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Sith Lords: You know you have it bad when...


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I can get that option, even on LS. I think you need to carry on conversations with some of the female members. The way I always thought the game went was that he speaks to the females, gets all flustered, and in his confusion asks what "love" means. Why else, after all, would the Exile care?

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Hmmm... Well, I've already had that exchange with Mira about "power couplings", so I guess I'll just try to get in and out of the ship a few more times to see if I trigger any cutscenes. Incidentally, the female lines about Atton are hilarious.


"I would sooner stab myself with a lightsaber... after I stabbed him."

"He's more of a brother... an idiot brother."

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The way to get the line on love is when there are one or more exchanges between your love interests. Visas and Handmaiden if for a male and Atton and Disciple for female. These are the cutscenes that you see when you board the Ebon Hawk. Really it is quite a hilarious line.

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679) You attempt to use Force Persuade to get people to do what you want.

680) You dream of being as good with a double-bladed lightsaber as the Star Wars Kid.

681) You start to think that under the helmet, Darth Vader is just a bearded Anakin Skywalker.

683) You fail to notice that I skipped #682.

684) You actually go back and check.

685) You've written an excellent script for a Kotor II film.

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690) You finally know what LOVE is RL, and you act it out to her, taking HK47's advice on "Love Definition".


691) You try to convice your BF that "looking upon each other" with a tablecloth over your heads is the ultimate form of love exchange.


692) You always wonder what a jawa female is like under those cloaks.


693) You are therefore convinced that Yoda is actually a jawa female.


694) You (or worse your girlfriend) thinks a gungan is a good love interest. (Have you SEEN their what their tongues can do?)

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Guilty of 687, and I wish I could do 688.


695) You bug the people at NASA to start making ships like the ones in Star Wars.

696) You refer to lawyers and politicians as Sith.

697) You try to talk the girl you like into practicing martial arts with you in her underwear.

698) You try to talk your girlfriend/wife into changing her hair color to white or red.

699) You join the army and call the drill sergeant Mandalore.

700) You ask your grandmother to train you in the ways of the Force.

701) You daydream about the Handmaiden and Visas together.

702) You look for a bunch of twin sisters and challenge them all to a fight.

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704: You still keep spamming this thread once in a while, thus keeping it alive ^^ (so f*cking guilty!)

705: You wield a Pringles can as lightsaber, after seeing the commercial

706: In Super Smash bros, you re-arange the drops, so only beamsabers drop (so guilty ^^)

707: You chain yourself to Lucasarts main office, because K3 isn't announced yet

708: You visit a herbalist, and asking if they have any samples of the Bechani plant

709: You mistake your neighbours Denish Dog for a Cath Hound

710: You get suspicous after your grandma hands you some money...Kreia isn't supposed to be LS!

711: You try and teach your m8's at school to Pazaak, and succeed! (guilty..a bit)

712: History teacher: Ztalker, why did Hitler and Stalin become alies?

Ztalker: Because a fragile alliance, is an alliance at best!

713: You run out of things to post

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706: In Super Smash bros, you re-arange the drops, so only beamsabers drop (so guilty ^^)


715) You think Pikachu with the 'saber is a Sith with Force Lightning, and Starfox is definitely the Jedi Master... Though You think Krystal would be hotter than Secura if she ever made it to Smash3.


716) You ever think about what a female Tusken would look like nikkid, or worse a Whipid.

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