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Combat Arena (WIP?)


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I did a run through and loved it Stoffe :D:thumbsup:


It is quickly becoming one of my favorite areas ;)


Thanks. :)


Since at least two people seem to be interested in this mod, and no one has spotted any more serious bugs or anything else to comment on, I have gone ahead and released the final version on PCGM. It contains some changes since the test version I uploaded here a few days ago.


You can find more info about v2.0 in the release thread (even though the thread title says v1.0).*


Fixed as requested ;) - ChAiNz.2da

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I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I love it already. So far all the mods i've tried of yours stoffe have been exellent and very well done, and i was even able to tweak your aitweak to use the hardcore mod, so you are doing something right IMHO. Please keep it up, I appreciate it and I'm sure many others do (perhaps PCGM needs a downloaded # of times thing on mods).

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(perhaps PCGM needs a downloaded # of times thing on mods).

They do ;)


But I think we can all agree with you maaneeack.. stoffe's mod are Premium stuff in many of our eyes. And although there may not be a 'physical' amount of posts saying as such... I can guarantee we're always anxious to see what you (stoffe) does next :D

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Thanks. :)


Since at least two people seem to be interested in this mod, and no one has spotted any more serious bugs or anything else to comment on, I have gone ahead and released the final version on PCGM. It contains some changes since the test version I uploaded here a few days ago.


You can find more info about v2.0 in the release thread (even though the thread title says v1.0).*


Fixed as requested ;) - ChAiNz.2da


Hi Stoffe,


I Haven't downloaded yet the mod, but I read that you need help for localized languages on pcgamemods.

If you need italian translation for missing parts, I can help you if you send me these strings by private message (or if you prefer I'll send by private message my email address).

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Thanks for the kind and encouraging words everyone. :) It's just a bit hard to get an idea if anyone actually is interested in the mods and things you release when no one says anything. If no one cares either way there's no point in taking time to pack them up and upload them after all...


Though I guess in a forum like this most people are too busy with their own things to offer much comments on other people's work. I myself am as guilty of this as anyone so I'm not complaining. :)


(perhaps PCGM needs a downloaded # of times thing on mods).


They already have a download counter of some kind, though I'm not sure how accurate it is. According to it my Force Powers mod has over 9600 downloads, which I really doubt is correct.



I Haven't downloaded yet the mod, but I read that you need help for localized languages on pcgamemods.


Oh, I knew there was something I had forgotten. I'd intended to make the mod compatible with non-english language games in this version, but it seems I managed to forget about that just as quick. :roleyess:


Though I was only planning to make the english strings appear in all game language versions, since english is the only language of those used by the game that I know well enough to not make the mod totally embarrassing to release. :)


The language mass-converter that tk102 made should make that fairly easy, whereas actually translating all the ExoLocStrings to another language probably would mean lots of work. Since the mod scene here seems pretty english-centric I don't know if there are enough people here with non-english language games to make that translation work worthwhile.

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I went through the same line of thinking Stoffe when I first began modding for the most part on TSL.


I would ask for help and no one would answer back. I did that trying to make mods for MONTHS with lil' or no help at all! So I know the feeling of that believe me ;)


If it weren't for Stoffe(you), T7, Darkkender, ChAiNz & a couple others I wouldn't even know how. It was you Stoffe who actually wrote a book one night in one of my W.I.P. threads explaining what all the columns in a 2da meant and such. Posts like that kept me going rather than saying "frack it, screw you guys; I'm goin' home."...hee hee hee


I try (like my avatar's character would) to give aid now in the form of feedback/instruction if and when I can. My knowledge base of modding is still very rudimental BUT I gladly share it and help others if possible. I still remember the feeling of asking a question and seeing my thread float to the bottom of the list...lol


Regardless Stoffie I'll just say this ;) You are one of my top 5 fav. modders PERIOD. Not to inflate that head too much BUT I will often read a thread just because I see you've posted last or the like. I pretty much know when I read your post I'm gonna learn something.


So in conclusion don't ever think dear lady that your work goes over unappreciated. To be honest if not for the Combat Arena and ChAiNz Hack Pad (and other "special tools") ;) I would have stopped playing TSL already for a bit.


You revitalized the game with your Combat Arena & I for one am looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future for us to play with. :D


You Rock :thumbsup:



General Kenobi

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stoffe: what about adding that (currently unskinned) adult drexl mentioned in this post




And as a bonus ask modders here if they want to do a skin for it with the best one (in your opinion or a poll's , your choice) being the skin for in your mod.


Adding the Drexl creature would not be too hard, but someone else would have to make a skin for it first, as I am not good enough at skinning to make a new texture from scratch for a creature, and it doesn't look too good to fight a white plastic Drexl. :)


It would have to be the smaller flying one though (appearance type 517), since the bigger one seems to lack combat animations and clips through the floor in the arena area. :)


The smaller flying one does appear to have at least some combat animations, though it looks pretty odd, like it's shaking violently while biting you.

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is there any way to give your pc the jedi/sith unique powers


Unique powers? You mean like Darth Traya's mind tricks or Nihilus Darkside Shockwave and Deadly presence aura?


Not unless there is some other mod that does something similar that I am unaware of. Those powers are just there to make those combatants a bit unique and a little more interesting to fight against. :)



The exception would be the telekinetically wielded lightsabers that Darth Traya uses both in the Arena and in the standard game. Darth333 made a force power you can learn that work in a similar way, which you can find here.

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Adding the Drexl creature would not be too hard, but someone else would have to make a skin for it first, as I am not good enough at skinning to make a new texture from scratch for a creature, and it doesn't look too good to fight a white plastic Drexl. :)

I don't have K2 installed right now (no room on my comp..) So it can't be me unless I could get a copf of the plain skin which is against forum poilicy to ask for so I wont (hi D3 :)) But I know there are sme really good skinners here who I may PM about the idea and get their feedback on for you.


It would have to be the smaller flying one though (appearance type 517), since the bigger one seems to lack combat animations and clips through the floor in the arena area. :)

Awww .. so no facing off against Godzilla? Drat.


The smaller flying one does appear to have at least some combat animations, though it looks pretty odd, like it's shaking violently while biting you.

Its like a puppy dog, shaking its head and growling to show how tough it is :)

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I came up with a quickie skin for the Flying Drexl once I fumbled through creating a sort of mapping from it's model.


HERE is what I came up with. If you wanna use it for a force power or the like Stoffe I'll complete it and polish it up for you. ;)



General Kenobi


thats cool dude, the arms and wings look dragon like, the head bug like and the body snake like... you did a good job on that :thumbsup:

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I came up with a quickie skin for the Flying Drexl once I fumbled through creating a sort of mapping from it's model.


HERE is what I came up with. If you wanna use it for a force power or the like Stoffe I'll complete it and polish it up for you. ;)


While I have no idea what a Drexl is supposed to look like (so I can't comment on its accuracy), your skin looks good from what I can see on those pictures. I'm sure I am not the only one eager to see the finished result. :)

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Very Nice GK! :thumbsup:


I see you did some UV Mapping ;) Careful... we're bound to make a modeler out of you yet :devsmoke:


Looks great man :D


Thanks ChAiNz :D

God using a modeling program is HARD!!! all these vertices, splines, polys, meshes make my lil' head HURT...lol Flew blind through that save for Svösh's unwrapping TUT. :D I have a whole new respect for all you modelers now ;)


I have given him eyes as of last night and polished up his belly scales a bit as well. I'm going to try to finish it tonight and then see if Stoffe likes it good enough to use for something. If she does I'll send it to her.


EDIT: Here you go Stoffe :D Let me know if you think it's alright or you think it looks ok. http://www.gilliamgraphics.com/seeme33.jpg



General Kenobi

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  • 1 month later...

While I've been too busy with other things to do much TSL modding recently I had some free time today and got working a bit on what would become the next version of the Combat Sim Arena, if I'll ever get around to finishing it.


Anyway, I got an idea for a new type of arena match which I added, "Defend the Holocron", which I could use some feedback on before I go ahead and put more work into it.


Essentially you'll have to defend a Holocron placed in the center of the arena against swarms of enemies who are trying to destroy it. If you manage to keep it intact for 5 minutes you win, if the Holocron is destroyed you lose.


I have the bare bones functionality of it implemented (with 3 different types of opponents to choose from), but before I put work into adding polish and more types of opponents I'd like some feedback on if this game type is any fun or just annoying, and, how the difficulty of the game as it is currently is. Is it too easy to win, is the challenge just about right, or is it impossible? I only have a level 32 Exile available which makes broad testing a bit hard.


Also, please check if the match timer displays properly. Works here, but I may have made some mistake with the installer.


So, if anyone would want to be kind enough to give it a try and post your findings I'd appreciate it a lot. You can download this version of the mod here for now.


You start the match from the Console next to the force field as with the other match types.

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I just tried it, and everything works fine, although I'd suggest giving the holocron higher health.


Hmm, just a little extra health or a lot? What level was your main character that you tested with? I'm using 3 different Holocron placeables with increasing health depending on the level of the Exile to make up for increasing autobalanced NPC damage output.


Thanks for helping me test this. :)

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  • 10 months later...

Ancient thread, arise! It's been a while since anything was done to this mod, but in a burst of inspiration I've put together a new version which includes some of the things I've planned. Seems to work from my own testing, but since I've done some rather radical changes to both the arena scripting and the installation process I'm not sure if I dare to upload it as a "release" version just yet. :)


So, if there are any brave souls who want to test to install this version and see if it appears to work on another computer than mine, I would appreciate that a lot.


If you want to help out, you can download this version here for now.


The change log for this version:

  • New game type: Staged Pit Fight. It works like a normal pit fight, with the exception that you may compose your opponent force from all available arena combatants by picking them one at a time. Be warned that if you spawn too many enemies to fight at one time the game might slow down considerably.
  • New game type: Tournament Ladder. A variant of duel matches where your selected character will fight 1 on 1 against a series of opponents in sequence with no pause in between each, starting out with weak enemies and them getting progressively more powerful. The Ladders are arranged after opponent categories, where you can fight against Jedi, Sith, Mercenaries, Droids or Beasts. If for example you pick the Sith ladder you start out fighting Assassins and work your way up to face the Dark Lord.
  • Some new arena combatants to fight against, some with unique special abilities, most notably Revan and Malak.
  • Tweaked the abilities and power of some combatants, and modified the group composition of some combatant groups.
  • Added one more NPC match to bet on with the Hutt.
  • Added an option to the arena control console to deactivate the force field in regular spectator matches if you'd rather see the action up-close than from the spectator galleries. This option will not be available on Betting matches arranged by the Hutt though to prevent you from interfering with the fight to tilt the odds in your favor. :)
  • Some further tweaks and improvements to the NPC combat AI.
  • Various tweaks and bugfixes too numerous and too minor to mention. :)


Some of what's planned for this mod in the future, as time, patience and motivation permits:

  • Add support for High Level Force Powers mod for some of the "bossiest" enemies. (Test this carefully, they might get too hard to beat.)
  • More types of enemies in Defend the Holocron matches.
  • More paid arena fights arranged by the hutt
  • More betting matches arranged by the hutt
  • Add a pazaak playing NPC for when wanting a break from the fighting.
  • Make some of the harder Hutt fights grant non-monetary rewards as well.
  • Add some more combatant types (Rakata, Sand People, Selkath)
  • Staged Spectator Match game form.

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First off, it's even better now than it was before... which I imagine was difficult.


I have two problems with version 4 (and actually ALL versions so far), and those are that:

1) The turret practice starts with the cockpit on fire, and it finishes within 5 seconds.

2) The air defence mini game script doesn't fire at all.


Other than these (which don't really matter anyway), it's an amazing mod that you seem to still be working hard on.

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Ancient thread, arise! It's been a while since anything was done to this mod, but in a burst of inspiration I've put together a new version which includes some of the things I've planned.
Sounds like fun, Stoffe! :D


[*]Some new arena combatants to fight against, some with unique special abilities, most notably Revan and Malak.
Interesting idea. I hope you keep Malak to basic attacks since he has no annimations with critical strike, flurry, and power attack, unless you use the Jedi Malak version, which that one only has power attack. ;)
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