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TSL: Jedi Master species diversity

Char Ell

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1. Obsidian was living on a budget of peanuts and can't afford new alien voices, models, skins and such.

2. Obsidian was being slapped around by LucasArts to do everything fast and so they just took some models, modified them and threw them in.

3. Aliens were too smart to join some crappy organisation like the Jedi Council.

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Or course they do. If one of the Jedi masters just spoke bland twi'lek language, people would complain that OE cheaped out on them. Same goes for if they used a generic twi'lek head.


Humans have aesthetic appeal. And, they're easier to make unique. If they made one of the masters a twi'lek, they would have to make him unique. And then how would it look to have only one unique twi'lek in the game?

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Actually, I was hoping they could have placed A Zabrak in there. They could easily modify that over the Bao-Dur skin. We've had too many Twi-Leks, so I wouldn't like those. Maybe a Sullustan Jedi? Or that species of "The Champ"? Would make a nice alternative to Yoda/Vandar.


I say they should ahve created a new species entirely. They could take a human and modify him slightly to make him/her slightly alienish.


That reminds me, wasn't Atris Echani?

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If I remember the bat species "the champ " is (Cheddar-Fan, or something like that) can't speak basic, just like twookies. And yes, a jedi like that would be annoying to say the least, with those high pitch screams.


Now how about a Tusken... we know its possable, or a Jawa(yes we assume Yoda is not a jawa)!

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Rob, why does it make sense the Council to be human, just because you are. As to the Alien Jedi speaking Basic, well lets face it, they were all educated on Coruscant or Dantooine or at another Enclave and they have to be able to deal with everybody, so Basic is the most logical language for them to speak.


And you aren't? The fact is, Star Wars is about a human hero. Not a Twi-Lek princess Leia, not a Chadra-Fan Luke, or a Sullustan Anakin. With that in mind, it goes the same way for other very important characters.


As for language, if you originally spoke English, then were educated in a Russian country, would you always speak Russian afterwards because you were eduacated in it? Wouldn't you normally prefer to fall back to your native language?


As for other issues, diversity is one of them. What can you really do to make a Twi-Lek look different than any other Twi-Lek bum off the street? The most you can really do is the clothes and make him either red, green, blue, purple, or whatever. With humans, there are many, many different looks, and so a better personality.

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Let me see...


Would it have changed the game in any way if there had been a more diverse selection of races on the counsel in K2?


I really don't think so.


That being said, it probably would have had a more "Starwarsie" feel if there would have been, let's say, a Quarren or Twilek on the counsel.

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And you aren't? The fact is, Star Wars is about a human hero. Not a Twi-Lek princess Leia, not a Chadra-Fan Luke, or a Sullustan Anakin. With that in mind, it goes the same way for other very important characters.

Echani is considered near-human, and yes they can breed with human. Think a chiss, a good example of a near-human.


A Twi'lek Princess would be wonderful, though it would be hard to explain why she would be the blood sister of a chadra-fan!!! :)


But I do prefer a more warsie feel world with more aliens on the council.


As for how you distinglish a Twi'lek, well, the character generator on SWG would be a nice one to start, also male Twi'leks sometimes have small pairs of tentacleoid at their chins, and bumps on their heads. These are quite optional, but yes, one can make a male twi'lek w/o these features also.

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American? Its still called English, I'm afraid. The repeat dialogue was a little annoying but far more annoying was the homogenity in K2.


Not the way it's speeched in Yankland :xp:


As for the "generic alien language" the Jedi involved in the murder mystery speaks, it's Twi'leki, which is about the second-most widely spoken language in the Republic/Sith/Outer Rim, IIRC.


The problem with an all-White, Anglo-Saxon council is that it's somewhat racist (in that it perhaps reflects the views of certain members of OE? Not saying it does, it just seems to imply that...), and also quite dull. Also, all three major masters are male. Frankly, it'd be nice if there was even a Twi'lek.

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1. Obsidian was living on a budget of peanuts and can't afford new alien voices, models, skins and such.
But there are tons of new alien models, voices and skins in TSL! There are Sullustians, Quarrens, Devaronians, and so on.


In any event, I believe there were 12 seats in the council on Coruscant when the Exile was kicked out, and there were only about six masters present in the cutscene. So it is completely conceivable that some or all of the remaining memeber were aliens...

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