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AT-AP "Pod Walker"


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Everything is finished, well i have to do the .veh and .npc, anyone knows what kind of bullets does it shot? I have attached a bolt driver so that the first person camera will be over the seat, but i have to try it in game, animation samples:




PS.: The frames per second are distorted because of the conversion from .avi to .gif, and because i didnt set any custom fps making the renders, so dont worry, in game it will move ok.

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in-game shots ;):



The first person view from the vehicle works perfectly, i just forgot to make an screenshot.

Oh and dont worry about why the atap of the right have 1/4 of his foots in the floor, thats because on SP custom walkers doesnt work and when you look up and down the whole model moves, instead of only the head. In MP it works perfectly.

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The specular map is basically just a greyscaled version of your texture with increased brightness and contrast. The more contrast you give it the brighter it will shine when light is projected onto the surface.


The shader is also fairly easy:


       map models/players/modelfolder/texturename
       rgbGen lightingDiffuse
       map models/players/modelfolder/texturename_spec
       blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
       alphaGen lightingSpecular


Most of the time the specular texture is called exactly like the main texture with a "_spec" suffix attached.

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