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MacLeodCorp (W.I.P.) New!

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MacLeodCorp (W.I.P) NEW! :)


My KotOR II - Mods:

Telos: Billboard Series / DAP: Holowan Consortium

Mandalorian: Prototype Armor / Visas': Underwear Series

DS: Head Transitions

My KotOR I - Mods in Progress:

Bastila Mod: Undisclosed Name / Mannan: Ad-Signs

Important Disclaimer About Mods:

LucasArts Press Release


All except for one mod was moved to LucasFiles.com. I no longer have a large mod library at pcgamemods.com. - MacLeodCorp.

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Is there any news on the new name yet?

Inquiring minds want to know.... ;)

Hehehe. :)

I have a name in mind, and it has become a fussion of multiple suggestions. I will let everyone know what it is soon. This is the last weekend for the edits and changes before Darth Insidious gets a Beta Version. I will let everyone know the new name on Sunday. :)

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did you like meh suggestion?

I think it was Dark Apprentice: Dark Destiny

Or something like that. XD Anywho, I FINALLY found out who Bastilla is. LOL.

I got KOTOR II for X-mas, so I have only had it for two months, and I have beaten it 2 FRIGGIN TIMES! XD and "Inquiring minds" would like to know if they could beta test.

erm, WHEN they can beta test.


P.S. If you don't know what I mean by "Inquiring minds" I mean me. ^_^

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Yo what happened to the Telos Billboards.

God I have no idea why Im so excited about that.

The advertising buisness on Telos closed down for a while. I have a finished version somewhere on my other computer. If I can find it, I will post it at pcgm when I release DAP.


Hmm... What's this? An illegal spice-smuggling ring?


It's accurate, at least :)

Shhh... I won't tell the Jawa if you dont. Hehehe...:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Dark Apprentice: 'Holowan Consortium'

I am pleased to announce that 'The Dark Apprentice: 'Holowan Consortium' will be released to LucasFiles.com tomorrow night. If you are planning on installing this mod, and you have the 'Gold' version installed, please check out our 'Uninstall' section above to remove important files. Upon the mod's release, I will open up a thread for feedback and information. I have asked the moderators to close the 'The Apprentice: Gold' thread, for there is extensive new information. I don't want people to be confussed.


Thank you all for your patience,


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Hey, um, can I beta test the new one? lol.

At the moment, I am not thinking that far ahead. I want to sit on this next mod for a while, and play other modder's mods. There are a few that I missed, and I want to try them out. Plus, there are two other modders getting ready to release theirs, and I am deeply intrested in what they have creativly put together.


I will probally not be updating my [W.I.P.] for some time. All I know it that there is one more mod on the fire, but it could take a long time.

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The Awakened Padawan: Post-Production NEWS

Within the creation of the Dark Apprentice, Bastila wears two sets of custom robes. Who made these mysterious robes, and why are they so special in nature? As we go back five years, their origins will be revealed.


At the moment, I have created the central character to the Awakened Padawan. I am in the middle of pre-dialogue writting.


Keep your eyes open for more details. :)

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