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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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I hope to see Zoomie. I miss him and his.... interesting outlook on life, the universe, and everything.




Took a walk today. It was snowing. Didn't amount to anything though.


Found a strange number on my cell phone this morning. Someone called me from Long Island while I was away from the phone. I don't personally know anyone in Long Island.


That's always a weird dilemma for me... do I call these people back to see what they might want, knowing that's it's most likely just a wrong number, and get caught in a somewhat surreal conversation; or do I ignore it, possibly missing out on something important and unexpected? I've never activated the voice-mail on my cell, so there was no hint either way.


I called it back this time. The guy who answered had no idea who I was. So I guess it was a wrong number or a misdial.


Last time I did that though, I got caught up in a too-long and truly bizarre conversation with some weirdo who just really wanted to talk. Usually I just ignore it, knowing that anybody who knows me and really desires to get in touch has many other alternatives.

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Went to the pet store today. I couldn't believe how crowded it was. In the middle of the afternoon. On a weekday. I found it odd.


My bank was super busy too. Fortunately, I only needed the ATM.


Then I got a haircut. I went as short as possible, but still leaving the impression that I have hair. Stubble,.. in a word. It's pretty much the same cut I got last time... but that was half a year ago, in the sweltering heat of July.


When I got home I shaved my beard completely off, too.


I had no real reason to do it... it just seemed like time for a change and a fresh start.

It will be back shortly, however... I hate shaving.


Man... do I look weird!



Oh,.. and as it seems that we will be wrapping this experiment up soon enough, it might be opportune time to take a look back and review ground covered to date...


Four years in the life of XWA




First attempt...


Second helpings...


Third time's the charm...


Bringing us up to date...



Well, there we go.

Huh. :indif:

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I have a dear friend who lives pretty far from me, but is up where I am to visit relatives and stuff. She has a date in Central Park tomorrow with someone six years her senior.


I spent a good part of last night tumbling around and cuddling with her. No sexual stuff, just lots of body-on-body contact, sometimes just lying next to each other all betwixt.


Is this weird?

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If you have to ask... :p



Seriously; if it feels good and neither of you are uncomfortable with it, then I say there's nothing wrong with a little intimacy and human contact. We are supposedly evolved to be social and communal creatures after all... (although you could never tell by observing my life as of late. However, I was just totally grooving on the way the chick who gave me my haircut today was running her hands over my skull as she buzzed off 6 months of growth. There wasn't anything particularly erotic about it, either... just a really nice feeling. I almost said something like: "You have really great hands..." but I'm pretty sure it would have been taken in the totally wrong spirit.)

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long day off today.....was nice.


woke up at around 10:30am, went in and got my check, had troubles getting it cashed which was more of a nuisance than anything...hit the wrong button when entering my ss#...grr....deposited it, then came home and rode bike around block which took about 35 minutes, called my dad up at work to see if he'd go w/me to get the bow put together and where we should go to get that done, so i ended up calling 2 places, the one wasn't able to do anything, and the other was able to but the person that fixes/assembles was outta town so she said to come in at around 2:30/3pm, so i go get my dad and we go stop at walmart to see if garage was full (gonna try and get oil changed sometime....it's been about since august) it was full so we went over to the archery shop, person wasn't there and secretary person said she'd be back later and said we could stop in tomorrow at around 9am, so guess i'll be doing that tomorrow morning..


So i dropped my dad off at his work where he left his vehicle and i went down to walmart to pick up some tp and .22 rounds since it wasnt too late and squirrel hunting is in, so got home gathered my hunting gear and went out to my parents' place and me and my dad hunted for about 2 hours, dad shot at 1 and missed, i took a shot at a squirrel nest to see if it would piss off the mother squirrel, nothing happened.


afterwards went back home, washed up a weekload of dishes and gathered the garbage, sister got home, then we ordered chinese and watched the rest of 'over there' series. then i hopped on galaxies and got a friend to go shoot up a few rebels...we was winning for a lil bit, then they brought in like 4 jedi, 1 bounty hunter, and a commando, so we were pretty much out of there after 2 retaliation attempts.


now im prolly gonna go play some final fantasy III, then go to sleep.


I went to the goarmy.com chat where they have recruiters there, and inquired as to whether i am still elegible for enlistment......they said i need waivers....1 for beings that i was homeschooled, and another cause i failed bct the first time...I'm wanting to be in a Military Police unit, trying to exercise more in the morning right after i wake up, before i eat. I need to get back into shape so i make the impression that i'm serious about passing bct the next time. i asked what the minimum active duty reqs are, they said 2-3 years, i may go for that, then go to a reservist unit from there. I certainly don't see myself working at walmart forever. it's been a year and a half, a freaking waste of time if you ask me....(even though i like my job, i still consider it a waste and would rather be doing something better) thinking about working at walmart gets me depressed...I wish there was a easy way to tell my parents my motives....


guess i'll put that army bumper sticker on my car and shave my head. that would tell them what's up!

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Oh, it did feel good. It had been a while since I'd had such intimate contact with another person like that. I spent a good bit of time with her today, as she was teaching me how to ice skate. Though, it was really more me stumbling around and her laughing at me, but I always grabbed onto her when I was about to fall. She gives the best hugs too. :3


I dunno why I'm dwelling on it so much. Probably because I saw my ex for the first time in a while today. Met her new boyfriend too. That was weird. But not too weird, because I was nice enough to drop them off at the movie theater. Still pretty weird, though.


I need more cuddling. :x

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been sick, no work at all this week at all, my brothers bachelor party tomorrow, sickness makes me the likely DD................


nice to see my bro in from boston on his yearly trip home


but again his fiance returns, I like her, but....hes restrained around her and refused to leave her alone, so we cant hang out at all as just brothers, it sucks


havent seen the gf in 2 weeks, minus 2 hours on xmas eve at my uncles.......decided to book a hotel room and drive up to her for new years, not going out either, we need alone time more than life itself almost

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I need more cuddling. :x

Don't we all.

Zargon, save your brother, and forcibly tear him from the woman.

I mean, you're brothers, she can wait, she has her whole life to deal with him. ;)

"Bros before hoes?" eh, Crack? ;)


So... since I've been off from work I've been trying to live the clean life to make myself feel better by the time I get back to work: Cutting out caffeine completely; eating a big bowl of organic salad with every meal; drinking lots of 100% fruit juice; eating a big pile of fresh fruit everyday; guzzling gallons of water like they were going to take it off the market any day now; and popping vitamin supplements constantly.


Soooo,... just what is my reward for all this trying to clean up my act?


Today I'm as sick as a dog.


My throat feels like I have a fleet of those things that pull up the old road surface and leave all the grooves in the blacktop workin' in there. My head is buzzing like a nest full of angry hornets. Every half hour of so the temperature seems to instantly change between "Meat-locker-cold" where I'm shivering and chattering my teeth; to "Sauna-sweattastic."


It just goes to show ya' : You just can't win.


And by "You" I mean: "Anyone who happens to be me right now"... which I just happen to be at the moment.


It's fan-freakin'-craptactular.


I have little choice but to work New Year's Eve, no matter how bad I feel... so I need to blast this thing totally out of my system before then.

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that stuff's been going around, a coworker of mine had a cold, my sis has a cold/flu not sure which, think it's flu. Try drinking more water. That's how i killed off a sinus infection or bronchitis last year as i was too lazy to go to the doctor and didn't want to pay more than $40.

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Thanks... but I'm not sure how much more water I can drink... I'm been going through at least 2 or 3 gallons a day already!


I have a 2-gal. Brita in the fridge, and I've been emptying and re-filling it twice a day all week.


But I'll do what I can. I already feel a little better... my throat's nowhere near as sore as it was last night. Now I'm gonna take a nap and see if I can't sleep the rest of it off.

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Cutting out caffeine completely; eating a big bowl of organic salad with every meal; drinking lots of 100% fruit juice; eating a big pile of fresh fruit everyday; guzzling gallons of water like they were going to take it off the market any day now; and popping vitamin supplements constantly.




I'm going to start a similar program after the first of the year. I don't know about the organic salads, but cutting out caffine for me will be quite teh shock to my system [i don't drink coffee, just coke/pepsi]. So no more caffine and no more sugar [from the soda] - combine that with hitting the gym to get rid of my beer gut...I'm going to be a total mess. lol can't wait..should be fun.

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I'm going to start a similar program after the first of the year. I don't know about the organic salads, but cutting out caffine for me will be quite teh shock to my system [i don't drink coffee, just coke/pepsi]. So no more caffine and no more sugar [from the soda] - combine that with hitting the gym to get rid of my beer gut...I'm going to be a total mess. lol can't wait..should be fun.

Yeah... the first few days were pretty brutal. It was almost like I had narcolepsy (since I instantly fell into a long, deep sleep the second I stopped moving,) combined with a brain tumor the size of a Volkswagen (splitting headache which words can do no justice.)


The whole idea for me was to get some extra rest, a bit more energy, and mostly to improve the horribly grim mood I was in for pretty much the last third of the year. Weight loss, if it occurs, would be a welcome and positive side effect... but was not my primary goal. Something I should also definitely work on though...


New wheels for Keyan! That can only mean one thing... ROAD TRIP!!!

Now, to only decide where to go... Vegas, or Tijuana. :D


Crack is in charge of procuring snacks, Niner's got the gas card, and Nitrous is in charge of the tunes! Noot, 15, me, and the rest will trade off the driving.


Sorry, Keyan old chum... I don't think there will be enough room for you on this trip... not even the trunk (That's where Zarg is corralling the slave girls...)

We'll have to pick you up on the next leg of the trip, after the inevitable drop-outs...

Don't worry... we'll take good care of your new baby! Hey! You can trust us... right?




I'm feeling better... though not 100% yet. Probably not even 40% yet... but climbing. Should be back to normal by morning... hopefully.


Only a couple of days left for my week off, and I've only crossed off less than a half-dozen things off my full page of 'Things-To-Do' so far. Lame.


If I felt better, then that could be my justification for a week of un-met goals and fallen expectations.


And I was feeling better... a lot better, for the most part... before this thing settled in and kicked my arse.

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New wheels for Keyan! That can only mean one thing... ROAD TRIP!!!

Now, to only decide where to go... Vegas, or Tijuana. :D


Crack is in charge of procuring snacks, Niner's got the gas card, and Nitrous is in charge of the tunes! Noot, 15, me, and the rest will trade off the driving.


Sorry, Keyan old chum... I don't think there will be enough room for you on this trip... not even the trunk (That's where Zarg is corralling the slave girls...)

We'll have to pick you up on the next leg of the trip, after the inevitable drop-outs...

Don't worry... we'll take good care of your new baby! Hey! You can trust us... right?




Yeah...that sounds about right. I'm far too lame to be included in fun activities. When you said "road trip" I was thinking "Heck yeah, we could head over to Wal-Mart..."

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ugh walmart....i go there all the time. i freaking work there. -_- it's been since june 2k5...so a year and a half damn it. sick of it too!!!! about this time 3 years ago dammit i was saying same thing about the pizza hut i was working at. TIME TO MOVE ON.

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I can imagine.

I did a several month-long stint at Bradlees before college, and that pretty much broke my soul. I can't picture the kind of purgatory a couple of years at Wal*Mart must be like.


Hmmm... I wonder if we can get to 800 posts in the next 2 days... (*Hint, hint!*) ;)

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Yeah... the first few days were pretty brutal. It was almost like I had narcolepsy (since I instantly fell into a long, deep sleep the second I stopped moving,) combined with a brain tumor the size of a Volkswagen (splitting headache which words can do no justice.)


Guess water and extra ibuprofen are in order for a week or so until my body adjusts.


The whole idea for me was to get some extra rest, a bit more energy, and mostly to improve the horribly grim mood I was in for pretty much the last third of the year. Weight loss, if it occurs, would be a welcome and positive side effect... but was not my primary goal. Something I should also definitely work on though...


Yeah, I'm looking to get more energy and stronger. Anything else will be a bonus.



I'm feeling better... though not 100% yet. Probably not even 40% yet... but climbing. Should be back to normal by morning... hopefully.


Good to hear!


about this time 3 years ago dammit i was saying same thing about the pizza hut i was working at.


I never did receive that pizza I ordered online from you! :firehead


How goes the photography there 15? lol

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Guess water and extra ibuprofen are in order for a week or so until my body adjusts.

It only took me 2 days to get through all that, really. After that I was sleeping normally again, and able to wake up in the morning like a regular person again... without having to infuse my bloodstream with stimulants in order to move around and not walk straight into walls.


Of course, I had the distinct advantage of going through all this during a vacation from the job, with out having to go to work and/or school. If I had to go out of my house and deal with the world at the same time as my withdrawal symptoms, then I may have had to cradle a giant bottle of industrial strength Tylenol the entire time as well...


Throat's a bit sore again this morning... but I think it's just the heat induced dry air in my house. I need to pick up a humidifier. In years past I used to just boil pots of water on the stove... but that's a bit of a pain in the ass. The steam all condenses in the kitchen and creates havoc with mildew and mold... not to mention the plaster on the kitchen ceiling loosening up and falling down in big chunks... so we won't be doing that again this year.


Maybe I'll head off to Lowe's this afternoon to get one.

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i way overslept this morning.....went to bed at around 12, and what time i wake up? 11. guess i won't be going hunting like i wanted to. -_- i hate weekends. I have to work 2-11 tonight, our printer went down on friday night and today we are supposed to get a part that fixes it and there is film and digital orders piled....that sucks. left the place in a bit of a mess last night, so i'll probably hear about it when i go in.


Tomorrow i only working 11-6, so that's cool that they're letting the lab close early, probably will just come home and watch some movies.


My throat feels like it's going to be sore...so i'll need to get some more ludens cough drops. It's amazing that I didn't get sick once this month! Probably because i've been eating those cough drops like they were candy. :D


Taking a small break from galaxies, i haven't been playing it as much as before christmas. I'm 23 in a few weeks...3 years goes by too damn fast. but then when i think about it, i have done alot since turning 18.

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