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I’ve been reading this thread and what I’ve come to presume that you guys just want another mediocre FPS that’s based in a star wars galaxy that either revisits old characters or re-clones them into an empire era.

Why don’t you just let the first game speak for it self instead of risking a beloved franchise on a potential rubbish game, I’ve played so many games that the sequals ruin the original game for me.

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But that is a big if. Especially in today’s gaming market, it has to compete with every single FPS out there what would it bring to the field except that it’s a starwars game with a few unknown characters.

And before you say the RCs are incredibly popular I have to say to the majority of the gaming market they are relatively unknown.

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It’s always hard to come up with ideas for games…Well sometimes games just don’t try but most of them that succeed do.


For instances, Halo 3 is in my opinion the best LAN capable multiplayer game on the market. Sure it has a strong online community but I’ve yet found a game for the 360 that allows for 8 player multiplayer on two consoles.


I think the RC2 should be a multiplayer game so make it a multiplayer game, the biases of the game is to work as a team so maybe have something like this scenario.

4 players online

Mission 2 (Insert generic star destroyer name)

The RC’s have split up inside the star destroyer to do separate things, place charges to destroy the ship, download its navi computer to see where it is going and where it has been, deactivate all security protocols and say sabotage the escape pods.

Player one reaches a corridor and he’s confronted with a sealed blast door he needs one of the other players to open the blast door for him through a computer terminal. So he’s progress is determined by how fast it takes the other player to reach a terminal to open it.


But that’s just a idea what do you think.

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  LordOfTheFish said:
I think we would all like to see what it's like behind Fixer, Scorch, and Sev's helmets. But creating a game with that feature would make it wild, and all over the place.


It wouldn'y be much different to being Boss, except you wouldn't have the option of squad commands.


Every commando can do pretty much the same thing - and Boss can do everything that the others can, so I don't see the attraction of playing as the others.

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  LordOfTheFish said:
The attraction could be just being able to say you can play as them.


But there's no incentive to if one character can already do the same stuff -


"Hmm, do I play as carbon copy 1 or 2 for this mission?"


Unless each character offers something different, there's no point in allowing the player to play as them.


That's the probably the reason why you play as Boss in the first one - because the others would all be identical in terms of play.

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  Astor_Kaine said:
But there's no incentive to if one character can already do the same stuff -


"Hmm, do I play as carbon copy 1 or 2 for this mission?"


Unless each character offers something different, there's no point in allowing the player to play as them.


That's the probably the reason why you play as Boss in the first one - because the others would all be identical in terms of play.


Thats one thing that ARCs have over RCs, individualality.

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They shouldn’t be different, but the appeal of playing the different people would be to experience a change in the level format. It would mean you could have 4 different versions of the same level. Though now that I think about it, it does sound like a tedious attempt at extended game play.

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It sounds fun, but if it were to be 4 different versions of the same level then you would have to make sure each character goes through a different part of the map, so that the map doesn't have the same layout just with different options.


Maybe have parts cross over, and there could be a cut-scene were one of them sees a bunch of dead bodies here (have a comment about sev being here or something) and a collapsed corridor from a blast there (scorch). This would be something that you did previously in the game as one of the other commandos.


I don't know it is a start :)

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