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how do i Slice Vehicles?


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Well, you did the right thing but against the wrong vehicle, you cannot slice command vehciles like the AT-AT or AT-TE. Just use your fusion cutter (the thing you repair vehicles) while next to an enemy vehicle, and "slicing *%" should appear on the screen. The "*" is the number that represents how close you are too slicing the vehicle, as soon as the number reaches 100% the enemy driver and any gunners immediatly are sliced out of the vehicle. Allowing you to finish them off, or steal the vehicle for yourself.

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Well you can't slice any troop spawning vehicles. YOu can't slice things like turrets either, or creatures, or capital ships, or ships of any kind. You CAN slice frighters and other flyers.


other than that you just pull out the fusion cutter (space pilot, engineer, wild wookie alpha, Han Solo, Jarjar?) and get close to a vehicle, press down the trigger and wait until the percentage reaches 100%, you may have to move and chase the vehicle a bit, and avoid getting shot at.


After slice success all hoggers inside the vehicle would be booted out (prepare to fight) and vehicle is not usable for a shot time. Get ready to take it over and start running people over.

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I was wondering too, maybe I'm wrong, but I think in two man vehicles, like IFTs or AATs, you have to slice it twice, once for each passenger. Plus I think if your slicing is interrupted at any point, you have to start all over again at 0%.

If I'm wrong on either of these points, I'd like to know. Haven't tried it enough (cause I usually get killed before I even get close to the vehicle) to know these for a fact.

Plus, have any of you been IN a vehicle while it was being sliced? Is there any sort of indication?

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