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Jedi gone bounty hunter

Darth Viggo

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I would love to see more storyline of bounty hunters in KOTOR3. Either as the main character or at least a member of the party.


Storyline could go something like the republic seeks out an ex-Jedi who has become the one of the top bounty hunters in the galaxy.....game play would require the stealth and security skills more often and maybe introduce a new steal skill....


Anybody else have ideas about how bounty hunters could be used in the next series?

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They were a secret organization of Bounty Hunters who were only known to the socially elite (ie important senators/military fugures, etc.). One of the leaders, Hulas, recruits you to join them, only to have you unknowingly kill the other leaders, giving him full control over the organization. You are recruited after killing Calo Nord.

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Definately!!! Even throwing in a Gladiator type story with a group of people going into the duel rings or more than just 1 vs 1, have like 10 guys in there and have a last man standing contest. I enjoyed the duel ring competition in KotOR I better than all the bike swooping.

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Yes, Mira was a bounty hunter.


As far as duel ring, I would love to see that. Maybe as a main quest, you have to fight in a duel ring on a planet to survive, like in Episode II.


As far as the bounty hunter hybrid Jedi thing: sense someone who likes bounty hunters, I do :yoda::D. It is a ok idea, I'm not too fond of it. I don't think that that should be the storyline, I think it should just be a gameplay choice whether you want to be that kind of person or not.


I'd just rather have some of the GenoHaradan and maybe a bounty hunter in your party.

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Because of Admiral Piett's remarks on the bridge of the 'Executor' in EMPIRE, most people still regard bounty hunters as 'scum'.


Maybe not the most noble profession in the galaxy, but, nonetheless a very important one. Whether it's a ruthless quest for credits or the removal of wanted criminals, someone's got to take out the trash.


That being said, this particular game is called 'Knights of the Old Republic'.

This game is centered around force users, Jedi/Sith alike. So the focus should be there. I enjoyed the bounty hunting sub-quests and duel ring, and should they create a bounty hunter RPG, I'm there. But, for this game, It's all about the Jedi.


I'm not turned off by the idea of one of your party being a hunter though.

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Piett comment comes from a high ranking military officers who sees his job taken by a low rate bounty hunter. His opinions are greatly biased, but I think you're right about them being considered as scum.


A sidequest or party member would be fun, but starting of as a bounty hunter isn't so great. You'd have to basically be a scout, since scouts are essentially bounty hunters (Hanharr and Mira are scouts).


It would limit the starting classes too much.

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Piett comment comes from a high ranking military officers who sees his job taken by a low rate bounty hunter. His opinions are greatly biased, but I think you're right about them being considered as scum.


A sidequest or party member would be fun, but starting of as a bounty hunter isn't so great. You'd have to basically be a scout, since scouts are essentially bounty hunters (Hanharr and Mira are scouts).


It would limit the starting classes too much.


I whole-heartedly agree.


However, I wouldn't label Fett as low rate.

With a near 100% success rate, most in the galaxy know of him and fear him.


...and rightly so.

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I like the idea of Bounty Hunter's, not not a Jedi/Bounty Hunter hybrid. This is one of the reason's I came up with my 'non-Jedi Prestige Class' idea which would mean you could upgrade your party members from


Soldier --> Peacekeeper (LS) / Mercenary (DS)

Scout --> Commando (LS) / Bounty Hunter (DS)

Scoundrel --> Smuggler (LS) / Slaver (DS)

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Piett comment comes from a high ranking military officers who sees his job taken by a low rate bounty hunter. His opinions are greatly biased, but I think you're right about them being considered as scum.


A sidequest or party member would be fun, but starting of as a bounty hunter isn't so great. You'd have to basically be a scout, since scouts are essentially bounty hunters (Hanharr and Mira are scouts).


It would limit the starting classes too much.


Could be Piett thought that, could be he also found it quite distasteful to deal with Fett and other bounty hunters who would just as soon turn and shoot him in the back if someone gave them a higher bounty. Could be Piett also was worried that if Fett found them, he'd be next in line for a Force Choke.


I think a bounty hunter sidequest could be fun, too.

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