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Jedi Knights: Masters of the Force


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Here goes another:



Name: Juhn-Kai Ryu

Age: 26000 looks 25

Gender: Male

Species: Appears human

Appearance: silver hair, silver eyes, white skin, strong but not muscular.

Homeworld: Unknown Planet

Rank: Former Jedi Master

Equipment: Has two white bladed lightstaffs that join together forming a cross, wears a white and black jedi robe, a black armor with silver crusts.

Bio: Mush of his past is unknown, he only fought in the great war for the formation of the republic and helped form the first Jedi order, fought in several other wars, even worked secretly behind Yoda in the clone wars, no one but Yoda knew of his existence until he faked his own death and returned to Katarr.





- "Thank you Strider" - Lyla said and closed the ramp when everyone was onboard, she took the pilot seat and plot the course to Katarr, since it was not too far they landed in no time.


Lyla went down the loading ramp, it was a sad sight, there were skeletons all over and the building were torn apart, only ruins all around, save for a tent. It was weird that only a tent was there, “Why would anyone seek a place like this to live in?, Lyla thought as she walked to the tent and went in.


- “I will answer that question for you... This planet was attacked five thousand years ago, and it left echoes in the force, when all the Miralukas that lived here were killed, I came here to retire and maybe find a way to bring peace to all the spirits that wander this barren world” – a man said.


Lyla walked closer and saw a man like in her vision, with silver long hair, black and white robes and armor and silver crusts on his armor, with two lightstaffs that looked like they could fit into each other to make a four bladed weapon. The man stood up revealing his face, he looked young, not even on his thirties, he had silver eyes as well.


- “Lyla, it was not my intention to get in your head, somehow a bond was created between us and I was able to see what you saw while I meditated, that’s how I got to tell you how to beat Ragnos” – the man said.


- “Who are you?” – Lyla asked.


The man grinned and walked closer to Lyla.

- “My name is Juhn-Kai Ryu, Jedi Master” – the man said.

- “But how did you end up here?” – Lyla asked.


- “I’ve been living here for almost two thousand years” – the man said.

- “Two thousand? Then how old are you?” – Lyla asked.

- “Old enough to remember the battle for the formation of the republic” – Juhn-Kai Ryu said.

- “So, that mean you’re twenty five thousand years old?” – Lyla said.

- “Slightly more than that” – Juhn-Kai Ryu said.

- “But how, why so many years?” – Lyla asked.

- “It has something to do with my homeworld, it is a long story I don’t want to bore you with it, maybe some other time we will discuss it, for now...there are much more important things to worry about, Korriban awaits, let us go, If you want me to join you I will” – Juhn-Kai Ryu said.

- “Sure please, Master Skywalker will be glad to meet you” – Lyla said.


They got back to the ship and Juhn-Kai saw Strider and took a good look at him this time.

- “I know you” – Juhn-Kai Ryu said focusing his attention on Strider.

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((Didn't see you edited, I'll change my post in a moment))


Strider raised his eyebrow, then introduced himself, "Strider Flamehart, a Jedi of the Old Republic, about four thousand years ago during Revan's time. I can't say I know you as well, though. I'm sure I might if you tell me of anything you did during any of the wars the Republic has faced, as I have witnessed all of them myself."

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- "I am Juhn-Kai Ryu, former Jedi Master, I've been with the republic for 25000 years, in Revan's time I wans't too active, I advised Master Vrook to action and he cast me out, I went to battle against Mandalorian forces on Onderon" - Juhn-Kai Ryu said.

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- "Is that remark of yours supposed to mock anyone?" - Juhn-Kai said.

Lyla just sat down at the pilot's seat.

- "That is Sawyer, don't mind him, he's just a big mouth" - Lyla said and took the ship out of the atmosphere and ploted the course to Korriban making the jump to lightspeed.

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Delta stood atop a crumbled ruin observing the Sith below. His helmet's vision zoomed in on the comotion below as a group of Sith Lords gathered. Escorting them were soldiers and biomechs like Delta had seen before at their last encounter.


Delta decided to move in for a closer look. After exploring the area thouroughly Delta found enough soldiers, weapons, and vehicles for an entire army to wage war, and there was no telling what else they had on the planet or other planets for that matter. There was no way Delta would be doing this alone.


Retreating stealthfully Delta returned to his ship and set back into space. From there he sent a transmission to the hidden location of a secret Mandalorian space station, calling for reinforcements.

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Strider let out a sigh. He remembered many Jedi leaving during the time of Revan. Something he chose not to reply with his opinion about. He instead, said, "If there are as many Sith Lords resurrected as I believe, then it is likely they will use one per flagship to command an army on a massive scale, one much larger than the Jedi Civil War, or the Galactic Civil War in the time of the Empire."

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Strider nodded, and replied, "I think it's time we reported to Skywalker what we know, that way they can get to work trying to devise a defense before the army mobilizes." He then went into the cockpit and started sending a holo recording to the Academy on Yavin.


"This is Strider Flamehart aboard the Knight V, I need this message delivered to Luke Skywalker immediately." He waited until he was transitioned over and given the go-ahead to continue the message. "Skywalker, this is Strider. We have discovered plans by the Sith to use a chemical called Holym, devised to be be used to destabilize city structures on major core worlds. There is a possibility this goes by another name, and I am requesting that you look into it in the Archives and attempt to locate anything that can be used as an effective countermeasure to this weapon. There are much more worse works of the dark side in effect, as I'm sure you have already sensed. Many sith lords of ancient times have been resurrected, as well as Marka Ragnos once again. I believe it is their plan to place each Sith Lord in head of a seperate army in each of their own flagship, one much larger than any ever conceived in the past wars of the Republic. This is not a definite conclusion, but it is a strong belief of mine. We are going to Korriban now to investigate, and will report back to you once we have an accurate assessment of the situation," he finished, and ended the holo recording.

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- "Once we get to Korriban we will look for the weapon, it is imperative that we locate this device and destroy it, as for the Sith Lords I think Strider and I can handdle them, I want all of you to focus on the device, besides I have something I wish to remind Tulak Hord of" - Juhn-Kai Ryu said.


The ship sped out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of Korriban, but the ruins were not ruins at all anymore. Each building was restored to it's former beauty and the city held a dark aura to it, the dark side energy had multiplied itself in huge proportions.


- "Look at that on the ground" - Lyla said.


The armies of the Sith were assembled, hundreds of thousands of biomechs and reborn troops were there in lines stepping on ships that were aswell huge, with designs never before seen.


- "The preparations have begun, we must hurry, in a couple of hours this place will be empty and all the army will begin to place itself on the core worlds" - Juhn-Kai Ryu said.

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Lyla's ship suddenly recieved a transmission, "This is Delta Kasolar, I've been hired to help you stop the Sith. But I am not alone..." Suddenly some thirty odd Mandalorian ships popped out of hyperspace. "Speak of the devil. Fighting along side you will be two full regiments of Mandalorian soldiers with more attack power than 20 regiments of Republic soldiers. We offer ourselves to the Jedi's aid in stopping the Sith."


((Feel free to control the Mandalorians and since Lyla and Flamehart appear to be the leaders and most powerful of the group, you two are each given a squad of Mandalorians to command.))

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- "Copy that Delta, we welcome your assistance and I guess Sawyer that it's time we get some payback from that woman" - Lyla said.


Juhn-Lai Ryu looked down at the old toomb of Tulak Hord, and glared at it.


- "Leave me here, I'll run on foot at Tulak Hord's toomb, I expect he is there, I will be back shortly" - Juhn-Kai Ryu said.


Lyla took the ship down just enough so that Juhn-Kai jumped out of the ship on to the ground and he ran inside the Toomb.

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Strider took his lightsaber into his hands, and looked at Lyla. "Bring me to where any of the other Sith lords may be. Time to settle a few scores. I want whichever Mandalorian squad assigned to me to take out any biomechs, reborn, or any other Sith soldier that try to get near me and any Sith Lord I am combating."

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- "Yes Strider" - Lyla took the ship near Naga Sadow's old Toomb and left him there.


- "I need Strider's squad to to shoot at any biomechs or sith soldiers that attampt to get near Naga Sadow's toomb, shoot on sight" - Lyla said.


- "Roger that" - A mandalorian said on the comlink and his squad of ten ships opened fire on the nearby sith troops.


((Strider, you can take on any of the sith lords but Tulak Hord, just try not to kill them, or the plot ends to quickly, just make sure they escape barely))

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((Do I control my combatant or will it be by someone else? Just wondering))


Strider holstered his lightsaber and drew both handguns, firing as he ran into the tomb at the biomechs, taking several down. He holstered both and drew out his lightsaber as he ran into the tomb, igniting his lightsaber. He was pretty sure what to expect, being he had already passed through here once as an apprentice of the Sith in previous years.

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((Feel free, everyone, to control various Mandalorians at times, but they are far more trained then regular soldiers and packing far more firepower. Basic troopers do not have jet packs, but anyone corporal or higher does. So two per squad. Make up your own assortment of vehicles. Mandalorians are immune to the force when wearing their armor because Mandalorian Iron blocks the force, Mandalorian Iron is also highly blaster proof and even lightsaber proof, all though a strong enough attack will penetrate the armor. Kind of like Cortosis ore but it doesn't short circuit the lightsaber.))


Delta continued his comm with Lyla, "So what's the battle stratagy here jedi? All out assult or do you have a stratagy in mind? Because I don't know how many regiments the Sith have but we've only got two."

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- "The Sith Academy on the top must be the place where they are keeping a device, so what we need is for your troops to take out all enemy units they can to clear a way for us into the academy, once we reach it, send foot patrols to cover our backs as we head deep into the academy, and finaly on our signal, you will detonate a series off bombs that I expect you to plant once we've breached the academy" - Lyla said setting down the ship near Marka Ragnos's toomb.

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Strider kept going through the temple, effortlessly avoiding traps or figuring puzzles out with ease. It wasn't long before he reached Naga's chamber at the end of the hallway. Strider walked up to the door, but it didn't open as the other automatic ones had. He sighed, looked around for a minute, then tried to unlock it using the Force. The door didn't budge. He grumbled, knowing Naga Sadow was on the other side probably scoffing at his attempt. He looked around again, before building up some energy into himself. He was surrounded by a red aura temporarily as he drew his sword and swung downwards on the door. The aura vanished and he waved one of his hands, pushing one of doors to the side with the Force. As he walked into the room, he sheathed his sword and Naga Sadow was seen meditating on the ground in front of him. Naga rose as Strider walked in.


"Something about this encounter seems...vaguely familiar," said Naga, not at all turning to see who had answered.


"I've been here once before to pass your worthless trials," rang out Strider's voice with confidence, "I suppose dealing with you will be as simple as the mind-numbingly simple puzzles I had to go through to get here," he scoffed.


"Ah...Flamehart...It's been over four thousand years since you stepped foot here. I'm surprised you remembered how to get here," said Naga, chuckling softly. "How you are still alive is also a wonder."


"It wasn't ever that hard to begin with," he shot back, "I was never challenged by your petty tomb, even the Tarentateks were a breeze back then, and they were even more so now. As for how I'm still alive and well, that's for me to know. As for you..." he trailed off, drawing his lightsaber and igniting it. "Time to settle the score for the torment you put me through the last time I stepped into this temple."


Naga turned to face Strider, red blade ignited. "Don't be sour just because you were seen as still "too pure" to join the powerful Sith, Strider. But if this is how things will end, even though now that you have more power and could spread your wings well as a Sith, so be it."


The sounds of lightsabers clashing together could be heard all through the temple.

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Juhn-Kai Ryu ran through the enormous halls of the tomb, dodging traps and solving puzzles as Strider did when he entered Naga Sadow’s tomb. He felt Tulak Hord nearer as he ran deeper into the tomb fighting off the biomechs that escorted the Sith Lord. Until suddenly he was at the room before the actual tomb. The door was shut and it opened just as soon as he approached it.

Tulak Hord stood in the middle of the room as if he had been waiting for Juhn-Kai to get there, he was impatient.

- “Kai Ryu, here to wake the dead horrors of the past?” – Tulak said.

- “The horrors of the past are still alive, just look around, we are here aren’t we?” – Juhn-Kai said.

- “Yes, but you know what has haunted me all these milleniums, how such lesser technique as yours could have beaten me” – tulak said.

- “Lesser technique, compared to what? Yours? Don’t flatter yourself.” – Juhn-Kai said.

- “How was it that a technique so crude could defeat the grace and power of the deadliest Sith lightsaber duelist of all time” – Tulak said.

- “If that which you just called yourself was true, then I pity your race” – Juhn-Kai said.

Tulak scoffed.

- “I sense you have come up with a different technique” – Tulak said.

- “Yes, I have” – Juhn-Kai said.


Tulak turned on his lightsaber and took out another.

- “I have been practicing for this encounter for a long time Juhn-Kai, even in death I imagined it all, waiting for this day” – Tulak said.

- “Then I am glad that you have been imagining your defeat” – Juhn-Kai said.


Tulak charged at him, Juhn-Kai Ryu jumped in the air spun twice and touched the ground again, he straighten up his stance used the force to call his saberstaffs to his hands and clicked them together now forming his four bladed cross-saber.

- “Impressive Kai, let’s see what you can do with that” – Tulak said and charged again.

Tulak’s fighting style was like nothing ever seen, his motions were graceful and like a dance, moving his sabers and his body in a series of spins and slashes that Juhn-Kai blocked easily spinning his cross-saber over his head, turning around and spinning them often deactivating one or two blades to avoid cutting himself.

- “For defense I commend your efforts, but what about offense?” – Tulak said grinning.

- “Well I was beginning to think you’d never ask” – Juhn-Kai said then started to spin quickly, his movements were a blur, only fading images of his movements could be seen and Tulak was doing so as well, they ended up in a saber lock.

- “Very good Kai Ryu, you’re technique so far is flawless, but I have no more time to spend with you” – Tulak said and force opened a door that revealed a group of Mandalorians pinned down by a huge Zakegg.

- “What are you going to do Kai Ryu, think about it, chase the villain or save the innocents? That is why I will always be better because I do not care about innocent lives I care about power and that is something not achievable by compassion” – Tulak said and left force running out of sight.


Juhn-Kai jumped infront of the beast and killed it.

- “Thank you sir” – The mandalorian trooper said.

-“Yes, well let’s head out, we must cleanse this place of enemies” – Juhn-Kai said, no longer feeling Tulak Hord’s presence but only an echo of it, he was already gone, but to where was unknown.




Lyla got out of the ship and ran to the sith academy and just when she was going to enter another sith lord met them on the way, it was the very Ajunta Pall, one of the most powerful sith lords of all time.

- “The way is closed Jedi, none can pass” – Ajunta Pall said.

- “Move Sith Lord!” – Lyla demanded.

- “I’d be careful child, you don’t know who you might be threatening” – Pall said taking out his saber.


Lyla charged at him and he only force pushed everyone back to the ground with tremendous force.

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