it were at all possible is to get internet connectivity on your own computer so that you could DL it directly instead of having to go through all of that trouble. Anyway I hope this answer your quesition. :)



Well I highly doubt I'll be able to get internet access on my computer simply because I would be able to get on more conveniently and my mom doesn't trust me to not go to porn sites. :eyeraise:

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You can get 1gb flash drives for around $20 - $40 here in Knoxville.


I'd say there's a good chance you'd be able to pull it off EagerWeasel. Providing you have the proper type of flash drive and plenty of time (as SithRevan stated ;) )


If the mod is over 1gb.. then I'd say there would be a number of folks having problems with the mod.. highspeed or not ;)


EDIT: oops.. didn't see your post there Pavlos. Couldn't you guys distribute seperate builds for download? I don't forsee me installing an auto-updater of any sort unless it's contained in an OS where I don't have the option to disable it ;)

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EDIT: oops.. didn't see your post there Pavlos. Couldn't you guys distribute seperate builds for download? I don't forsee me installing an auto-updater of any sort unless it's contained in an OS where I don't have the option to disable it ;)


It isn't an auto-updater as such. It works in much the same way as the game's patching system. The team release a patch and you can double click on the updater if you want it and it will download the latest version. Updating is entirely optional. I can't speak for the team but I'd imagine they'll provide separate builds anyway :).


I'll point Dashus towards the thread.

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Well I highly doubt I'll be able to get internet access on my computer simply because I would be able to get on more conveniently and my mom doesn't trust me to not go to porn sites. :eyeraise:

You can just uninstall the mod grab the updated full installer (which will always be the latest available version) and then reinstall. And, without getting into nitty details, if saves aren't invalidated by an update, then they won't be invalidated by doing the uninstall/reinstall.


The mod comes packaged in a multi-language installer and will probably be (according to my latest estimates - again subject to change) about 20-25MB and about 100MB extracted.

We won't be providing past builds as they will, no doubt, be buggier than the most recent version.

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Okay, I've been watching this project for a while now. My questions are thus:


1. Once you release the finalized mod, it will undoubtedly be a collection of about a hundred or so files. As such, I'm certain that at least a few things will conflict with the myriad of files I already have in my override folder, being of the same name. Does it change or inactivate the mod if I should change the file name? (Perhaps you should take the precaution by having every single file name start with about fifteen or so zeros.)


2. Will the mods conflict with many other mods a person might have installed, do you think? For example, my "influence fix" mod, various skin mods, various weapons mods, my "Handmaiden love quest for females" mod, various stats mods, etc.?


3. Would it be possible to follow the official strategy guide's walthrough with this mod, or would the game be so different that most of it wouldn't be any help? Will someone on your team publish an official strategy guide for the modified game?

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1) Yes things will break if rename files. However most files are put into .mod files; only global dialogs, global scripts and lip files are put into override.

2) For the gabillionth time: yes. We will likely conflict with many mods.

3) At this point we're inclined to think the official strat guide still applies. We have no plans on putting out a strat guide for the modified game.

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2) For the gabillionth time: yes. We will likely conflict with many mods.


This is also a good time to point out that there is less likely hood of conflicts if the other mods you are installing use the TSLpatcher. For that matter if it is good to point out that it wouldn't hurt for the TSLRP to use this utility for the final release as it likely would only be a couple more hours ontop of final production then there wouldn't be questions of compatibility so much.


However as A modder Zerimar Nyliram if your concerned that another mod will be incompatible with your own then it falls upon your shoulders to use methods of modding that reduce incompatibility issues such as the TSLPatcher utility.

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@Zerimar Nyliram:

May I suggest that when you install the TSLRP, that you start with a clean override folder and then install any mods that do not conflict afterwards? Besides, I intend to back up my current override folder and play with just the TSLRP installed on my next playthrough, and then install anything else I want later...


...Also, the TSL Patcher would solve many such conflicts.

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