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Darth Groovy's WTF of the week!

Darth Groovy

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OMG! That is freaky. We had a Cyclops lamb born on our farm but it was all messed up as well (we had to put it down), that looks almost normal (and yet not at all). It won't have good (read none at all) depth perseption though, wouldn't survive on its own as it wouldn't be unable to hunt.


Read the article properly, so it died anyway. oh well one for the formaldhyde then...

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If they put it in a jar of formaldahyde and sold it on ebay, i'd buy it and use it as a table top decoration. You know, like a conversation piece. :eek:


I knew a lady who used to have a horse fetus in a jar. Now that was a conversation starter. :D


As for the kitty: Weird. It kind of creeps me out.... >.>

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