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What Star Wars Episode is your favorite?

El Sitherino

What Star Wars Episode is your favorite.  

565 members have voted

  1. 1. What Star Wars Episode is your favorite.

    • Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    • Episode II: Attack of the Clones
    • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
    • Episode IV: A New Hope
    • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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I forgot to say WHY I liked ROTJ the best... let's see:


Character development for Luke. He's matured into a Jedi. In ANH he started out as the whiny naive kid, in ESB he's screaming and banging his head on things, still wet behind the ears. Awesome space battle. The Battle over Endor is THE best space battle in the entire series. Sure, the CG-fest in ROTS is pretty, but the action is much harder to follow and it's over far too quickly. There's no sense of urgency, it's just "oh look at this huge battle" and then we're focusing on hitting the buzz droid's central eye. The action in the ROTJ battle is intense, can be followed, and is moving towards a desperate conclusion. Flying inside the Death Star? Cool. The scene where the generator explodes and the Falcon whooshes ahead of the fireball is just awe-inspiring.


Great lightsaber battle. Sure, ROTS was packed with lightsaber battles, but they were rather short, full of CG and flips, plus the lightsabers had a weak sound when they hit each other. The blades looked pretty though. TPM has the best lightsaber battle in my opinion. We get to SEE the action for most of the second battle (not the one with Maul in the desert), and it looks awesome. The blades look like the classic blades of ESB/ROTJ and not quite as overdone as they do in the later two prequels. But ROTJ's is up there. It's intense, and the blades sound and look awesome (well they looked awesome until Lowry Digital screwed them up, but they still look pretty darn good).


Jabba the Hutt ROCKS. Not that imposter in ANH, and no, the fat Irish guy (rest his soul) is NOT Jabba. He was never intended to be, he was purely a stand in for a scene that didn't work. ROTJ Jabba IS Jabba, period. ;)


A giant slimy puppet could have been silly, but it was pulled off fantastically. He was every bit as memorable a character as Yoda was in ESB. Jabba's palace rocks. Now those are some scary/weird/cool aliens! And the Rancor was great. Though I will admit in the Special Edition the bad matte lines and blue screen artifacts became painfully obvious, those were fixed in the last edition.


Boba Fett dies. Yes! I admit, much of my pleasure at seeing him meet his Maker is due to my disgust with the fanboys that spurred his wankishness in the EU, but still. Cool looking character, gets pwn3d, nuff said. ;) It was the will of the force, end of story!


The Emperor. Steals the show! A witchy guy cackling could really have been silly, but his lines are pure gold. His "psychological" battle with Luke is convincingly pulled off. Excellent. The music, the lightning (forget the Emperor's slugs) and everything in that scene in the throne room is awesome and just gives me chills.


Speeder bike chase. So unsafe, so fast. So much fun to watch! No CG was used, and it still was awesome.


People bash ROTJ because they hate Ewoks, and they wanted the focus to be on Han Solo (or worse, they wanted him killed off) instead of Luke (face it, this movie was his time to shine). They whine about Fett's death or they get upset that Yoda basically tells Luke he's ready for his final challenge and then dies, but really, ROTJ is the best for me. I love it. Each of the other movies has its purpose and place in the trilogy, and they all have their strong points and weaknesses, but ROTJ will always have that special place in my heart. Even to this day, it just rocks. ;)


My sister's boyfriend apparently had some kids over (nephews or cousins or something) who were like "Star Wars sucks" so he showed them the original version of Jedi and they liked it. Now that's the power of the Force, baby!

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Kurgan's thoughts all ring true. Warm fuzzy feelings of me as an 8 year old kid watching his new VHS boxset (the last before the release of the SEs a couple years later) at least once a month, shooting up all the scum and villainy he could in Dark Forces, and playing with his vintage and PotF2 action figures come back to me. I miss the original theatrical cuts of those films and classic SW gaming of the '90s where it wasn't all about marketing but rather the game itself and all the action figures before they were remolded, repainted, and recarded 1000x over. I'll even overlook the mentioning of Boba Fett's death. I thought he was cool all on my own before the internet or any fan club subscriptions. He lives on despite George's attempt to kill the cool off in AotC! :p

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i'm torn between episode III and Episode VI both are i think equal, VI becuse of the space fight, and III because of the lightsaber battles and Yoda's lines. though i wish their were more dogfights in VI and the space battle was drawn more out. but between them i can't decide though i do like every one of the movies and i wish that lucus will extend the series

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Its a hard desistion for me, Empire Strikes Bk or Return of the Jedi.....


I'll have to go for Return of the Jedi


Because Empire Strikes back has the best land battle in the star wars uni and has boba fett, my fav villian in it....but.....


Return of the Jedi had Boba fett in (getting kill granted), also has the best Space Battle not to mention the DS2 that could destroy ships as well as planets.

And it also had Leia in that sexy gold Bikini

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ESB by far....it made the biggest impact with the smallest scope imo.


It had the best acting, direction,drama and suspense unsurpassed by any other episode except for perhaps ANH. Also, it introduced perhaps the darkest and most spine tingling of all musical themes, The Imperial March.


I guess the bottom line for me is that ESB personified quality over quantity and susbstance over flash and it had no damn ewoks.

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1.ESB: Best Story ever

2.ROTS: Best FX ever

3.ANH: Just pure Star Wars magic :D


What he said.


But I would add that AotC had the best action sequence in all the films (Geonosis arena battle), and the Phantom Menace for me had the best lightsaber duel (Obi-Wan / Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul). Every one of the films had something memorable about it (in a good way) for me, and that's what makes the Star Wars saga so great.

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