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I don't remember how long it took me to beat SWBF. I beat SWBF2 within 24 hours of first playing it. (I had a lot of free time on my hands at the time.) I hope your experience gained in beating SWBF will help you to beat SWBF2 faster than one year. I also hope that that year is not a full 8760 hours of playing.

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Well maybe he just got the game, or never even tried to beat the campaign before. Anyway congrats and hope you like SWBF2, the campaign is alot more intense.


I can't remember how long it took me to beat the SWBF1 campaign, about a week or maybe even a month I think, I was playing multiplayer to much to focus on the campaign. I think I beat most levels pretty easily exept for Endor, that was the tough one. I went on a whole undercover mission to destroy the generator and ended up wholed up in their as all my reinforcements were depleted leaving me to kill 23 guys by myself, I still won though, racing around killing guys on a speeder.

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Hey guys it took me a whole year but tonight I finaly beat Battlefront I just in

time to get SWBF II for christmas.Tell me how loong did it take you guys to

beat it without no cheat codes let me know thanks


It took me about a week to complete SWBF2 but i wasn't really playing it full on. But then again it took me a day to complete SWBF1, so it should take you about seven years to complete.

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It took me about a week to complete SWBF2 but i wasn't really playing it full on. But then again it took me a day to complete SWBF1, so it should take you about seven years to complete.


lol....BF II took my four days, I played about an hour a day. Anywho, I took me a little while to bit SWBF I.....getting use to the controls and beating Endor. You'll like SWBF II....much better IMO.

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I still have yet to beat the game... and by that I mean the Galactic Conquest missions. I gave up after I realized how repetative it was and how there's always one or two maps in each campaign that seem "impossible" because your team just flat out sucks.


But as to the two single player campaigns (where you get the voiceovers before each mission), yeah, that part was really short and easy for the most part.


Now if you waded through all the GC stuff, I salute you.. you've more patience than I!

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Yes, I found GC in Battlefront rather boring. If pwn your enemies andhave a bad team....there is no chance in winning. Mainly, 'cause the AI sucked in Battlefront.

Yes, I beat the entire GC and it was very boaring at the end. I got really sick of the space battles. To beat those impossible levels, use the Jedi bonus.

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