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Best Duel


Which Was The Best [overall] duel from ROTS?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Was The Best [overall] duel from ROTS?

    • Obi-Wan Vs. Anakin
    • Anakin Vs. Separatists (not a duel, but still)
    • Palpatine Vs. Mace & Other Three Jedi
    • Palpatine Vs. Yoda
    • Obi-Wan Vs. Grevious

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That is not true... Anakin vs. Obi-Wan was in episode III

Vader vs. Obi-Wan was in episode IV


...riiiiiight...did you watch the movie? He was Darth Vader for like an hour(real time)before he fought Obi-Wan. EpIV was just Vader/Obi-Wan: Round II


Edit: Thinking about that Round 2 comment, it does seem like it. They were all fast and furious and jumping and swinging and all kindsa crazy tish in EpIII whereas in EpIV they were just kinda...bleh. Don't get me wrong, I know its because they had better stunt cordinators in EpIII, but can't we just pretend? :p

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I'm with the majority on this one, the duel that everybody wanted to see: Vader (before losing his remaining fully flesh arm and legs) vs. Obi-wan. Though Obi-wan did not possess the lightsaber fighting skills that Vader did he fought using masterful defense as well as his brain. That was the only way he could defeat his more powerful yet overconfident Sith foe.


The Yoda vs. Sidious duel was quite good too.

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For all the abuse Hayden gets for his acting, I thought that moment was pretty powerful.


I totally agree with you, that moment was powerful, and also in attack of the clones when Shmi dies, and when he is telling padme about it, he acted very well in those scenes. Hayden doesn't deserve the abuse he gets.

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You didn't include Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan against Darth Maul! That is one of my favorite duels; Two saber-wielding Jedi against a Sith carrying a saberstaff, with (I thought) the coolest duel music in the whole saga.


Otherwise, I would have to say Obi-Wan and Anakin. It is kind of hard to follow since they are pretty much the greatest Jedi/Sith in the whole Republic (of course, they were pretty much the only ones :lol: ).

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Well I voted for Palpatine vs. Yoda. My reason for this would be because when I had read that George was "not just thinking about it anymore" and that he was going to do it, I was overwhelmed. Ever since I was a kid, I had thought about how cool it would be to see this fight happen. I remember my friends and I talking about it multiple times. In anticipation of Episode III's release on DVD, this is the scene I can't put out of my mind and can't wait to see again and again. So this duel gets my vote. On a couple of sidenotes, I LOVE how "The Duel" gets more and more brutal as time goes on. Pretty intense to say the least LOL!!!!! I still love the Episode I fight as well Rob. I catch myself sometimes popping Episode I into my DVD player now and then to watch that one too. :D


I think that ALL of the duels in the prequels were just FANTASTIC. ALL of them. I was very happy indeed that George was willing to make the duels something special in this trilogy. My favorite part of Star Wars used to be the space battles. Then Episode I came out and TOTALLY changed that. Maybe it was because I was a lot older or the choreography was better but I don't know. When Qui-Gon dueled Maul on Tatooine, I remember my jaw dropping to the floor with how fast and intense it was. I was NOT expecting this. Although I knew the entire story going in, I did not know that the duels were going to be fast and intense. I was expecting something like the ESB or ROTJ duels and got something MUCH MUCH better.


There you have it. If I had to pick just one duel for the entire trilogy it would be Yoda vs. Sidious but just by a nose really. Just for fun: Which duel would get honorable mention from me? Well.........Uh.........ALL of the other duels of the prequel trilogy LOL!!!!! :D

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Technically, it is Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan. But it is called Anakin vs. Obi-Wan. Like on the soundtrack.

Yea that's true. I would have liked to see Vader tap deep into the darkside one more time before he got burned. Those orange eyes are pretty frightening. :D

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Blew every other moment in Star Wars out of the water save for "No, I am your father.".


Easily the two most powerful moments.


true, but you have to add the "I HATE THEM!" following the sandpeople slaughter....that confession was quite well done. Why Padme would still want to hangaround with him is moreso the mystery.... :p



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