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Who do you want to play as in KoTOR 3?


Who will you play as in KoTOR 3?  

309 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will you play as in KoTOR 3?

    • Revan
    • Exile
    • A completely new character

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You seem to be forgetting Bastila. No, she isn't dead, she appeared in TSL on Citadel Station with Carth after the destruction of the Ravager (if you choose the LS KoTOR ending), or in that Sith holocron on Korriban (if you choose the DS ending), although in this version she doesn't appear personally in the game.


Yeah, I know what you're going to say: If KoTOR 1 had a DS ending then Bastila isn't a Jedi, but a Sith. Well, here's my answer - If that is the case (which I sincerely doubt), then we'll just have to rely on one of the Exile's party members, probably the Disciple/Handmaiden, or even Bao-Dur, if not on the surviving Jedi.


And when speaking of the surviving Jedi - you were somewhat sceptic about the Jedi being able to survive the wars, the Sith and the bounty hunters. How many Jedi do you think there were, since according to you all these events wiped them out completely? What do you think how many Jedi defied the Council and joined Revan and Malak and how many didn't? How can then be possible for the Jedi Order to still exist in the time of Obi-Wan and Anakin?


The Jedi are first of all smart. They know how to stay hidden and how to survive. How do you think Yoda and Obi-Wan managed to stay alive all those years under the Empire?


P.S. Al' kidam ovaj engleski, a?

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You seem to be forgetting Bastila. No, she isn't dead, she appeared in TSL on Citadel Station with Carth after the destruction of the Ravager (if you choose the LS KoTOR ending), or in that Sith holocron on Korriban (if you choose the DS ending), although in this version she doesn't appear personally in the game.

Bastila Shan? She can't even buy a weapon without consulting someone. You saw her.


Yeah, I know what you're going to say: If KoTOR 1 had a DS ending then Bastila isn't a Jedi, but a Sith. Well, here's my answer - If that is the case (which I sincerely doubt), then we'll just have to rely on one of the Exile's party members, probably the Disciple/Handmaiden, or even Bao-Dur, if not on the surviving Jedi.

We could conut on the Handmaiden/Disciple, but Bao-Dur... I doubt it.


And when speaking of the surviving Jedi - you were somewhat sceptic about the Jedi being able to survive the wars, the Sith and the bounty hunters. How many Jedi do you think there were, since according to you all these events wiped them out completely? What do you think how many Jedi defied the Council and joined Revan and Malak and how many didn't? How can then be possible for the Jedi Order to still exist in the time of Obi-Wan and Anakin?

Anything can happen in 4000 years.


The Jedi are first of all smart. They know how to stay hidden and how to survive. How do you think Yoda and Obi-Wan managed to stay alive all those years under the Empire?

Because they didn't have a choice.

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Bastila Shan? She can't even buy a weapon without consulting someone. You saw her.


Well, I wouldn't exactly say that, but she is a little too arrogant for her own good (That's why I enjoyed annoying her).


We could conut on the Handmaiden/Disciple, but Bao-Dur... I doubt it.


Why not Bao-Dur? You train him into a Jedi, too. Yeah, he is more interested in mechanics, but a lot can change in a few years.


Anything can happen in 4000 years.


Yes, anything can happen, but if the Jedi Order is wiped out in this time, it can't just magically resurrect out of absolutely nothing.

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I had to edit/delete about 15 posts in this thread... Keep it to English guys!


There are people from all around the world here and we can't let everybody speak in their own language (and that includes me ;) ) or it would become very messy. The common language here has to remain English. If you want to speak Croatian, Serbian, French, Spanish, Japanese or whatever, use the PM system or do it somewhere else.

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@ Vlad, I strongly suggest you actually attempt to play the game alot more before commenting further on this topic. Your apparent lack of actually playing the game, and your reliance on Wiki sites to tell you what was "supposed to happen in TSL" is severely clouding your judgement. ;)

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Uh, just a quick question for all of you that want a new character. Say they manage to make a story that makes sense, and you play as Revan. Would you rather play as him or some new character. This is hypothetical...I really don't think it can be done, as I've said before, but I want to know if everyone agrees that Revan is one of the coolest characters ever.


Hey, post 300. Woot.

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@ Vlad, I strongly suggest you actually attempt to play the game alot more before commenting further on this topic. Your apparent lack of actually playing the game, and your reliance on Wiki sites to tell you what was "supposed to happen in TSL" is severely clouding your judgement. ;)

You're right. I'll play it thorugh again, starting now. But don't blame me if I find something that doesn't cling to your version of what happened. :xp:


Say they manage to make a story that makes sense, and you play as Revan. Would you rather play as him or some new character.

How come I didn't think of this question?


I really don't think it can be done, as I've said before, but I want to know if everyone agrees that Revan is one of the coolest characters ever.

I agree. I was very impressed with him.

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Uh, just a quick question for all of you that want a new character. Say they manage to make a story that makes sense, and you play as Revan. Would you rather play as him or some new character. This is hypothetical...I really don't think it can be done, as I've said before, but I want to know if everyone agrees that Revan is one of the coolest characters ever.


Hey, post 300. Woot.


Well, if it means anything the guy that started this thread - ME - agrees that Revan should be the main character in KoTOR 3 - why - because the story in KoTOR revolves around him and no new character can end that story better than Revan himself.

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Ok I understand also why you want to try something new.. but.. this series seems like a movie so hypothetically speaking..

Why would you want a different main character each story? I don't think the Star Wars movies would have done half as good if it was not centered on first Luke and then on Anakin.

I mean I know a movie is different from a video game, but I was just wondering :)

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Ok I understand also why you want to try something new.. but.. this series seems like a movie so hypothetically speaking..

Why would you want a different main character each story? I don't think the Star Wars movies would have done half as good if it was not centered on first Luke and then on Anakin.

I mean I know a movie is different from a video game, but I was just wondering :)

A series of movies can all be about one main character. That is a major strength of movie series. You get to see the character develop. However, playing a role playing game is a vastly different experience. In a RPG you start out at a low level and build yourself up. That is a major part of the fun (along with the interactions with NPC's). You cannot do that if you recycle an old character. While there is fun in maintaining a character over a long period of time, that is better suited to a table-top RPG. The limitations that a computer-based RPG bring to the game necessitate beginning each new game with a new PC.

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A series of movies can all be about one main character. That is a major strength of movie series. You get to see the character develop. However, playing a role playing game is a vastly different experience. In a RPG you start out at a low level and build yourself up. That is a major part of the fun (along with the interactions with NPC's). You cannot do that if you recycle an old character. While there is fun in maintaining a character over a long period of time, that is better suited to a table-top RPG. The limitations that a computer-based RPG bring to the game necessitate beginning each new game with a new PC.

Well said jimbo! :D

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I said to be a new Character for a change. I don't want to be an ex-Sith Lord or be the Exile who just travelled around the Galaxy for ten years. I want a new Character for many reasons. Someone who isn't overall famous to KOTOR story. The new Character should learn the ways of the Jedi and go to find Revan and the Exile in the Unknown Regions.

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A series of movies can all be about one main character. That is a major strength of movie series. You get to see the character develop. However, playing a role playing game is a vastly different experience. In a RPG you start out at a low level and build yourself up. That is a major part of the fun (along with the interactions with NPC's). You cannot do that if you recycle an old character. While there is fun in maintaining a character over a long period of time, that is better suited to a table-top RPG. The limitations that a computer-based RPG bring to the game necessitate beginning each new game with a new PC.


Ok, I get your point but another thing. Playing as a third pc is going to cause even more complications because of the simple fact of all the different conversations for LS F R, LS F R, etc. etc. Plus, voice acting. So there would be an extra 4 voice actors because many people still want Revan and Exile to be a major part of the game and so I assuming they either a) want them in their party or b) want them as a major npc..

But anyway, the only way I can think of it that would seem to work out (for party member unless people think of a better one) is pick a teacher when you become an apprentice. And there would be three different teachers and if you pick the Exile persay, then Revan and the other teacher (guessing it could be another person, probably Bastila to fill the 3rd place..about time she became a Jedi or Sith master >.>) would just be main npc's..

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...and so I assuming they either a) want them in their party or b) want them as a major npc..

In my case, you assumed wrong. How would having Revan in your party work out? Would it be like Kreia, no matter what you equip them with they still look exactly the same? If they were major NPCs what would they look like? I just want to have them referred to alot, and then you find out what happened to them.

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In my case, you assumed wrong. How would having Revan in your party work out? Would it be like Kreia, no matter what you equip them with they still look exactly the same? If they were major NPCs what would they look like? I just want to have them referred to alot, and then you find out what happened to them.

Character customization >.> I rather just play Revan or the Exile to be honest.. But yeah, K2 did it like that for 3 characters anyway..Visas, Mandalore, and Kreia. If you think about it, why did the Exile want to get Nihilus' mask? I know it was supposed to be explained in TSL, but they cut that out so it could be anything now. Perhaps Exile and Revan will just wear those costumes (even though that would be kinda silly?) I dunno.. I am just speculating.

And if you just heard tales of what they did, tell me how would you plan on finishing their storylines with Carth/Bastila, etc.? At the end of K3, I just want to feel closure to every major person's story, you know?

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OK, character customization for Revan and Exile as NPC's:

- could work, but I doubt the developers would bother with that. If they don't give us back Revan/Exile as the main character, then Revan/Exile won't appear at all. They will only be mentioned (but I still hope they give us back Revan as the main character and not just invent some story about what happened to him and let us hear it).

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My previous post still stands - if they don't bring either of the two back as main characters, then the only chance of actually seeing any of them will be a vision (where they will wear masks, so you don't see their faces), but the most likely possibility is that you will hear some lame story of what happened to them (If Revan/Exile don't get to be main characters again).

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It sounds bothersome I know but it seems to fit in for those who want a new PC and could help finish the Revan storyline.

There is a reason why it is called the Revan storyline, you know.


but the most likely possibility is that you will hear some lame story of what happened to them

Sadly, it seems like that we will.

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My previous post still stands - if they don't bring either of the two back as main characters, then the only chance of actually seeing any of them will be a vision (where they will wear masks, so you don't see their faces), but the most likely possibility is that you will hear some lame story of what happened to them (If Revan/Exile don't get to be main characters again).

God, I hope not :(. This is the probably the last of the Revan series, I have high expectations for it.

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I think a new character would be cool. I mean, not to say Revan or Exile are dumb ideas, I just think a new game should be fresh. If I had my way, I would incorporate some of the characters from both 1 and 2 and have the new character meet up with Revan or Exile, or both. They'd help "New Guy" with his(or her) quest, probably to stop the Sith since that seems to be the theme. They wouldn't be NPCs that the main character commands, but rather mentors or guides like Obi Wan was to Luke.


...Or maybe it could be Revan. Just have him(or her) start with "some" Force Powers, feats, and skills and play from there. Besides, I sure would like to where the "romance" part of the story goes.

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