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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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Two questions:


1. Have you seen the TSL Restoration Mod that Team Exile has done? Is it worth reinstalling and re-playing the game for before your Restoration Project comes out?


2. Do you think your mod will come out before NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer does?


You're doing a fantastic job, and is Russian going to be included in the TSL languages?




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This mod restored two items cut from the final game: The vibrocutter and the heavy mining laser, as well as other fixes to the Prologue, Peragus and the Harbinger.


Will the team be considering reinserting the object and/or implimenting any fixes to the same areas?

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IIRC Team Gizka has stated they're not going to restore any Peragus content.


I would have checked their website to be sure but as most everybody that has read this thread since 8/18 knows Team Gizka's website is down at the moment. :D


Woah, Your a little harsh, Kryptex is new to the forums and is still getting acquainted, show a little compassion. :xp:

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It's just a byproduct of the webserver down-ness. The bugtracker is on the same server. So sadly, we don't even have access to the bug tracker atm.




Well thanks for clearing that up Dashus (some people might have started rumors that the bugs were done and that would have caused havoc :)) )


Hope u guys get your server back soon ...


Keep up the good work ;)



Edit: Hey I was just looking through the the team-jawa site and I am a lil' confused...


Is this mod genuine or is it a fake? I can't see how kotor 1 was unfinished and there are no obvious hints in the game that there was cut content (Sleheyron) . The only mention of Sleheyron in kotor 1 was when talking to yuthura... And a lost rakatan temple on tatooine ? Isn't the dragon cave the temple (or what's left of it)? Anyone else know about this mod (if it's genuine) What do you guys think Dashus?

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The K1RP is genuine. I've decoded walkmesh and lightmap formats and am currently working at an improved mdl exporter/importer to make it possible to build areas from scratch.

Sleheyron was an industrial waste planet which didn't make it past the initial concept sketches during the Bioware production process. Somewhere on the web you can find an interview with one of Kotor I designers where he talks a bit about the ideas they were circulating around on the planet before it got axed.

As for the rest of the items, you can find them in the game resources in various state of completion, though they are all in a much more advanced state than Sleheyron.


While I wouldn't say that Kotor I is "unfinished", as it is obvious that the game's final state is very polished, the aim of the K1RP is to restore various additional areas/quests which have been dropped at various stages of development. If you don't like the "restoration" idea, simply look at it as a truly huge mod for Kotor I, which, if everything goes well, will also feature new areas built from scratch (not just reskinned ones).


Of course, the project is still in the very initial stages, there's an extremely long way to go, and nothing can be promised right now. But if you take a look at some of the design sketches on the K1RP forums, I think you'll agree the potential, at least, is there.

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The K1RP is genuine. I've decoded walkmesh and lightmap formats and am currently working at an improved mdl exporter/importer to make it possible to build areas from scratch.

Sleheyron was an industrial waste planet which didn't make it past the initial concept sketches during the Bioware production process. Somewhere on the web you can find an interview with one of Kotor I designers where he talks a bit about the ideas they were circulating around on the planet before it got axed.

As for the rest of the items, you can find them in the game resources in various state of completion, though they are all in a much more advanced state than Sleheyron.


While I wouldn't say that Kotor I is "unfinished", as it is obvious that the game's final state is very polished, the aim of the K1RP is to restore various additional areas/quests which have been dropped at various stages of development. If you don't like the "restoration" idea, simply look at it as a truly huge mod for Kotor I, which, if everything goes well, will also feature new areas built from scratch (not just reskinned ones).


Of course, the project is still in the very initial stages, there's an extremely long way to go, and nothing can be promised right now. But if you take a look at some of the design sketches on the K1RP forums, I think you'll agree the potential, at least, is there.



Hmm.. that sounds great. Don't get me wrong I did not want to sound as if I object to the mod it's just that I did not know if the cut content was cut simply because bioware changed their minds or because of the same time constraint issue kotor2 faced. I wanted to know if the game was unfinished or simply re-thought. 10x for the info and I (as well as the rest of the kotor fan base and team-gizka I think) wish you guys good luck, few bugs, and of course .. a warm fuzzy May The Force Be With You :):urpdude:

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I know.. I recently saw wildstorm or another tg member post the remainder of the contet that needs to be implemented (can't remember on witch of the 3 forums from the tg website) and they are getting close (3 or 4 things left) but it is likely that a few more bugs will surface once that is done.

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I hardly think that's possible(said Kreia in a boorish tone to Atton:)) ) the month is almost over and the language building is not done yet, the content is note fully implemented and there are still 8 bugs (not counting the features). I think we won't see the mod out for another 2 months at least... Still we must learn patience as Yoda would say... it's getting close ;)

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I hardly think that's possible(said Kreia in a boorish tone to Atton:)) ) the month is almost over and the language building is not done yet, the content is note fully implemented and there are still 8 bugs (not counting the features). I think we won't see the mod out for another 2 months at least... Still we must learn patience as Yoda would say... it's getting close ;)



I thought it was September already. :xp:

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