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The Sith - Adding a human touch


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One of the things I really missed in KOTOR II was interaction with the Sith on a social level, like the Korriban in KOTOR I. The experiences in KOTOR I's Korriban actually made me like the Sith, and think "hey they're not so bad". There's no such experience with TSL, which is dissapointing, as there's nothing really luring you to fall to the Dark Side.


Any opinions on this?

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I agree that there should have been more Sith in the The Sith Lords. There is a certain amount of content that was cut from the game, so that is part of it. In particular, Sith Lords like Sion and Nihilus were somewhat one dimensional. There even wasn't much contact with Sith forces in general.


As for the Sith being sympathetic, I didn't find that. They were a bunch of bullies. :)

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^^^ I found the sith used their power to live. That made them arrogant but it would be nice to see the sith (and the jedi) to be more human or the sith using the dark side to help people (like killing the truely evil guys). And did anyone else notice that

Sion said that Traya would break you and gave you the option to turn away.

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One of the things I really missed in KOTOR II was interaction with the Sith on a social level, like the Korriban in KOTOR I. The experiences in KOTOR I's Korriban actually made me like the Sith, and think "hey they're not so bad". There's no such experience with TSL, which is dissapointing, as there's nothing really luring you to fall to the Dark Side.


Any opinions on this?


Yeah i was most dissapointed with the lack of sith.I was looking forward to some sith interaction which i never got really.Lets hope they make up for it with the third one if it ever comes out. :)

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I didn't mind it so much (I was sort of happy that we got to see the other parts of the galaxy, like Nar Shaddaa and the Exchange), but I agree that there was a little too much lack-of-sith. I mean, we practically never get to fight saber against saber, and when we do it's usually a major confrontation.

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For all the above posts leading to Prime's post... those reasons are exactly why I highly suggest his mod...


You get more sith, saber vs saber duels & unlike other opponents, they actually drop the saber they were using to try and lob off your head ;)


gotta give a :thumbsup: to Prime's mod... it's one of my perma-mods®

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I think they want another korriban, not just fight them but talk to them, maybe get captured etc etc.


I can agree. Kotor had alot of sith interaction. it was cool.


In TSL you really dont have a clear enemy.

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I don't think adding a human touch to the Sith will be good. It wouldn't make them evil anymore. Notice that most of the Sith you encountered on Korriban were students so pretty unsure of their alignment.

Yuthura still had a spark of the Light Side within her so it doesn't count.

Uthar was the only real Sith over there. He was evil, but the subtle kind of evil. Didn't make him "more human" either.


I think that having interesting Sith characters is key, but blurring the line between Light and Dark (like having Jedi killing puppies for the greater good and Sith petting Gizkas because they're cute) isn't a good idea.


The only Star Wars game that "blurred" the line between good and evil while still retaining a groups' roots is Tie Fighter. They managed to make the Empire a not-so-bad organization without removing their essence, which is annihilating all the enemies of the Empire.

You weren't playing with Gizkas but you weren't killing them for nothing either.

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I like to see u get tortued and the DS character trys to turn you so to speak like KOTOR 1 but have a sith lord or Dark character do it.


I would rather not. It's one of the things I strongly dislike, when a game's storyline force you to get captured without a fight.


Sure, I've killed a hundred of these guys before without breaking a sweat, but oh no, this time I just HAVE to surrender. Yeah right. Makes the rest of the fights in the game feel pointless, since you know they won't really matter.


It slaps you none too subtly in the face with the realization that the outcome of the confrontations that matter already is set no matter what you do.


Fight and lose and get captured rather than killed, on the other hand, would work just fine. Provided that you lose by your own actions, and the game doesn't force you to lose.


* * *


The Sith students on Korriban in K1 reflected Malak's personality well... power hungry brats and brutes without any finesse or subtlety. Hardly the finest the Sith has ever produced. :)


I like the way the Sith are in K2 just fine. Their goal is to kill all Jedi. They want you dead, not chat with you.


Staves as armaments for the Sith Assassins of Sion and Nihilus fit well with their stealthy profile in my opinion. They are a lot more quiet than noisy and light-flashing lightsabers, and they don't leave quite as obvious a trace as to who/what killed the victim.

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