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Why I hate Rakghouls


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You could try using ranged weapons and have the other NPCs fight melee...

I actually do the opposite where my NPCs have ranged weapons and I have the melee. Killer Revan on the loose and the funny thing is that I don't get infected by the rakghouls except for the infected outcasts. Woohoo to me! I don't know how I do it but I do.

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But the nice thing about KOTOR is the tranist system so after each fight you can go right back to your hideout and autoheal. ;)
Except that doesn't work. When youu transit back, the enemies in the area have re-spawned, so it's as if you never fought them in the first place.
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Think about it though, Rakgouls probably smells like sewer, they are buttt ugly, poisonous, and taste like poodoo.


Now consider Selkath, they smell like fish, sound like a broken speaker, still kinda ugly, but at least they would taste like fish!!!


Next time when you are at meneen, bring some kikkoman(soy sauce) and wasabi.

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I just jump in and start fighting usually aim for the Rakghouls though.


It's not that I find them particularly hard to kill especially when I've leveled up a few times running around Taris it's just the turning green I don't like and that they always seem to target me no matter what I make the NPCs do. I feel like it's personal lol

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