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Episode III - map pack


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there will be three small ffa maps in the map pack - here are screenshots of the first.


The invisible hand (Seperatists flagship where Ani and Obi fight Dooky and rescue Palpy




















more pics








on the upper platform you can see the door that goes to the hallways pictured above, the two doors at the end of the hallway are the elevators, that take you to the hanger (and no there will be no flyable ships in the hanger - I am saving that until we have the right models to use)

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Originally posted by sith-j-cull

Thanks glad you like it so far - you gonna have to wait for the movie release - I am going to release my map pack that week!


*rushes back to radiant*


Ok, I guess I'll wait. :(


In the meantime, I do have Anakin's lightsaber from Toys 'R' Us to practice with.


<vrrrmmm> <vrrrmmm> <whack>

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Neon

WIll you be able to fly outside?


Originally Posted by sith-j-cullon the upper platform you can see the door that goes to the hallways pictured above, the two doors at the end of the hallway are the elevators, that take you to the hanger (and no there will be no flyable ships in the hanger - I am saving that until we have the right models to use)


Pay alot of attention to

Originally posted by sith-j-cull(and no there will be no flyable ships in the hanger - I am saving that until we have the right models to use)
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  • 4 months later...

Hey....has anyone heard from sith-j-cull in a while? I'm looking for him. I tried the email address that is in his readme files, but it appears to be out of date. It also looks like his website exists no more. Anyone know how else to contact him (I already tried private messages....but if his email address for the forum is the same as I mentioned, it will be useless)


Any help is appeciated.

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