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The Jedi Knight/Dark Forces Trivia Thread


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You are right, Doomie (those guys are hard on Jedi Knight difficulty).


A: 8t88 was once a calculation droid. Power and money have become his priorities, 8t88 will deal with anyone to achieve them. Kyle chases 8t88 through the first 11 levels to discover the location of the Valley of the Jedi and to get back his father's data disk.


Q: What is the name of Morgan Katarn's droid helper?

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You are correct, Boinga1, as far as I know. Well, I might as well post the tally, it is another page.


RobQel-Droma - 9

TK-8252 - 5

Tie-23 - 4

Boinga - 4

Shukrallah - 4

LadyJedi - 3

Jon_hill987 - 3

Doomie - 2

IG-64 - 2

Katarn07 - 1

Kain - 1

Lightsaberboy - 1

Narfblat - 1

Manoman81 - 1


As before, please tell me if you think I made mistake. New Question-

Q: What is the name of the Jedi student that is the first one to be put under a master during Luke's "opening speech" in the beginning?

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  RobQel-Droma said:
But JO and JA are in the Jedi Knight series, so even though you don't like it, it is still fine to ask them.

A: The armor is composed of an alloy known as "Phrik".

Q: What was the name of the special star destroyer that the DTs were constructed in?



I wasn't complaining, I just played through those each once whereas with the others, I played them for 100+ hours. So naturally, I don't know the answers as well.


A: Arc Hammer

Q: Where in the original Dark Forces could you find Max from the Sam and Max Hit the Road? (nope, not talking about Jedi Knight, I'm talking Dark Forces 1)

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