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Can't live with it/ Can't live without...

Cygnus Q'ol

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This Tauntaun has been beaten to death, but here's a new twist to keep it quick, simple and direct.


Quick list: Three things that absolutely must be in Kotor3.


1. Dynamic storyline that we take for a ride, instead of the other way around.

2. Increased visual appeal. Obsidian or whomever needs to step up to the plate and deliver.

3. Upgradeable everything. Console gamers need mods too.


Quick list: Three things that we can do without.


1. Weak "Boss" battles. The sith lords were anything but. They were too easy to kill. Need some challenge there.

2. Repeating planets. I know there is a thread for this and the opinions are split, but do we really need to go to Tatooine again.

3. Lame endings. I guess this ties in with a good storyline, but the climax is so important. It really needs to end well this time.

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Quick list: Three things that absolutely must be in Kotor3.


1. Great story from beginning to end. Whether it's to wrap up the "Revan saga", or a completely unrelated storyline, this is, IMO, the most important thing.

2. Smarter enemy (and party NPC) AI. The hitpoints of characters like Kreia and Sion would be fine as they are if they actually used smart decisions and were tactical about how they fought the PC. Not to mention it would be nice to rely on party members to do the smart thing and react to situations, rather than you, the player, having to take control of them in order for them to enter combat properly.

3. NO RUSHED RELEASE! Let the developer, whomever it is, iron out all the kinks and completely flesh out the game before releasing it. TSL could have been great, but the rushed release meant about 2 to 3 months of extra fine tuning went out the window, and the ending of the game, as well as some gaps in story, are the result.


Quick list: Three things that we can do without.


1. No FPS elements. This is number one on my list because I hate, HATE when I see suggestions about turning KOTOR into some kind of FPS hybrid.

2. Repeating planets. This one I agree with the original poster. IMO, the two worst planets in TSL was Dantooine and Korriban, but that was mainly because they were just shallow repeats of planets we saw in K1.

3. Less focus on the RPG elements (story, choices, freedom, d20 combat, etc.) and more focus on "eye candy" (graphics, kewl new powers, phat loot, etc.). I'd rather have a masterpiece RPG with a deep story that allows the player freedom of choice and has good combat and replayability, than state of the art graphics and a bunch of cosmetic additions.

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My quick list- Things i need

1. Do not changing it much, it was good, only need some fresh new (or not completely new) story.

2. Some mandalorians, to kill/play with. Haha i love their phlosophie- Burn and slash

3. Maybe there should be a chance to choose the race of your char and some classes would have special abilities and stuff, while human would be most balanced.

Things for which i will be angry.

1.If K3 wont get released. I will take my lightsaber, get down to Lucas's place and put it to his throat, until he makes a call to make Kotor 3

2.Sith acting childish. Have you ever seen in the original films sith who is saying hahaa burn you wicked fool. Sith aren't bullys who try to kill anything they can see, if there is chance to get back with a space army and kill the entire planet.

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Some of us do have pc's, we just prefer to console game occasionally.


I'm not saying I need modified toenails or eyelash colors. I just feel that in the next game they should take it to the next level with some of the equipment, weapons, and robe modifications for the flash flood growth of console gaming.


I do understand that the level of modding is very limited for the console gamer. I also believe that the devs know this and are desperately trying to bridge that gap. I'd wager to see a few welcomed surprises.

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Quick list: Three things that absolutely must be in Kotor3.


1) Allow DS players more DS options rather than just killing everyone they meet.

2) More Planets. I'd really love to see 7 or 8 Planets in K3.

3) Continuing the Revan story.


Quick list: Three things that we can do without.


1) As mentioned earlier, the Boss' need to be tougher to beat, they were simply to easy and did not pose the problems Malak did in K1.

2) The Ebon Hawk, sorry but it's outsayed it's welcome :).

3) Improvement of Party Members AI. They need to heal more often when the PC is in trouble.

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3 (4) "Must-haves"

1. Well-written, well-rounded story with a satisfying ending

2. New places to explore with a challenging quest and fun or challenging sidequests for both LS and DS

3. Challenging Bosses--you should have to really work and think about what you're doing to be able to defeat them, and have a reasonable chance of not making it through the fight (at least the first time, anyway).

4. Characters with fun dialogue a la Jolee or HK.


3 "Must-Not-Have"

1. An ending where the Boss is killed, yet the Boss continues standing and talking for another 10 minutes before finally collapsing and dying ("oh, look, I'm at 0 VP--I'm going to stand and talk another 10 minutes like nothing happened, and then I'll fall over dead!")They could have at least had the Boss fall down on the ground injured during that whole interchange, because dying people don't continue standing...at least Malak went to a knee before he started his ending speech. It's not a big thing, but it bugged me just the same.

2. A lot of loose ends to the story. I like my fiction to be neat and tidy at the end. I like the good guys to have a definitive win and the bad guys definitely defeated. Or, if you're DS, it should be really clear that you now Dominate the Universe.

3. The same Korriban tombs, the same Dantooine set, and the same Tatooine sand. If you really _have_ to have those planets, at least give us something entirely different on the planet to quest through.

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Must haves:

1) Good, epic story - like KotOR.

2) Revan as PC.

3) the Ebon Hawk


Must not-haves:

1) New PC

2) New ship

3) Story with nothing to do with Revan.


This is said in a friendly jesting way, so don't take offense, but if Lucasarts and the developer incorporate your #2 in the first list and #1 in the second list, then that would be a horrible game, IMO.


K3 needs a new PC.

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Quick list: Three things that absolutely must be in Kotor3 (read "Things I'd Really Like To See, But Pretty Sure There Could Be a Game Without Them"):

1) More party NPCs with a smaller party size. I really liked what Bioware did with Baldur's Gate. I'd like to see the devs do something similar. Talk about adding replay value!

2) I've heard non-Jedi PrC bandied about quite a bit and the more I hear it, the more I like it.

3) I guess I'd have to say "more aliens". In KotOR we had about 13 alien races. In TSL we still had 13, but only 3 were new races. There are literally dozens of races in the Star Wars universe. Let's get some more of them in the game.


Quick list: Three things that we can do without.

1) Crappy merchants.

2) Repetitive npc's in every area

3) Crappy merchants :)

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Three necessary things:

1. Improved story (who doesn't want that?)

2. Improved graphics (like some have said, not that important, but TSl was even worse than K1, we need better graphics)

3. Better Fighting (more feats, better AI)



1. New PC. Probably will happen, but not necessary.

2. Combat that you control

3. Returning Planets/Party Members/Other things

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Must haves

1) More Races

2) New PC from Scratch...no more of this "cut off from the force" stuff I mean dang two key heros of the old republic needed theropy for trama they had suffered...sheesh

3) Well written and COMPLETE story


Not needed

1) Same locations..same planests are fine just remember planets are big...more locals would be nice

2) New fighting system...keep a good thing going..upgrade the graphics if you want but yeah

3) poorly implimented Random loot system..(I'm still upset about that)

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Must haves:


1) Improved graphics... They're so outdated right now. I only ask that they don't focus too much on that tho.

2) Revan as PC!!!!! Please, please, pretty please!!!!

3) More planets and extra content.


Bonus: More Carth appearances. Eh, what can I say, I'm a sucker for that guy. :D


Must not-haves:


1) The Ebon Hawk. Why people insist on flying that ship is beyond me, no offense. I find it to be rather ugly. And it's same ship type as the Falcon, how original... I'd like some innovation here. Buuuuut I'm 110% sure they're gonna bring it back anyway...

2) Incomplete story a la KotOR2, They *really* need to make this one right or there will be blood! :firemad:

3) The atrocious dialogue options for a DS, it's pathetic really...

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Must haves:

1) Good, epic story - like KotOR.

2) Revan as PC.

3) the Ebon Hawk


Must not-haves:

1) New PC

2) New ship

3) Story with nothing to do with Revan.

Even though Darth InSidious listed all what I wanted, I still have a few more things on my 'wish list'.


Must haves:


1. More global like influence instead of shadowy consipracy type of main quest

2. Vehicles! D20 rules support vehicles for everyones sake

3. Better, bigger and more frequent battles. I am pretty sick of cover operations


Must not-haves:


1. Small areas

2. All lightsabres have same hilts

3. Small number of NPCs and Side Quests

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My must-haves....


1.I think it should let you choose between The Exhile, Revan, and a padawan of the rebuilt Jedi Order as your PC, and the other two would be NPCs, and maby even one of them could be your master. Think, you could play through the whole game at least six times! Or if you're playing as The Exhile or Revan, the Padawan could be YOUR apprentice, and you could lead your padawan to the light OR dark (or something in between like Kreia)!


2.This is just planets I'd like to visit in-game. Korriban, Dantooine, Coruscant, Mandalore, Correllia, Revan's Homeworld, Poliss Massa, Ordo(Canderous' homeworld), Telos.


3.Creat-a-modes. Create your own lightsaber(hilt, blade, crystals...), create your own armor(you can get and buy raw parts for light, medium, and heavy armor, and make your armor force-sensitive so it doesn't restrict powers, you could make it a feat!), Create your own weapons, you could make hidden weapons to hide on your armor! All accessable from the workbench. I also wouldn't mind a more detailed character creation mode.


4.Strategic options as a member of the Jedi Council. Obviously if Revan and The Exhile are going to be in the game, they're going to be senior members of the Jedi Council. So you should be able to make certain strategic decisions about who to make part of the Council.



Things I would rather they not do to the game....


1.Have the ending happen unexpectadly like TSL. It wasn't quite as emotional as KOTOR's.


2.A really long-assed intro level like Peragus(Taris was okay but it was boring after awhile).


3.Weak bosses and enemies. This was mostly a problem in TSL, nothing that can't be fixed easily with better AI.


4.In-game cinematics. I understand they help load times, but I'd rather have better quality cinematics to forward the story.


That's all for now....

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3. Lame endings. I guess this ties in with a good storyline, but the climax is so important. It really needs to end well this time.[.quote]

The ending of TSL was not "lame" per se, it was just unimpressive. But you're right, they need to make it have more of an impact.


3. Less focus on the RPG elements (story, choices, freedom, d20 combat, etc.) and more focus on "eye candy" (graphics, kewl new powers, phat loot, etc.). I'd rather have a masterpiece RPG with a deep story that allows the player freedom of choice and has good combat and replayability, than state of the art graphics and a bunch of cosmetic additions.

No. Sorry, but you're contradicting yourself there. You say you don't want it to be a FPS, but you don't want it to focus on any of the RPG characteristics either? Get E@W then.


2) The Ebon Hawk, sorry but it's outsayed it's welcome .

Wrong. The Ebon Hawk has not "outstayed it's welcome". It's one of the best parts of the KotOR series.



1) The Ebon Hawk. It must stay. You can't say otherwise. It's would be like making the whole game take place on one planet: it would be stupid.

2) T3-M4 and HK-47. They are two of the best characters in either game. Sorry, but they are.

3) Revan. He doesn't have to be alive (in fact, it would be better if he wasn't), he just has to be in it. They have to finish the Revan storyline.



1) Revan or Exile as PC. It would be impossible to play as either one, as both were powerful characters at the end of the game. There's nowhere to go beyond that, really. The game would be boring, unless they gave the character amnesia or something, in which case it would be stupid.

2) New ship. You should all know how I feel about this idea by now.

3) A change in the game engine. I hate it when people suggest that KotOR be made to resemble JA. I hate that. I also hate it when people say that it should have more FPS elements. You want FPS elements, get an FPS. Don't go whining to make a perfecly good genre more like another.

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Must haves:

1) Good, epic story - like KotOR.

2) Revan as PC.

3) the Ebon Hawk


Must not-haves:

1) New PC

2) New ship

3) Story with nothing to do with Revan.


What he said, but with a few additions:


More must-haves:


(1. A battle at Coruscant

(2. Better textures


More must-not-haves:


(1. Completely different graphics engine

(2. New combat system

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Must be in KOTOR 3:

1. More customization! Nothing would be more fun than being able to fix up my ship, and modify my swoop bike to break neck speeds. Or how about being able to specifically customize my new PC ala Star Wars Galaxies create-a-character?


2. Build your reputation. If I'm playing a Jedi Master who just saved a city, word should get around to other planets. People should be singing my praises, or offering me more work, or coming to me for aid too. If by contrast I'm a Sith Lord who just wiped out the same city, people should fear my name and run for their lives in my dark presense. I should gain the attention of dangerous enemies and dark allies, all wishing to kill me or gain my favor.


3. More complex LS/DS decisions. The universe isn't cut and dry, and sometimes doing the "right thing" can only make things worse. Throw players for a loop by making them carefully analyze the impact of every single choice they make, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant. Maybe the boy you save today becomes the Sith Lord of tommorow, or that you will have to choose between the Jedi Code and doing what you feel is right, even if there are consequences.


Must NOT Haves:

1. No "Action RPG" please. If I want to play an action game, I'll go play Jedi Knight. I play KOTOR because I like turn-based d20 style RPG's.


2. No more new lightsaber colors. I was able to tolerate, even enjoy kotor 1's Yellow, "Mantle of the Force", and "Heart of the Guardian" crystals, but TSL just went too far. I mean bronze? Silver? What's next, hot pink and plaid? Four colors was plenty, seven was enough variety, ten is just ridiculous.


3. The Random Loot system. It was an experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong. All it added up to was never finding the right equipment in the game, and constantly reseting infront of merchants until what I wanted appeared.

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