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What You Want To Improve In KOTORIII

Diego Varen

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The overall stroyline should make since with the previous game, TSL didn't, if there is a cliff hanger ending then it should make since.

Walking, I can't stand when someone is running into someone else and when characters are left behind for no reason at all. There should be a point where all characters are needed in the party to complete the mission (the final mission for example). the villian should have a more explained background, i liked how K1 did that. HK-47 should fit his describtion as a Jedi assasin better. Finally, when the game starts the player should be just has clueless of his/her past as the charcter is, the exile knew stuff I didn;t

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5) No glitches. That's what beta testing is for, people. If you have to, take another month or two to work out all the bugs. I'm sick of 'I am broken, so bery very broken'. At least fix that one.

That 'bug' is actually from savegame editing.


Anyways, I'd like to see an entirely new, Odyssey or Electron-based engine for KotOR 3, I'd also like it to be complete, as in no cut content, whatsoever.

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While I appreciate OE attempt to address all of the "NPCs as Jedi" mods from the first game by making them trainable, I have to say that I would like it very much if it didn't return in K3. The only possible exception is you get a Padawan that you have to train over time.


In place of this noble effort, I would like to see some legitimate PrC type stuff in the next game. It would have been nice to make Mira and Hanharr actual bounty hunters or G0-T0 a crime boss. Hell, doesn't even have to be PrC, just multi-classing would be cool. Anyone with me on this one?


*waits patiently for Redhawke* :D

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*waits patiently for Redhawke* :D

Who? what? where? *looks around* :ninja2:


While I appreciate OE attempt to address all of the "NPCs as Jedi" mods from the first game by making them trainable

I am convinced OE did this just to spite me somehow! :xp:


Anyone with me on this one?

Well, you know I do like having a bunch of Jedi running around! But I am with you.


They could have done other things and gave us a choice on what we wanted the NPC to become (That is the whole point of influence IMO). Having the ability to have your CNPC's become a prestiege class would have been very helpful, it would also help to add further flavor to the characters. They don't all have to become Jedi to be cool or useful. ;)

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1. Better graphics.

This is going to come out for the 360 and PC. "I hope." If so, then I want it to have next-gen graphics. Both platforms could handle it. However I don't want them at the cost of gameplay for storyline.


2. Better A.I.


3. Real endings.

Lightside I can't think of a scenario at the moment. But for the DS, I want to be able to go back to each planet after I have beat the game, and rule my galaxy. I want people to bow down to me, react to me, fear me, for the Sith Lord that I had become.


4. I want the "true" Sith to be a part of the storyline.


5. New, better, unbelieveable animations.

And different ones for each lightsaber form. Also I would like to see my ranged party attacker dive on the ground, roll around a little bit, duck, anything that shows them dodging enemy fire, rather that just taking it up the tale pipe.


6. Custom robes, sabers, saber hilts, ect ect....

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What I wouldn't mind seeing improved in KoTOR 3:


1) The graphics - although I like the current look of KoTOR, I don't think that the third part should have the same look, or if it will have the same look, I wouldn't mind seeing better textures than some I saw in TSL (example: Vogga the Hutt and most of Peragus had very blurry textures even at the highest setting).


2) The bosses should definitely be harder to kill - I mean if a background story of a boss says that he's really, really powerful, then you shouldn't be able to kill him in 3-5 minutes tops (example: Darth Nihilus).


3) The feeling that it's really happening 4000 years before the movies - although KoTOR 1 did a very good job portraying this, TSL was not as good (example: The Ravager looks a lot like Darth Vader's Superstar Destroyer from ''The Empire Strikes back'', I would have bought the story if I hadn't heard that the Ravager was a Republic ship, but then it all went to hell).


4) The story - there have been numerous debates regarding the cut content in TSL and how the game was unfinished. I do know that KoTOR 1 had its share of cut content, but all the loopholes were filled and the game didn't appear unfinished. So, what I'm trying to say is that the game should have a great storyline and even if some content gets cut out, regardless of the reason, the loopholes should be filled, like they were in KoTOR 1.


Now, I know most of these things were already told, but I just wanted to say (write) what I thought and why.

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1. Story - deeper, true sith, longer.


2. Graphics - HL2 engine will do fine.


3. Planets - anything with purpose. Unlike korriban on K2 was just a past time. Perhaps a planet that has something to do with you or party members.


4. Party Members - some oldies from previous episodes will do but few new ones with interesting new classes with some connection.

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Your NPC's should be able to bring you home for dinner!


What I really mean is as the post above is there should be more direction to the planets visited based on party members or at least have sidequests based on them like in Kotor.


Obviously the influence/relationships this was such a great concept but woefully flawed in the final version.


I thought Sion was a great adversary and I was totally terrified of running into him, I loved the way he just taunts you till the end with your final battle and he was damn hard to fight unlike Kreia or Nihilus.


The thing that was hardest with Kreia is you just don't trust her from the word go and it's hard to spend time with her as you're expecting her to turn at any moment I prefer for it to be more of surprise as with Bastila. I would probably spend more time with the character then blissfully ignorant of the betrayal to come.


Better stuff for Women PC! Don't leave out our cool dialogue, intereaction etc just cause we're female. For instance even in Kotor the female soldier suit is all distorted compared to the male suit, and let's not forget the kissing.


Better choices in heads and clothing. This part of the game is underdeveloped, it's a fantasy you want to pretend to be the main character so obviously you want to look cool. Someone mentioned this before but I think an engine like the Sims 2 uses to customise faces and bodies wouldn't go amiss then you could really be unique.


Fullfillment, like others the end was just inadequate and made little sense. It's funny when you read Wookiepedia it's all so deep and meaningful but i didn't get half that sense from the actual game.


Testing! OMG the glitches in TSL really p'd me off the first time through I had to keep replaying areas to get cut scenes to play properly or because some interaction just made no sense at all. Never rush anything for christmas it's just wrong.


New Planets, Courascant has to be one! And since you're supposed to be going to unknown regions to find Revan (if the game follows on from TSL properly) then there should be new species and planets not seen before.


More mysteries to solve and less giving up your credits every five minutes just to be LS. I thought it was cool you could win the Twi'lek in a game of Pazaak instead of just having to pay for her or kill the guy.


Unlock secret areas. I think it would make repetative game play much more enjoyable if there were well hidden triggers for new areas things you might miss on a first play through because it's all new and everything is "shiny".


No more lonely treks. I like my NPC's stop taking them away from me especially at climax. I don't mind a big boss battle on my own but I like to know I can have my people again.


More Humour and random jokes especially depending on what configuration of NPCs you have at anyone time, I thought this was better in Kotor then TSL.


Here's a last thought, more NPC options which again would add to the re-gameplay so this time around you recruit X on Y planet which means you cannot alos recruit A on Y planet. Next time around you recruit A on Y planet and cannot have x. Instead of it being about male/female or DS/LS.


PS: I like the combat in Jade Empire, it's much tougher and battles last longer but you have more control over what you do. However the thumb bashing does get annoying. It would be nice to have some better control over the combat without it just being a bash fest. I know I'm a girl and if the fighting is way too hard then I get bored having to endlessly re-do battles to get through an area and makes me less likely to play the game again.

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1. A hotter romance. :hearteye:


(The romance on TSL really sucked. KOTOR was alright. let's hope KOTOR III will be better. :p)


2. More customizable characters. Should be able to change face like the sims. I guess clothes wouldn't really matter since you switch through armor from time to time.


3. A complete ending. :xp:

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Something else I thought of just now is kinda in the same category as customization. Moving hair. Being able to see your PCs hair blowing in the wind would be nice. And it would have to be long hair, something I noticed wasn't in either games. What was up with that? No female PCs with long pretty golden hair? Come on!

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Something else I thought of just now is kinda in the same category as customization. Moving hair. Being able to see your PCs hair blowing in the wind would be nice. And it would have to be long hair, something I noticed wasn't in either games. What was up with that? No female PCs with long pretty golden hair? Come on!

There can be no long flowing hair for the simple reason it would clip like crazy with the body models, and look bad. Hence why all the PC heads have cropped or tied up hairstyles.

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Id Like

*New Powers

*Better Graphics

*New Ship

*More SideQuests

*Aftergame Quests

*Riots(dark side)

*better films when kill bosses(id like 2 see a decapation)

*force pull(can unarm your oponent and get there weapon)

*fly the ebon hawk/other ship

*mind trick better(so u can actually do anything)

*combine moves(so u can coke and saber throw)

*choke twice(choke multiple enermys at once)

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