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If they want it that bad then they can just use the KOTOR Tool to put it back in
Then unequip the crystals before you get caught by the Leviathan. :p

Off course off course, I didn't wanted to keep them to beging with, is just nonsense. This is just a coment or a warning for those who want to keep the crystals inside Bastila's saber.

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She will keep it in my mod, and change the crystal for the fight on Unknown World. ;)


That works for me. I wasn't trying to tell you what I think you should do, but rather wondered if you would do it. It's something to do with Anakin Skywalker making a new lightsaber as Darth Vader and how simular the hilts were, but a darker version. That's all I was wondering.



Anakin hilt in Attack of the Clones



Vader hilt in Original Trilogy




It just wouldn't make any sense to see Bastila attack Malak with her Double bladed Lightsaber and then to still have it in your inventory. To me it Sounds like the devs just forgot to delete that item from the PC's inventory.


That's role playing games for you. Like how you can warp to other places, or how you can carry hundreds of items and it doesn't show how you are carrying them so you can pull them out at any given time. You're even at times carrying dead bodies, yet how is that possible? It's just how role playing games are.

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I know its something you really want but I can't think of a reason why those 2 crystals need their own hilt. Also how would I decided what saber style to make the hilts for those crystals, I'm not eager to make 6 new sabers for just two crystals.


As it is right now I have 8 sabers completed that have 7 color variations. Since each of these sabers will be able to use the HotG and MotF colors I'm more inclined to let the player choose to replace the hilt for those cyrstals on thier own. It would only require you to open the crystal and saber uti in KT and then change the model variation for which ever saber you want to use those crystals in. I will include the list of model numbers, this with KT will allow anyone to mod those crystals to their own personal taste.


This makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for clearing that up. However, if you remember my previous suggestion for a saber hilt with a woodgrain inlay, perhaps you could work that into the design of one of the other sabers. Just a thought.


@ JediShemL - As for Bastilla's saber still being in your inventory after the Leviathan, I just figured it was caused by the same glitch that made her pull out a double bladed yellow saber even if there wasn't one in the inventory. The first time I played through the game, I replaced her saber with a doubleblade of another color (can't remember which one) and the yellow one appeared out of thin air for her battle with Malak. I am very pleased that T7 is going to clear up both ends of this glitch with this mod. :) I am also pleased to hear that she will retain her same saber hilt, but with a red crystal, for the Temple and Starforge battles.

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I just figured it was caused by the same glitch that made her pull out a double bladed yellow saber even if there wasn't one in the inventory. The first time I played through the game, I replaced her saber with a doubleblade of another color (can't remember which one) and the yellow one appeared out of thin air for her battle with Malak.


It's not a glitch. The game has Bastila pull out a yellow double-bladed lightsaber named, "bast_temp_saber.uti". The file is in the "lev_m40ac" section of modules in Fred's tool under items. If you want Bastila to pull out another lightsaber other than the default yellow double-bladed, you need to change that file.

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^^^ or you can modify the scene script ;) either way I consider it a programming mistake. They must have just wanted to make sure she pulled out a specific lightsaber, regardless of what she had equiped, which in a way makes sense because that little fight scene might break if she tries to use a blaster instead of a double lightsaber, but to be honest I'm not to that stage yet. I still have several models to build and skin.

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Hi T7, I was looking through the lightsaber page that you posted above and found 2 hilts models that I think would do nicely as Malak's saber. I know you already have a model for him, I just don't like it too much. If you don't want to change Malak's saber, perhaps you can make those models for another character if you get to like them, I don't know, it's just a suggestion.






These sabers are not my favorite ones but I think they are from the whole list, the ones that go with Malak's appearance. Keep the good work T7, and don't forget to post all the new pics and progress of this mod...

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Hi T7, I was looking through the lightsaber page that you posted above and found 2 hilts models that I think would do nicely as Malak's saber.

T7 has specific ideas in mind on the hilts. He wants them original looking and look nothing like a lightsaber we've seen before either in the movies or in the expanded universe.

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^^^ Thats not completely true, I'm not against modeling designs created by others. My orignal sabers will be upgraded for this mod and included and Malaks saber is nemisis hilt design. I am however very picky about the designs that I do make.


The saber that I gave Malak is the hilt I'm sticking with.

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It's been a few days since I've shown anything so here is something :)


Yuthura Ban's Jedi Saber


Yuthura Ban's Sith Saber


I'm also close to completing the Skins for Bacca'a blade and Jolee's saber, but I still have some work to do on both so I'm not ready to show either and I built a Double saber model for Jorak/Uthar but I wasn't happy with it so I junked it and I'm starting from scratch on that one. So as it stands now I have 2 models left to make, but still around 8 to skin, but 4 of those are in partial states of completion. :)


Also svösh has finnished Marl's double vibroblade(which just looks plain sweet), so he should be posting some in-game screens of those soon.

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Agaig T7, you've come with two new great models! I asume Yuthura will be fighting dual isn't it? I really hope so... That's true that her sith saber looks like dark woman's lightsaber, pretty cool!


I was looking through your WIP againg and stood on Revan's saber. Then I had two ideas:


The first one is once Revan gets to The Starforge, to the machine that gives him the Revan's robes and such, he could get an improved crystal for his/her lightsaber, one that could buff it up a little, the crystal won't change the hilt or anything like it, just add some good numbers to it (I don't think it really needs them though).


On the other hand and if you feel a little more creative than usual, what about a crystal that change just a little the appearance of Revan's saber based on his/her force alignment? A darker version of the hilt with a red saber for Darksiders or an improved and shiny version of the hilt for Lightsiders. We players can make a choice about the crystal colour.


I just wanted to share those ideas with you... Besides that, great job! I can't wait to see the final version of Jolee's saber. Keep it up!

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Make sure when you release it, it's spelled "Yuthura". ;) Great looking models, BTW.

lol, yes I'll be sure to spell it correctly.


Edit: Yuthura's sith saber isn't really Dark Woman's Its based closer on this one posted



The emitter is the part thats very different From Dark Womans, but I also left out the claws from that pic, I feel it doesn't really add anything to the hilt. Also I'm leaning more towards Black and silver.

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I haven't checked the entire thread to find out, but are you planning on doing anything with the Sith Lightsaber you pick up in Naga Sadow's tomb? I was pretty dissapointed that it was a generic lightsaber hilt that couldn't be upgraded. Maybe you could do a curved handle like Darth Tyranus or something?

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I haven't checked the entire thread to find out, but are you planning on doing anything with the Sith Lightsaber you pick up in Naga Sadow's tomb? I was pretty dissapointed that it was a generic lightsaber hilt that couldn't be upgraded. Maybe you could do a curved handle like Darth Tyranus or something?


Actually, that is an interesting point. Good thinking. :)

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I haven't checked the entire thread to find out, but are you planning on doing anything with the Sith Lightsaber you pick up in Naga Sadow's tomb? I was pretty dissapointed that it was a generic lightsaber hilt that couldn't be upgraded. Maybe you could do a curved handle like Darth Tyranus or something?



maybe some more like the 2nd quel-drin fal saber found here

i made a request for it for tsl but it would look great as the ancient sith saber found in the tomb in kotor but make it the red of cource just a thought

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