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Has anyone played thru as a gunfighter?


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I haven't tried it so I could be wrong but how do you stop the other Jedi/Sith from deflecting every shot you make.


I've never tried, but what I've read makes sense. As a Balster Jedi, you need to keep that Dex as high as possible (so you hit with your blasters) So, if you run up into the face of a Jedi, you get a bonus to hit, and they are hardly able to deflect at all. They, of course, also get combat bonuses for using melee against a ranged opponent, but the idea is that your Dex is high enough that it raises your defense to a point where they can't really hit you.


That's it in a nutshell.

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I agree with The Doctor. It was incredibly fun playing through TSL as a dual wielding pistol terror. Started out as a Sentinel and then went for Watchman (for sneak attack and the Force Camouflage powers).

I was talking about K1. TSL's guns were way to powerful, as said above.

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I'm with Achilles though I tried it with both games. In K1, it's quite challenging at times but in K2, with the right blasters and force powers, you can take down enemies just as fast as with a lightsaber. Which makes it boring.

I agree, it becomes quite easy to do with ranged weapons. :D


And it's just "so uncivilized!" :ben:

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Wonder if Katarn and Kenobi met, what would their views on the matter be? :D

Obi-Wan: This, is a lightsaber. A more elegant weapon, for a more- civilized age.


Kyle: I know that. But nothing is better than a good blaster at you side, old man. A Stouker concussion rifle is such a fun weapon, in a remnant filled age. Clears a crowd very well.


Obi-Wan: So uncivilized. So messy.


Kyle: Oh really? Here is a disruptor rifle, it isn't messy. Doesn't leave a single trace. :D

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It's relatively easy. I'd suggest a Sentinel as to get Sneak Attack (you WILL have a 25% stun chance, right?) and then all the right stuff.



Two-Handed Fighting Max

Precise Shot Max (Who's worried about deflection with this?)

Toughness (As many levels as you want, but the first is really the only important one)

Rapid Shot Max

Finesse: Lightsabres


Force Powers:

Force Deflection and Redirection (This should work with dual blasters, right?)

Burst of Speed (I think you get like 6 rolls with dual blasters and Master Speed)

Force Wave (This to Stun, then your Sneak Attack can rape)


For stats, you'd probably want to suffer a few stats for 16 dex to start, then 8 to strength and buff up the rest of your stuff, probably 10 to int and then boost your Wisdom some so your force powers don't totally suck. Charisma can be nice as well. For equipment, you'd look for Dex boosting items, ofcourse, and you'd want your two best pistols in your main equipment slot, then a Lightsabre in your backup in case you have to get nasty.

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Just beat Juhani and two groups of Mandalorians, not to mention Kinrath and Kath Hounds. Sweet!!! :D. I am going around with dual heavy blasters and Davik's armor. Can't wait till I get the Mandalorian heavy pistols.


Once I get KotOR II and have beaten it many times through playing it differently (pretty much trying everything), I am going to do a gunfighter here. Especially with the new stuff you can do.

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