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Game dieing????


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I logged on to respec my kids character for them,and frankly the one thing i noticed was the total lack of people ingame.


So i logged off and went back a bit later,nothing had changed,the server is a ghost town,and frankly that saddens me.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

With so many better online games out there, are you suprised? Galaxies has been around a while now and nothing has actually improved the game in all that time.


Combat is still broken for some, bugs are running riot in the game and server lag is ridiculous considering the lack of players actually on the server.


SOE have done their best to get extra people on by throwing FREE 6 month accounts at them but until Galaxies is FUN and has an actual Star Wars theme to it, why should anyone pay to play?



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Originally posted by Wraith 8

i have been ingame almost everyday... what lack of people? there are countless people online on the starsider server. and my guild has never been so active


Good for you:p


Another 2 hours wasted looking for a group..nobody anywhere it seems

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Originally posted by Rogue15

hell no....that'd ruin the community...it's like throwing sharks in with minnows.




Well after parting with £17 for ROTW i can confirm the missing population are in there,


Plus,is it me,or is wookieworld very small?


Ohh and very bugged?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Wookiee world is small and bugged. The way SOE do things with every Galaxies expansion. The Combat Upgrade had just 1 month of testing and ROTW wasnt far behind.


Any fool knows that this is no where near enough time to test a product to sell..but they did. They are just not learning from their mistakes.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Wookiee world is small and bugged. The way SOE do things with every Galaxies expansion. The Combat Upgrade had just 1 month of testing and ROTW wasnt far behind.


Any fool knows that this is no where near enough time to test a product to sell..but they did. They are just not learning from their mistakes.




that's becayse SOE is a bunch of retards that only care about money, not what people think or do, as long as they make money, they will put out half ass'd content. None the less the CU still looks better then the unbalanced original style.

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Originally posted by Trahern Valley

I think they keep doing it because we keep playing anyway...


...er, enough of us keep playing anyway. :rolleyes:


Couldnt agree more tbh,


Ask yourself this,if this messy bugged up game was anything other than star wars would you stay..


And pay for it?


No didnt think so.


Lucas and SOE have an awful lot to answer for,this game should have burried everything in its wake.

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Originally posted by fozzie22

Couldnt agree more tbh,


Ask yourself this,if this messy bugged up game was anything other than star wars would you stay..


And pay for it?


No didnt think so.


Lucas and SOE have an awful lot to answer for,this game should have burried everything in its wake.


I think SOE firgured out that a less then good game would do fine with all the Star Wars fans, as long as it had the name people would come. To bad this game could've been much better then it is.


It's really not that bad though, the reason i quit was that the grind got boring, and i didn't feel like grinding out a bad profession, but now that they're more evend out i may pick up The Total Experience.

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