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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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  • 3 weeks later...
...I also read somewhere that Lucas was unhapy with the special effects mask for Greedo so they reshot the scene after they were done in England....


That's the one :) Plus, alot of other stuff got chucked from the original Cantina shoot, mainly due to costumes that looked ridiculous - like the giant praying mantis !!


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New Question:


Q. What was the name of the original main song performed by the band in Jabba's Palace. What was this changed to and when ? Name the singers ?



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  • 2 weeks later...

@SidiousHead try not to spam this thread up....trivia Qs and As only please!


There were a few actors who made appearances as more than one character - this was mainly in the prequels, with Silas Carson playing 3 roles IIRC, though was Nute Gunray most notably. Ahmed Best(Jar Jar) also appeared in the nightclub scene with Anthony Daniels. The names of these characters are EU questions so arent relevant here. The other actor that has appeared in BOTH the prequels and OT is Warwick Davis, who played Wicket the Ewok and was a spectator in Wattos group during the podrace.


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Q. New Question - here's a curly one


Which films early script draft featured 'Vader's Fortress' and a scene with him "feeding gargoyles" !!



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  • 1 month later...

**An apology to Trivia players for lack of steady questions from me recently, its NWN2 damnit !!! Things will be getting going again soon** - ASTRO


A one-off guess, since I don't come here much anymore... ESB?


come back Davinq ! Though you havent missed much recently !


You are correct with ESB !!! It was in the early scripts, but got weeded out by Lucas very early on. I believe the notes were discovered by accident a couple of years ago. There was even some jokey storyboards in there, featuring Fett casually drinking with straw after the Cloud City Confrontation with Solo etc.




Q. Which character that appeared in a deleted scene of ROTS also starred in Matrix Revolutions. Name the actor and character ?? Hint: 'Rebel Senator'



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
So, Astro, can you confirm that? And pop us a new question so we can keep this thread active. :)


yar! Im back :D I havent been around much recently... I was rebuilding my pc so have been pc les for over a month... back on now :) Though people other than myself are allowed to ask questions of course :p


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yes, Genevieve O'Reilly it is.... Thanks Moels :) Im awarding the ''point'' to Mat - close enough ...and nice to see a newer face.


speaking of points - i'll get the tallys done over easter ! how exciting !! :p


* * *

There is an active Q. so lets keep it movin' along ...


Q: What is the major difference about Yoda in the book TESB and Yoda in the film of TESB?



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  • 1 month later...

D. Saruman will need to clarify the answer for us. Its been so long since Ive read the ESB novelisation - Ive gone blank - and dont want to hazard a guess :)


* * *


New Question:


Q. Which scenes shot for ANH featured a soft porn actress ?? Name the character and actress name :)





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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

GA HA HA HA!!!! Wow Astrotoy...this thing is still going eh? I bailed out long ago.


Ok let's see here. I apologize if this has been asked before, but I ain't readin' through over 1,000 posts.


Q: Other than stormtroopers (including biker scouts, TIE/imperial walker pilots, or any other type of imperial "trooper"), list as many Imperials as you can that had American accents. 1 point for each one. Only the original trilogy may be counted. If you don't know the name of the person, provide the movie and scene where they spoke, and to whom they were speaking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yea, its not point based jedispy. Its more of a one-answer-to-question type deal. And Vader and Palpatine had 'American' accents...whatever the hell that means...I assume you just mean they weren't brits. Oh, and there was that guy on the Star Destroyer that the A-Wing flew through in RoTJ...not the Commanding officer, but the guy next to him.


I win.

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I didn't mean to rob out all the fun. Imperial officers in the New Order (Original Trilogy) typically have "British" sounding accents. Piett, Emperor Palpatine, Vader, Ozzel, Veers, etc.... Stormtroopers (sandtroopers, snowtroopers, scouts, etc...) typically sound American. What I was asking was which imperials (not counting troopers of any kind) sound American.

While this was rather open, I was looking for the following:

  1. In ANH during the Devastator's attack on the Tantive IV, there are three.
  2. The guy who says "Hold your fire, there are no life forms on board"
  3. The guy who tells Vader "She'll die before she tells you anything"
  4. The guy who informs Vader that the Death Star plans are not on board
    On the Death Star
  5. The deck officer of Docking Bay 327 ("I want a scanning crew in here on the double!")
  6. The guy who tries to reach TK-421 via comm
  7. The guy who says "commence primary ignition"


But your answer was good too.


Next question.

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