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Characters in KotOR III.


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A Jawa!?!


That would be almost as annoying as having a selkath as a party member... imaging having to put up with that language.


And i Would like to see another Calthar, perhaps not a jedi but that species must make good worriers even if they are refugees.

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I could deffinetely go for some more alien type species Trandoshans, Sullustans, Mon Calamari, Twilek, a hutt (ok not really), while not likely i think it would be sweet to have a character that is whatever species darth maul is.


My main thing about characters is that I think I would like to be able to pick from a lot of different characters but have only like 6-9 be in my party so like 20-30 possible characters that you can have join your team along the way but only 6-9 that you can have. And perhaps having the ability to kick ppl out and have others join or if a character dies during the story being able to replace them or somethin like that would be cool.

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A Jawa!?!



ONLY without the hood. I just want to see what they look like. Anyway I was joking.


Her appearance would have to depend on how you played K1...because there are 50% chances she is dead. Consequently, if Mission ever appears in the game, it would certainly not be for a major part.



Oh, I didn't know you could kill her. I always play lightside. I only found out you could kill Carth by comming here. I still wish she could be in K3, but oh well.


Actually, I'm pretty sad now......



.......I ended up taking her with me juse about everywhere.


Yea, me too.

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ok i agree that a return of hk and t3 should happen becaude as darth333 put it they ar the r2 and c3 p0 of kotor, i am in some agreement that it should be a whole new cast of pc and npc, however if they do decide to have some of the old characters from the previous games it would be nice to have them as possible npc of your team rather than used for cut scenes and one conversation (i know canderous was the mandalore but i didnt feel he was really part of my team he was just along for the ride so to speak) i would like the influence system to be kissed goodbye it was a nice idea but it was frustrating at best

and being able to turn your whole team into jedi for no real use at the end was pointless in my oppinion

better sith would be appreciated imho they were designed well enough but they were too easy to beat apart from kriea

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i hope there is another wookiee. I always felt that Chewie was just as much a staple of the starwars movies as Artoo and Threepio, and for me it just doesn't feel as much like star wars without a wookiee. Even tho he didn't have much to say until you got to Kashyyyk, i really liked Zalbaar. And i always thought the choice to make wookiees scouts instead of soldiers was brilliant. It makes them seem much more sophisticated. Thier natural strength and resilliance is good for melee, but their skills as a scout make them great for ranged. Zalbaar was pretty much always in my party, as he could do just about anything. Kotor, IMO, represented wookiees perfectly.


I think i'd only like to see a twi'lek if its a force user. a non force using twi'lek would feel too much like they're trying to make another Mission, i just wouldn't be feeling it.


I liked the influence system, but it needs to be for more than just turning your characters into jedi. I think i actually would have liked K2 better without all the jedi. Mira is a wonderful ranged character, but once you make her a jedi, she stops gaining all those wonderful range feats automatically. Sometimes i dont even bother converting mira, shes just too good as a scout. Also, i found it kinda hard to believe that all these people that happaned to join my party also just happened to all be force sensitive. I'd like less trainable characters and more classes for non jedi characters. I got really excited when i saw Bao-Dur was a "Tech Specialist", and on the other side of that, i was really bummed when i found that G0-T0 was just another expert droid. I already had T3, i didn't need two expert droids.


Finally, i'd like to see the droids again. i got surprisingly attached to my little T3 unit in K2. And i'd like it if Canderous stuck around for one more go. I like Mandalorians.

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I Had a bit of an idea the other day to do with returning all of the characters from the two previous KotORs, This would depend heavily on how they deside to get the information about how the previous two games were played (LS/DS and M/F). If you say you played the first KotOR LS you will be able to have all of the original team from KotOR 1 join your party for one reason or another, but if you say you played it as DS These characters will be replaced with new NPCs. The same can happen for the info about K2 (with the obvious exseptioon of kreia). This way you can have what characters you want from the originals but if you don't want any returning characters (with the exception of the droids) just say you played both games DS. or if you only want members from K1 say you played that light and K2 dark.


Imagine sticking atton and carth in the same cockpit...

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I agree with starmark2k, I'd love a Trandoshan! How exactly you get him could go something along these lines: at a moment in the game you encounter a Trandoshan and Wookie fighting, and can decide who to help. Help the Wookie: light side points and he joins your party, help the Trandoshan: mega dark side points, and nice Wookie pelt hanging in your ship. That way the Wookie lovers are kept happy!


I'd love a bloodthirtsy mercenary type guy too, like that Iridorian you encounter in Manaan.


Please, no more Cathar's! Juhani is so annoying in KOTOR I.


I'd also like Atton, or a character similar to Atton to return. When I played through KOTOR II the third time, found out about his past and turned him into a Dark Jedi, he went from a regular old fool to a really cool character.

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I liked the mandalorians but it never gave you much of a chance to join them i thing it would be cool to have canderous back or just another mandalorian and id like to a force sensitive selkath on my team that spoke galactic basic i thing that would be really cool. I really want to see some more aliens though ive already said that about 5 times so you can ignore this if you want.

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I liked the mandalorians but it never gave you much of a chance to join them i thing it would be cool to have canderous back or just another mandalorian and id like to a force sensitive selkath on my team that spoke galactic basic i thing that would be really cool. I really want to see some more aliens though ive already said that about 5 times so you can ignore this if you want.

I don't want a Selkath even if it did speak basic. They might just be one of my least favorite species.

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I liked the mandalorians but it never gave you much of a chance to join them i thing it would be cool to have canderous back or just another mandalorian

what about kelborn? he was never a party member, but he would be a returning character, plus, he was like mandalore's #2, so that way we could still have a connection to canderous, and he may still play a part in K3, but he wouldn't need to join the party again (its kinda weird for him to go from lv1 to lv20 back to lv6 then up to lv36 and then back down to lv6 again)


and id like to a force sensitive selkath on my team that spoke galactic basic i thing that would be really cool. I really want to see some more aliens though ive already said that about 5 times so you can ignore this if you want.


more aliens would be great, however i think we should all just agree to pretend that the selkath never happened.

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I liked the mandalorians but it never gave you much of a chance to join them i thing it would be cool to have canderous back or just another mandalorian and id like to a force sensitive selkath on my team that spoke galactic basic i thing that would be really cool. I really want to see some more aliens though ive already said that about 5 times so you can ignore this if you want.


Do you just want all the species that Annoy eveyone.

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well it all depends on who we are going to use in K3, for instance here is my theory:







HK 47










The original from Kotor 2






see you couldn't have Jolee or Juhani because you either killed them or you didn't depending on which side you chose in K1.

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