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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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I'm going to put this out there. I want to play the mod. I would like somebody to share it with me. As far as I can tell, putting a request like this out there shouldn't be an issue as this isn't copyrighted material nor is there anything sensitive at stake here. If you'd like to help me by fulfilling said request or point me in the direction of some person or place that can, feel free to email me or PM me. I have my profile setup to allow emails from other users to reach my inbox.


P.S. Team Gizka rocks!

If you think TG rocks then why can't you give them a bit more time to finish off their mod instead of trying to jump the gun, which could ruin your enjoyment of the mod?

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I think you guys are taking the mod thing a bit too seriously. It's probably safe to say that most of us have finished KOTOR 2 and it's also safe to say that not only was it one of the most unfinished RPGs I've ever played, but one of the buggiest. That being what it is, given the bugs I've seen thus far on mantis with 1.0b1, this mod in it's current state seems far superior to TSL in it's released state and in it's current patched state. So I'm more than willing to "take my chances" because if the original TSL couldn't ruin my enjoyment of the game with all of it's flaws, then this mod could certainly do no worse.

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I think you guys are taking the mod thing a bit too seriously. It's probably safe to say that most of us have finished KOTOR 2 and it's also safe to say that not only was it one of the most unfinished RPGs I've ever played, but one of the buggiest. That being what it is, given the bugs I've seen thus far on mantis with 1.0b1, this mod in it's current state seems far superior to TSL in it's released state and in it's current patched state. So I'm more than willing to "take my chances" because if the original TSL couldn't ruin my enjoyment of the game with all of it's flaws, then this mod could certainly do no worse.

Thing is, we're still not talking about just "flaws" here but major show-stopper bugs that could still be unpredictable...Yes K2 was incomplete, but it was also quite stable, which is why could could play it from start to finish without having a CTD every 5 minutes.

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Heh. Thanks for the scares but a quick look through mantis only reveals two possible major issues: 0000938 and 0000920. Every other bug uncovered since the test began last week has been quite minor.


Though I find it funny you found TSL stable as plenty of people who played the PC version found it unstable from what I've seen. I originally played it on the XBOX (finally shelled out for the PC version when I found it for 20 bucks) and didn't experience so many issues - lucky me.

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Heh. Thanks for the scares but a quick look through mantis only reveals two possible major issues: 0000938 and 0000920. Every other bug uncovered since the test began last week has been quite minor.

So far, which is why they're still testing it ;)


About K2, the majority of the people won't have had any issues with it, mind you the people complaining about issues (online or wherever) usually represent a minority as the people with no problems are unlikely to vent their opinions abut the subject.

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Team Gizka has entrusted myself and others with the beta with the understanding that it will not be shared with anyone else. There are two main reasons for this.


Firstly there are still many bugs to resolve, including some major ones. TG wants the final product to be as bug-free and polished as possible.


Secondly the whole point of the beta is to find and report bugs, not to just have fun playing it.


I can assure you though that 1.0c1 isn't too far off, and the wait will be worth it.


Oh and as for major bugs, unless I've missed something (which is entirely possible) then I've just found another major bug.

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^^^ You mostlikely have. The mod so far has been super, but not 100% where they want it to be.


Rest assured, mod-playing enthusiasts, that this mod is no hoax. It is real, we are testing it, it is outstanding, and will be playable by the masses shortly - "When it's done" of course ;) which is in the near future!

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Well I just found another reason you guys shouldn't be playing the mod yet - I just found a game-ending bug.

Hmm, hope I don't encounter that one. I did encounter the HK-50 not attacking one (like you have), but on another planet.


It's not ready for a 1.0c release, I agree. But it has been great so far.

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Whoa! TSLRP almost done?


@any Team Gizka member who happens to read this:


I take my hat of to you!

(or at least I would if I was wearing one....)

In fact, i'll go get one just to take it off! :D:D


All jokes aside though, seriously good going guys...


It's been a long time in the making and now we're finally getting close to playing TSL as it was MEANT to be played.


Well done Team Gizka!


*cough*Mod of the Year Cough*



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murdrax - nah not a bad joke, I just wasn't in a laughing mood at the time. Keep it up though :)


Miltiades - well hopefully you won't, but I suspect you will. As I mentioned on mantis, I think it's an issue with the game not recognising that the quest has been completed. Mind you, I don't know much about the technical aspect of the game, so I could be completely wrong.


In general - the game is indeed superb, but not ready for public release. All of the added content is worthwhile, and some of it is extremely funny, whilst much of the original game has been expanded upon.

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I am not sure how satisfying a screenshot would be... I understand the drooling hunger with which we have all awaited this mod, but I really do recommend waiting a little while longer and just playing it yourself when 1.0c1 is released.


The bugs that we are finding are for the most part easy fixes. The few head scratchers will be addressed in similarly rapid fashion.


Whatever Dash may say, I still recommend patience.


As for "Mod of the Year" honors, that will probably be a no-brainer... but we won't vote on that until next year. I also feel that there will be mods released after the 1.0c1 build that will at least garner a mention in that voting :)

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Well I have the go-ahead to give you guys some screenshots. Unfortunately for you all though, I just finished my first play-through and haven't started the second yet, so you're going to have to wait haha.

Some people know how to be cruel.


But I liked that info. You've finished your first playthrough already, that means things are progressing (mostly) well.

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Well I have the go-ahead to give you guys some screenshots. Unfortunately for you all though, I just finished my first play-through and haven't started the second yet, so you're going to have to wait haha.

Then why are you here to post about it instead of taking those screenies? Move it minion!!!

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